♡ With You By My Side~Donah ♡

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Ship(s): Donah (Daniel and Jonah)

Prompt: it's Daniel's birthday and Jonah wants to ask him out

Famous or nah: famous

-Jonah's POV-

Shit. Shit. Holy fucking shit. Kill me now.

You might be wondering why I'm saying all that. Well let's start from the beginning of the day. On this day, this special day.

~beginning of day~

"Jo! Jo! Wake up!" I heard someone whisper yell in my ear as I slept peacefully.

"What the fuck do you want?" I groaned out.

"For you to wake up, that's what I want," I heard the voice say.

"For you to fuck off is what I want,"I retorted causing them to grab a pillow from my bed and smack my back with it causing me to groan.

"Jonah you fucking tree, will you get the fuck up so we can sing happy birthday to Daniel before he wakes up," the voice said causing me to peak my eye open and see that it was Corbyn.

"Oh yea!" I realized, causing me to jump out of bed in my boxers.

After I got dressed, we sang happy birthday to Daniel then gave him all our gifts. Next, Jack took him out as the rest of us and our family and friends planned his surprise birthday party. His family was here secretly. The boys and I decided that this was going to be his big birthday gift.

~at the party~

Music blared through the whole house that we had rented for Daniel's birthday party. Tonight was the night I was going to tell Daniel. I was going to tell him my true feelings for him. I've been hiding them for to long. And even though he's bisexual and I'm out of his league, imma go for it. It will probably blow up in my face but I can't keep hiding anymore.

So with that state in mind, I squeezed my way through the crowd of drunk people. Some practically doing it in the middle of the dance floor. I gagged a couple of times watching as some people actually didn't give a fuck and we're doing it.

I stood outside the sliding door staring at Daniel as he talked to a dude. My eyebrows furrowed as the guy began getting a little to handsy with Daniel.

My heart broke once the guy leaned in and began kissing Daniel.

"Jonah," I heard a voice say from beside me.

I looked at the person beside me with tears In my eyes. The person being Jack.

"Hey Jonah are you alri-" jack didn't get to finish his sentence due to me sprinting out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I ran into a random room. My heart broken.

"Jonah! What's wrong buddy?" I heard jack ask me. He followed me. I should have known.

"I- um I-," I couldn't speak due to my sobbing.

"Hey, calm down first ok. Take deep breaths," he said as I nodded and began doing what he instructed me to do.

"Now explain," he stated once my sobs slowed down.

I nodded and began explaining to him.

"Ok so I love Daniel. And today I was going to tell him. But as I was heading towards his way, a guy was talking to him. Then he began getting touchy. And then the guy kissed him. My heart broke. I love him. I should be the one kissing him." I confessed as jack looked at me.

"I fucking knew it. Zach owns me $200. I knew you liked Daniel!" He exclaimed as I looked at him with a straight face.

"Ok ok. The guy was just using Daniel. Daniel doesn't like him. The guy just did to get his friend to take a pic so he could post it. As soon as the guy touched Daniel's lips with his and Daniel progressed it, Daniel immediately pushed him off." Jack explained as my jaw dropped.

"Imma get Daniel up here so you can confess to him," said jack and before I could protest, he was already out the door.

Soon Daniel walked in with a confused look on his face.

"Jack said you wanted me up here?" He said but it sounded more like a question. I nodded at him.

"I'm just gonna say it," I told him as he nodded, telling me to continue.  I took a deep breath and let it out.

"I love you Daniel. Like more then a friend," I confessed.

~Present time~

I waited for a reaction from Daniel. He just looked at me in shock.

"I love you too," he finally said and it was my turn to look at him In Shock.

But it quickly disappeared as I smiled at him then pulled him into a kiss.

"Happy birthday Daniel. I hope 20 treats you well," I told him.

"It will," he passed.

"As long as you are by my side," he finished and pulled me into a kiss which I gladly accepted.


Happy fucking birthday to my giraffe. I love him so much.

Happy 20th birthday to this amazing boy who really isn't a boy anymore. I hope today was filled with nothing but happiness, love, smiles, and hugs. We don't deserve you, the world doesn't deserve you. I'm so sorry I couldn't be at this show, I was suppose to go but life happens. I love you so much   ♥️♥️

Question: can you comment happy birthday to Daniel?!

My answer: hopefully you can ;)

My answer: hopefully you can ;)

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