♡ I Don't Trust~Zonah ♡

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Ship(s): zonah (Jonah and Zach)

Prompt: Jonah is the most wanted criminal. Someone snitched and you won't believe who was the person who turned him in

Famous or nah: Jonah only

-3rd person POV-

Jonah breathed heavily as he shield his body with the brick wall. He needed to make a phone call. One last one before he would be locked away forever.

With a swift moment, Jonah grabbed his phone and dialed a number. Heavy pants escaping his Parted pink lips.

"Come on, come one," Jonah whispered under his breath as ringing kept coming from the device.

"Please, come on," Jonah mumbled under his breath as he re-dialed.

"Fuck," he whispered under his breath once no one picked up.

He quickly shut off his phone and threw it to the ground. Making sure the device was destroyed. Picking up the shattered device, he picked out the SIM card and made sure to destroy it as much as he could.

"Marais! You have five minutes to come from behind or we are allowed to use immediate action," a police officer called out with a mega phone.

"This is it," Jonah mumbled to himself. His breath picking up.

"I'm done, I've had a hell of a ride," he chuckled darkly to himself. "This is it for me," he said as he looked up into the dark sky that was littered with bright dots.

"I'm sorry momma," he whispered under his breath, looking up into heaven. He knew his momma wouldn't have been proud of his work but Jonah was left alone to fend for himself and his siblings. He had to do certain actions just to buy food. Not for himself, for his younger sisters. They were safely tucked away from everyone else. No trace of his DNA being suspected in them.

"Marais! Two minutes," the police officer said.

"See you soon father," Jonah sneered as he looked below the ground. Nothing but painful memories came to mind as he thought of the man he was forced to obey and call father.

"Take care of them," Jonah said as he looked up into the building. His older brother nodded, tears in his eyes. Jonah took all the hits. Jonah has a special place for his family. Family meant everything to Jonah. It was one of his two weak spots.

"Love you all," Jonah mouthed to his siblings who all appeared at the window. Tears threaten to come out. It would be the last time he saw them. He couldn't have anyone coming to see him. He wasn't willing to risk it. His siblings needed a better life than him. And Jonah would go to extreme measures to have that happen. He in fact did go to extreme measures to have that happen.

With a final breath, he made a heart to them. And saluted them as he then put his hands behind his head. An act of surrender. He was Turing himself in. No point in fighting anymore.

And with that, he walked out of hiding. His back facing the cops. He watched heartbroken as his siblings sobbed. The scene heartbreaking as they saw their hero being forced to the ground. Defenseless. The gun being pulled away from him as they took his arms behind his back and handcuffed him. Making sure to pat down every inch of his body.

"Good luck defending yourself at court this time," a police officer chuckled as he stood up Jonah.

All other cops being further away. A specific someone standing next to one.

The policeman left jonah standing in the middle as he walked back over. Jonah's back still faced to the cops.

"Turn around and walk towards us with your head down," someone called out as Jonah obeyed.

Once he was five feet apart, he stopped.

"Look up," someone called out.

With a deep breath, Jonah looked up. His face dropped immediately as he saw the one person he trusted in his life standing next to a cop. The love of his life was there, standing with tears sliding down his pink tinted cheeks. His lips parted as he saw jonah all bruised up.

Jonah looked up and blinked rapidly. His Adam's Apple bobbing from the sob that he refused to let out. He had never felt like such a clown until now. Jonah's trust levels immediately dropped within all of humanity. He felt absolutely embarrassed. His other weak spot standing right there.

His actions being seen by all the cops. All their lips parted. So he does have feelings, they all thought. Everyone glanced at the short Burnett.

A policewoman walked up to Jonah and began to lead him to a car.

"Can I say a few words to him before I leave?" Jonah asked, shooting his shot.

"Listen, I never allow this. But I'm sure you know you'll be locked away forever. And from the looks of it, you definitely trusted that guy. He turned his back on you. We all saw the pain on your face. We all felt for you believe it or not. We all know your history. So I'll let this slide," the woman said as she swiftly turned directions.

"Jonah," Zach squeaked out once a bloody Jonah stood before him.

Jonah's eyebrow had a slit. His right eye purple. His cheek held a bruise. Blood dripped from his mouth and lip causing his neck to be red as he had smeared the blood every time it began to become to much for him.

"Out of everyone," Jonah started as he shook his head.

"I never thought of you," Jonah chuckled darkly. "I've never felt more like like such a damn fucking clown until now," Jonah said as he shook his head.

"I told you my life story! You were my other only weakness," Jonah said as he licked his lips.

"Never visit me. Never think of me. Never talk to me." Jonah seethed harashly making Zach flinch.

"Jonah, I," Zach started.

"I don't wanna hear it. After everything, especially after you pulled this bullshit, you know now why," Jonah said as he looked up into the sky.

"I don't trust," he ended. His last words ever said to Zach as he was pulled away. He looked back at Zach over his shoulder as Zach cried. A tear sliding Jonah's cheek. All cops in state of shock. They all looked at Zach, never did they know that a short Burnett could ever break the most wanted criminal in the world.

Shout out to TIK TOK for giving me this idea 😎I spend way to much time on that damn app tho 😔

Sorry for not updating. My life has been hectic the past week 😩



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Also I haven't done a wdw one shot with all the boys in a hot minute so give me ideas for one please, I would greatly appreciate it :) ☺️

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