Chapter Fifteen

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Friday, lunchtime
Cafeteria, University of Seoul

Jisoo approached the table when they were almost done with lunch. This time, Lisa was able to control her curiosity and not ask where Jennie was.

Jisoo wasn't that observant when it comes to things. But she couldn't avoid not noticing how often Lisa and Jennie didn't talk anymore. They were more likely just greetings if they happened to pass by each other. They'd still watch movies together, but it was never the same as it was before. Maybe because Jennie was always on her phone with Ten all the time. The brunette had been avoiding her recently since she started dating Ten. They had small talks. But only that.

At least, Lisa found the time to work on her manuscript. Few chapters left and she'd be done before the holidays. But she was still hesitating on the ending she wished to write.

"Where's Jennie?" Taehyung then asked, waking the thai from her dreary thoughts.

"She's feeling under the weather today. She's probably at home," Jisoo replied. Then they all looked at Lisa. Lisa had literally no idea.

Hours later, late afternoon
Chahee's apartment

The moment Lisa arrived at their apartment after her shift, she immediately knocked on Jennie's door.

"It's open!" Jennie shouted weakly from the inside. Lisa pushed the door open.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Lisa asked, seeing a sickly Jennie in her pajamas and hoodie. She was huddled up in her blankets and Bach was playing in the background.

Lisa walked towards the bed and reached out to touch Jennie's forehead. She was fairly hot.

Jennie flinched from her touch so the thai removed her hand. Jennie then replied, "I'm okay... I just needed some time off."

"You don't look okay."

"So are you a doctor now?" Jennie was now smirking.

Man, she looked so adorable trying to kid around while sick, Lisa thought.

Lisa grinned. "Have you taken any meds?"

Jennie sighed. "I ran out. And I feel too weak to get out of bed."

Lisa hurriedly left her bedroom and grabbed some tablets from her medicine cabinet. Then she returned to Jennie's bedroom with a bottle of water.

After Jennie had taken the medicine, Lisa couldn't help but ask. "Where's Ten?"

Jennie lay down on her bed and snuggled in her sheets. "He's away for internship and will be back by Monday."

Lisa couldn't help but feel slightly happy. She knew she had no right.

"Have you eaten yet?" Lisa asked.

Jennie then pointed to some unwrapped vegan crackers on her bedside table.

"Wait here," Lisa said.

"As if I'm going anywhere," Jennie cooed. The thai chuckled on her answer as she left her bedroom.

Twenty minutes later
Jennie's bedroom

Lisa came inside the room with a tray filled with boiling bowl of soup and a plate of toasted potatoes.

"This is completely vegan," Lisa hurriedly added upon seeing Jennie eye her meal.

Jennie laughed as she began to eat. "This is so good, Lisa... Thank you."

This is okay, Lisa thought. It's completely normal to take care of your friend when she's sick.

Two hours later
Jennie's bedroom

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