Own My Mind (Dolph Lundgren)

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Story type: Smut


Spit/licking, daddy kink, rough sex

A/N: I'm keeping this gender neutral as always, but I'm trying out first person POV since I find it easier to write that way! And sorry for going on a year long hiatus, I haven't had any motivation for this 😭

"Do you really need me to go?" I asked F/N (friend's name). "Yes, I do! I have no one else to go with and I don't want to go by myself" they said. "But you know I don't like parties! It won't even be any fun with me there." I protested. "It will be! I'll make you socialize and have some fun!" F/N insisted. I rolled my eyes but remained quiet. I really didn't like noisy, crowded parties, but I would do it for F/N. "Now, are you ready?" F/N asked. "Yeah, I guess so." I replied. We then went out the door to my car, and we headed to the party.

A while later, I barely managed to find a place to park in the front yard of the house where the party was taking place. There were cars all down the driveway and scattered around the yard. "Look how many people are here! This is going to be great!" F/N said enthusiastically, quickly getting out of the car and running to the house, with me following behind. As we entered the large house, it was chaos everywhere. People were dancing, standing around, talking, and drinking. The lights were dim and club like lights bounced around. I even saw a few couples making out in corners, and the music was blasting quite loudly. I quickly realized this is why I didn't go to parties. "Don't just stand there! Go around and socialize!" F/N prompted me, leading me into the living room area. I just wanted to stick with them, but they quickly disappeared into the sea of people. I sighed and decided I would just be the wallflower of the party, as always. As I pushed my way around to the nearest wall, someone ran into me from the side and knocked me to the floor. I glared up to see who the culprit was, and my eyes laid upon the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen. He was tall, with beautiful blond hair, crystal blue eyes, and very well built. "Are you alright?" He asked in an alluring accent, breaking me out of my trance. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I replied, my anger melting. He held a hand towards me, to which I took and he helped me back up. "I'm so sorry that happened! I guess I got a little carried away shoving my way through." The man said. "It's okay, I understand." I said, flashing him a small smile. All of a sudden this party didn't seem too bad. "The name's Dolph." He said, offering to shake my hand. "I'm Y/N." I accepted his hand shake. His strong grip made my stomach flop. "Snap out of it." I told myself. I then realized I was still holding his hand. "Sorry." I mumbled awkwardly, dropping his hand. "Do you want to grab a drink? I've been looking for someone to hang out with all night." Dolph asked. "Sure!" I agreed. I was stuck at this party, why wouldn't I want to be in the company of this sexy man? Dolph used his large stature to get past all the people, which made it easier for me to pass as well. We made our way to the kitchen where the bar was set up and we both ordered our drinks. Feeling a bit shy, I didn't say anything to Dolph and just stared off into space. After a moment, I felt like someone was watching me, so I glanced over to find it was Dolph. I raised an eyebrow quizzically and he mumbled "Sorry." And quickly looked away. I felt a bit of sexual tension in the air, but blew it off and waited until my drink was ready.

A while passed, and me and Dolph were still together, leaning against a wall and chatting over the loud music. The sexual tension was growing between us, to the point I couldn't ignore it anymore. "Is it just me, or is there a tension here?" I asked, looking up at him. "The tension of me wanting to rail you? Definitely." Dolph replied, looking back at me. I was in shock, staying silent for a moment to think about what I wanted to do. I looked him over up and down, his godly facial features to the way his shirt sleeves hugged his muscular arms. I decided I wanted him as much as he wanted me. "Why do you have to wish for it?" I quipped, smirking. It was Dolph's turn to be shocked, as he stood in silence with his eyes widened. After a moment he said "Let's go find a room upstairs." He took my hand and led me up the staircase to the 2nd floor of the house, where we found an unoccupied bedroom. I swiftly shut the door and locked it behind us, then turned back to him with a smirk on my face. "Come here, baby." Dolph said alluringly, reaching his hands out to me. I immediately obeyed and came to him, and he started hungrily kissing me. I ran my hands through his hair as the kisses became deeper and more passionate. His large hands found their way under my shirt, his fingertips sending electric up my spine. His tongue entered my mouth as I started to undo his belt buckle, eager to see his body with nothing on. His hands travelled down my back to the waistband of my pants, reaching into them and squeezing my ass. I gasped in shock at the feeling, before getting his belt undone and hastily pulling his pants off. "You really are horny, aren't you?" Dolph asked in a teasing tone, breaking the kiss as he pulled my shirt off. "Yes." Was all I could reply, feeling breathless already. "Let's fix that." He said softly, moving backwards to a nearby chair and pulling me with him. I tore off his shirt before he could sit in the chair, so I could admire the gorgeous body in front of me. I couldn't help but run my hands over his arms, down his chest and abs, to the waistband of his boxers. "C'mon, take them off. You know you want to." He whispered into my ear. Without anymore hesitation, I pulled them off, revealing his huge cock. I bit my lip as I stood in awe, till Dolph said "My turn." And pulled my pants off, leaving us both completely naked. He sat down in the chair with me standing above him and gazed at my body. Without saying anything, he pulled me into his lap and started making out with me again, this time his kisses trailing down my jaw and onto my neck, sucking at the skin. I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning already. I didn't want him to think I was needy. After a moment, I caught sight of his muscular thighs and knew what I wanted to do. I broke away from his kisses and placed myself on his thigh, grinding on it slowly. "Oh fuck." Dolph groaned, holding onto my hips with his strong hands as I started grinding faster, to the point I was basically fucking his thigh. He then moved one of his hands and put it to his cock, stroking it slowly as he watched me fuck myself on his thigh. I put my hands on his shoulders to give myself more stability, in turn watching him pleasure himself. This went on for several minutes, both of our paces growing faster and faster till I managed to gasp out "I'm gonna come." Moments later, I couldn't hold it in anymore and moaned loudly as I came all over him. A few more moments after I finished, Dolph started moaning, which sounded like heaven with his accent, as he came too and squirted on himself and me. "Would you clean up that mess you made me make, baby?" He asked. "Yes, daddy." I said, getting off his thigh as fast as I could and kneeling down in front of him, lapping up all his cum that I could find. Then I couldn't help myself. I put my tongue to his abs and started licking and kissing all the way up his toned body, up to his jawline and back on his lips, my tongue quickly going into his mouth. "I get the feeling you want a round 2." Dolph said, breaking the kiss momentarily. "Absolutely." I said. We started kissing again as he stood up and pushed me to the bed. I fell onto my back as he climbed on top of me, immediately working on leaving hickeys down my neck and chest. Without warning, I felt his cock slide into me, causing me to gasp and then moan in pleasure, not caring if I seemed needy or not anymore. He started off slow, but continuously thrusted harder until he was railing me like he said he wanted to. My legs were shaking around his waist as I held onto his back, taking in every thrust. Dolph then pulled my mouth open with his thumb and spit into my mouth, to which I immediately swallowed. "Do that again." I said in a more needy sounding tone than I intended. Without saying anything, he complied, causing me to moan again. "Oh fuck... I'm gonna come soon." Dolph said a minute later, as he pounded into me harder than I could've ever imagined. "Don't pull out." I told him. "I want to feel you come in me." He must've liked that idea cause moments later he was moaning loudly and filling me up, which led me to my own climax. After we both caught our breath, he pulled out and laid down next to me. "This was by far the best party I've ever attended." I told him, chuckling lightly. "And it doesn't have to be the last one." Dolph said, smirking at me. We then exchanged phone numbers and put our clothes back on. "What do we tell anyone who notices we were gone?" I asked him, resting my hands on his shoulders. "We were getting to know each better." He said, laughing. I laughed along with him as we shared a kiss, then went back out to the party that made me change my opinion on parties forever.

The end.

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