Drunken Confessions and...Other Things (young! Peter Capaldi)

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Story Type: Smut

WARNING!! This smut contains the daddy kink and other kinks. Proceed with caution.

Requested by AgnethaCherBrosnan :>

It was pouring rain when Y/N pulled their car into their friend's driveway on a Saturday night. F/N (friend's name) was hosting a get-together for her closest friends, and of course Y/N was invited. After they'd gotten out of the car and dashed through the rain to the front door, they quickly went inside since the door was already open. About 15 people were standing around in the living room and kitchen, eating, drinking, and talking with each other. "Y/N! I'm so glad you're here!" F/N exclaimed as she noticed them by the door. "It's so good to see you!" Y/N told her, hugging her. "You're all damp! Let me take your coat so you can go warm up." F/N said, to which Y/N agreed. As F/N went to hang up their coat, they wandered into the living room where a serve yourself bar was set up. They made themselves a drink and sat down in a chair nearby, since they didn't recognize anyone else there so far. "Y/N?" They heard a voice ask from behind. Y/N quickly spun around to see a familiar face. "Peter?" They asked, in shock. "Y/N! I knew it was you!" He exclaimed, a look of joy coming over his face. "How did you end up here?" Y/N asked, confused but also taken aback since it had been many years since they'd seen him. "It's quite simple. I also stayed friends with F/N after high school." Peter replied. "That makes sense." Y/N said. "But it's been so long since I've seen you...I feel so nostalgic just seeing your face." "Is it good or bad nostalgia?" He asked jokingly. "You haven't changed a bit, and I love it." They said, getting up and hugging him, to which he returned. Just looking at him, Y/N felt all the old feelings they felt for him back in high school. They were always friends since they started sharing classes, but he never knew they had a secret crush on him. And those feelings were still very strong in them. But they still wouldn't dare to tell him, lest they ruined a nostalgic friendship. "Can I fix you another drink?" Peter asked them. "Sure!" They agreed, realizing their glass was almost empty already. Together, they went to the bar and Peter made them both fresh drinks. "Hopefully no one thinks I'm a drunk seeing me with my 3rd glass." Peter said, chuckling lightly. "That's what parties are for, right?" Y/N asked, smiling at him.

Over the course of the evening, Y/N and Peter caught each other up on their current lives. They drank the entire time as well, so by the time the party was ending, they were both too drunk to stand up straight. "Of all people, I wasn't expecting you two to get smashed." F/N said. "How do you think you're going to get home in that condition?" "Call an Uber?" Y/N suggested, holding onto Peter's shoulder for support. "I wanna take Peter back to my place cause we're still catching up." "I'll call one for you, and you guys can come back and get your vehicles in the morning." F/N said, pulling out their phone. The intoxicated couple sat down on the couch together as they waited for their Uber. "Can I just...say something?" Peter asked. Y/N nodded. "Would you believe me if I said I was extremely attracted to you?" He questioned. "I... I'm not sure." Y/N answered, chuckling. "That would make my dreams come true sort of, seeing as how I still have feelings for you from high school." They didn't even notice that they casually spilled out their secret. "You had feelings for in high school? Wow-" Peter trailed off. "Yeah, and I guess I still do. Maybe that's weird of me but it is what it is." Y/N said. "So, we're two single, longtime friends. I think I'd like it to be more than that." Peter told them, smirking. Without thinking, Y/N moved up against him and pressed their lips to his. Peter didn't reject, instead he held the kiss and ran his hands across Y/N's back. "How can I sense that you already have a hard-on?" Y/N asked, laughing as their head fell onto his shoulder. "I'm not sure about that, but I am sure you can fix it for me." He whispered into their ear, before nipping their jaw lightly. Y/N grinned and let him do it, until they heard a car pull into the driveway. "That's our ride." They told Peter, pushing away from him and going to the door. "I hope I can last the whole ride before tearing your clothes off." He said quietly to them, running his hand over the back of their neck. Feeling flustered, Y/N couldn't find anything to say, and went out the door and got into their Uber, Peter following behind them. The entire ride, they held hands and drunkenly talked, both anticipating the steamy night ahead.

As soon as the couple entered Y/N's home, they were all over each other. Peter backed Y/N onto the couch as they both fell onto it. Peter started sucking on Y/N's neck, causing them to moan a little. He slowly trailed down to their collarbone and chest, biting and licking gently. "P-please...I need you." Y/N stuttered, their arousal growing by the second. "What's the magic word?" Peter asked, pausing and looking into their eyes. "I said please-" They told him, confused. "Yes, but how are you supposed to address me? Surely you can guess." He said, smirking. "D...daddy? I need you, daddy." They whispered. "That's better." He said, gently biting their jaw before sitting upright to pull theirs and his clothes off. "So, I was right about that hard on." Y/N said, smirking while looking at his erect cock. "And I was right about you being able to fix it, with that beautiful body of yours." He told them, taking in every inch of them. "Then why don't you fuck me already? I can't hold out for that much time." Y/N said impatiently. "Being needy isn't going to get you anywhere, kitten." Peter said, running his fingers down their body. "Before I make you scream and cry, I have one rule. No being needy or I'll have to punish you. Have you got that?" He asked. "Yes." Y/N said simply, desperately hoping he'd start then. "Don't scream too loud. You do have neighbors." Peter said, biting his lip before abruptly thrusting into them. Y/N yelped as he ran his tongue over their collarbone, before sucking on it gently so as not to hurt them. They ran their fingers through his hair as they took in every thrust and move he made, a dream finally coming true. Peter made his way up, placing kisses on their lips, cheeks, and neck as he started thrusting even harder. "You're so good, daddy." Y/N moaned, feeling their orgasm arise already but tried holding it back so he would be inside them for longer. "I could tell you were a horny slut before we even got the Uber." He said, leaning in close to their ear. "Don't forget about me knowing that big of cock of yours was hard for me." Y/N told him, smirking. "How could it not be?" He asked, straightening himself to look at them. Y/N wrapped their legs around his waist and caressed their hands across his face. "I never thought I'd be here right now." They said. "I couldn't have dreamed of anything better myself." Peter said, thrusting even harder and deeper into them. "I held it back but I can't anymore." Y/N panted a moment later. "It's okay, kitten, you can come for me now." He said, placing a kiss on their lips. Moments later, Y/N cried out louder then they anticipated as they orgasmed. "You sound so beautiful when you moan and cry." Peter told them, whispering into their ear. "Now it's my turn to come for you." Then a few more moments later, Y/N felt him orgasm, his cum filling their insides. His moaning filled their ears with a pleasure of their own as they enjoyed every moment. As his thrusting slowed to a stop, the couple panting for breath, Y/N watched as pulled out with lustful eyes. "Round 2, daddy?" They asked. "What did I say about being needy?" Peter asked. "Oh...I... I'm sorry.." Y/N stuttered. "It's too late for that. I also plan on keeping my word about punishment." He said, cupping their jaw in his hand and making them look at him. "What ads you going to do?" They asked, excited but also nervous. "Lay down on your stomach." He ordered, letting go of their jaw as they did as he ordered. After a moment of silence and stillness, they felt his hand come down hard on their bottom. Y/N yelped out of pleasure and pain at the surprise of it happening. "You seemed to like that for it being a punishment." Peter said, before spanking them a 2nd time, harder. Y/N bit their lip, trying not to let him know that they were actually enjoying it. After a 3rd spank, Peter rubbed where his hand had come down before saying, "You can turn around again." They did as he said, then stared into his eyes as he kissed them passionately. "I think that's enough for tonight, don't you?" He asked. "Yeah, round 2 can wait for a different time." Y/N agreed, running their hand through his hair. "I also think I'll admit I actually enjoyed that punishment." "I can't even be mad about that". Peter said, chuckling as he kissed them again.
The rest of the evening they would spend in each other's arms, not worrying about any explaining that may come the day.

Word Count: 1,700

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