Movie Night (Billie Eilish)

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Story Type: Fluff

Hey! Come back here with that popcorn!" Billie shouted from the kitchen. She raced into the living room, where her brother, Finneas, was across the room, behind a chair. Y/N bursted out laughing at Billie stared him down. "You'll never catch me!" Finneas said smugly, clutching the large bowl of popcorn. "You two are acting like children!" Y/N said, still laughing. "Well, tell him to give me the popcorn so we can start the movie!" Billie exclaimed. "No way! Who needs a movie when I can watch this?" Y/N retaliated. They watched and smiled as Billie advanced closer to Finneas, as he stood on guard, ready to move again. "C'mon, Bil, you got this!" Y/N cheered. They loved their girlfriend to death, especially when she acted like this. Billie lunged forward onto the chair and tried to swipe the bowl, but only succeeded in knocking it onto the floor. "It's all your fault, Finneas!" Y/N exclaimed, trying to stifle more laughter. "Me? How? She knocked it out of my hands!" Finneas said, pointing at Billie. "You stole it from me in the first place!" Billie retaliated. They were about to start playfully wrestling as Y/N held up their hand. "That's enough, you two. Let's get this mess cleaned up so we can watch our movie." "Yes, mom." Finneas said, causing Y/N to laugh. They got up and helped the siblings put all the spilled popcorn back into the bowl, then set it on the coffee table. Finneas sat in a chair, while Y/N and Billie cuddled up together on the couch. Billie started the movie, and they all grabbed handfuls of popcorn to eat.
Halfway through the movie, Y/N glanced over at Billie, who seemed very attached to the movie. "Earth to Billie." They said, snapping their fingers. "What?" She asked, turning to look at them. "You seem really attached to this movie." Y/N told her, giggling. "So what?" She asked, a smile creeping onto her face. "Nothing! I just wanted to comment on it." I replied. Billie leaned in and kissed Y/N before saying, "You're such a goof, but a mom type at the same time. And I love you for it." "You're pretty goofy yourself." Y/N said, chuckling as they kissed her again. The couple proceeded to continue kissing, until they were having a gentle make-out session. This went on for several minutes until Finneas said loudly, "Get a room!" They both turned to him and chuckled nervously. "That's what happens when you're in love." Y/N told him, taking Billie's hand in theirs. He opened his mouth to speak, but bursted out laughing instead, and the couple shortly followed.
They all continued watching the movie in peace, then it was over. "I loved that!" Billie said, getting up and turning the lights back on. "Especially when I had to watch my sister make-out with Y/N." Finneas added. "Oh, shut up!" Billie yelled playfully, throwing a popcorn kernel at him. She went into the kitchen with the bowl in hand, and Y/N followed. "Your sibling rivalry is so funny." Y/N told her, hugging her from behind as she washed the bowl. "It's funny I unless you're in it. Then it's just annoying." Billie said. After a moment of silence, she asked, "Do you want to play a prank on Finneas with me?" "Yeah!" Y/N agreed, grinning in anticipation. "Go around the opposite way and scare him from behind. I think he's still in the chair." Billie whispered. "I'll distract him from the front." "You're such an evil sister!" Y/N said, PLAYFULLY slapping her shoulder. "But I'm in." They added, giggling. Billie smiled as she left the kitchen and started talking to Finneas, as Y/N went through the hall behind the stairs and around to his chair, where he still sat. They slowly tiptoed up close behind him, and Billie bit her lip, trying to hide a smile. Before Finneas could ask why she was doing that, Y/N threw their hands on his shoulders and yelped loudly. He let out a small scream as he flew out of his chair and spun around to face Y/N, who was laughing hysterically along with Billie. "You made her do that." He stated, looking at Billie. "Yep." She said, smirking. "Don't get any ideas!" Y/N told him, running to Billie and shielding her. She leaned forward and kissed their cheek, and they giggled and kissed her lips in return. "I guess I'll be chasing both of you now." Finneas said. They both looked quizzical, but then he charged forward after them. They both squealed and took off across the house, hand in hand, ending the night as it had started.

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