The Steam-Filled Room (Dolph Lundgren)

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Story Type: Smut

Y/N stood under the shower, letting the water fall onto their face like a gentle waterfall. They'd had a long day at work, and nothing relaxed them more than a relaxing shower. As they were about lost in their thoughts, they suddenly remembered they had forgotten to get out a towel and hang it next to the shower. "Hey babe?" They called, poking their head outside the curtain. "Can you bring me a towel? I forgot to get one!" "Sure thing!" Dolph's voice called back from the bedroom. Y/N pulled the curtain back again and stepped under the water as they heard Dolph's footsteps enter the bathroom. "Thanks!" They said to him, poking their head out again and smiling. "No problem." He said looking at them and smiling back. "While you're in here, would you mind scrubbing my back for me? You know how difficult it can be to reach all the angles by yourself." They said. "Sure, why not?" He agreed. Y/N squirted some soap onto a body pouf, then handed it to Dolph, turning their back towards him. Instead of feeling the pouf on their back, they felt kissed being placed on their neck. "What are you doing?" Y/N asked, giggling. "What does it look like?" He asked in return, breathing into their neck. "Well, are you going to wash my back or are you going to get frisky?" They wanted to know, grinning. "I'll take the latter." He answered, before going up and kissing their cheek. He wrapped his arms around their torso as Y/N leaned into him. "I want you to much right now." Dolph whispered into their ear, sending shivers up their spine. Y/N shook him off and turned around to face him. After standing in silence for a few moments, they asked, "Are you going to just stand there or are you getting in?" Dolph grinned mischievously as they stepped back under the water, hidden from sight on the other side. They bit their lip in anticipation as they heard the curtain rustling from the opposite side. They suddenly felt strong arms wrap around them from the front as they were pushed back against the wall with a thump. "You're not being so reluctant now, are you?" He asked in an alluring tone. Y/N realized they were pinned on both sides as they said, "You bet I'm not." Within seconds, they felt Dolph thrust into them, as they pulled him in for a kiss. They felt his hands move to their backside as they were lifted off the shower floor. They wrapped their legs around him as he started pounding into them, keeping a grip on his shoulders so they wouldn't lose balance. "I bet this wasn't a shower you were expecting." Dolph told them, chuckling. "You're right. I couldn't have imagined it'd be this amazing." Y/N said. "C'mon, can't someone like you fuck harder than that?" They added a few moments later. Without warning, his paces became much faster, causing Y/N to yelp in surprise. "That's more like it." They said. Dolph looked right into their eyes and smirked, as his breathing got faster, too. A few minutes later, Y/N managed to gasp out, "I'm...going to cum soon." "Already?" He asked, chuckling again. They rolled their eyes before they reached orgasm, causing them to moan in pleasure. After the ecstacy had passed, Dolph put Y/N back on the floor as they shared a passionate kiss. "Round 2?" He asked, a glimmer in his eyes. "I thought you'd never ask." They replied happily. "Turn around." He ordered, to which Y/N complied. A moment later, they felt him slide in again, but through the backside this time. "You sure know how to make your partner happy." They commented as Dolph kissed their shoulder. "Not as much as you." He said. "The way that you're always willing to open your legs for me, and the way you moan in my ear as you cum for me, drives me wild." He whispered huskily in their ear. "It's your fault for being so damn persuasive and alluring." They told him. A few minutes later, Dolph leaned heavier info Y/N, signaling his orgasm was near. Sure enough, they soon felt it as it happened, as his breathing hitched and he moaned softly.
After pulling out, Y/N turned around and guided him under the water, embracing for another kiss under the warm shower. "I love you so much, baby. Never forget it." Dolph said gently, running his hands over Y/N's body. "Only if you never forget how much I love you back." They said, smirking as he leaned in to kiss them again. "Now's it's your turn to get me a towel." Dolph said playfully as Y/N stepped out of the shower. "Sure thing! Just don't ask me to scrub your back for you." They said, winking. They both chuckled as the steam slowly drifted out of the room, leaving them both happy and satisfied.

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