Not "Just Friends" (Shayne Topp)

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Story Type: Fluff

"They'll love you! Why are you so nervous?" Shayne asked Y/N as they drove down the street. "How do you know that? They've never even seen me before." Y/N pointed out. "I've told them stories about you, and they loved you then! So I don't see why they wouldn't when they finally meet you." Shayne insisted. Y/N sighed and wrung their hands together. Their best friend, Shayne, was taking them to the Smosh studio to meet the squad. They were excited to meet all his friends, but they were also nervous that they wouldn't like them, even though Shayne was insistent they would. He had already met all of Y/N's friends, so they agreed to meet his. They glanced over at Shayne, who was focused on the road. They had developed the tiniest crush on him in the last few weeks, but they never said anything, as they didn't want to lose hai friendship over it. It wasn't a very strong feeling anyway, but it was strong enough that their heart would flutter every time he smiled. Y/N sighed again as Shayne pulled into the parking lot and found a space. "Are you ready?" He asked, looking at them. "As ready as I'll ever be." Y/N replied. He smiled affectionately at them before getting out of the car. Their heart fluttered right on cue as they also got out of the car and went with him to the entrance. As they walked inside, Shayne guided Y/N to a room towards the back of the building, which appeared to be a break room. "Hey guys!" He said. A group of people all turned their heads to look at him. "Hey, look! Shayne brought his new partner!" A dark haired man exclaimed. Y/N's eyes widened as they looked to Shayne, confused. "Oh, it is! So, when's the wedding?" A woman asked, giggling. "Okay guys, you can stop now." Shayne said, sounding slightly irritated. "Y/N, this is Damien, Jackie, Courtney, Keith, Noah, Ian, Olivia, and Tommy!" "It's so nice to meet you all." Y/N said, smiling. They tried their best to not appear confused and uncomfortable over their comments. "Come over, sit down!" Courtney said, beckoning them over. Y/N took a seat at the round table in between Shayne and Ian. "Shayne's been saying a lot about you lately." Ian said. "Is that so?" Y/N asked, quickly shooting a glare at Shayne. They didn't know what he had been telling them, but Y/N didn't like the way it sounded. "Yeah! He pretty much just says what a nice person you are, that you're his best friend, all that friendship stuff." Ian replied. Suddenly, Tommy and Damien started chuckling. "What's so funny?" Courtney asked them. "Oh.... nothing." Tommy answered, clearly trying to stifle a laugh. "Obviously it's something. Let us in on the joke!" Jackie insisted. "If you must know, we were laughing at how inaccurate Ian's description of Shayne talking about Y/N was." Damien said, still chuckling. "Well, what does he really say?" Y/N asked, pretending to act amused, when they were really getting angry. "All of the stuff Ian said is true, but he also says how nice you always look, and how he always wonders how you feel about him." Tommy explained. "Basically, he talks like he has a crush on you." Olivia added. "What have you the idea to make it sound that way, Shayne?" Y/N asked, looking at him. "They're exaggerating!" He said. "You'll have to come up with a better excuse than that! You never say anything that sounds romantic to me, or give off any hints! You decided to say it to your friends and make yourself sound like a fool, then they're the ones who end up telling me! Nice work, Shayne!" Y/N yelled. They jumped up from the table and ran out of the room. They went down the hall and outside, where they sat down on the pavement against the wall. They couldn't understand why he would tell his friends all those things, and never let them know about it. They could almost feel the tiny crush they had on him fade away. "Y/N!" Shayne called, bursting out the door. He looked over and saw them on the ground. "What are you doing?" He asked, coming over and kneeling next to them. "Why would you do that? That was abosolutely foolish of you, and you embarrassed me." They said, looking back at him sternly. "That wasn't my intention." He said, sitting down next to them. "I didn't think it sounded very romantic, but the others took it that way. I had no idea they would make awkward jokes that like either." "They're supposed to be your friends. Maybe you could've guessed what they'd do and tell them not to do it." Y/N told him. "I guess I could have." Shayne agreed, sighing. "Look, I know I messed up, and I'm sorry. I would never hurt or embarrass you on purpose." "I know you wouldn't." Y/N said. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have flared up like that over something so silly." "Maybe we can sit forget about it and move on?" Shayne asked. "That'll be great! But I there's one more thing I need to know." Y/N said. "What is it?" "When you told them all those things...did you really mean it romantically?" Shayne visibly got nervous as he darted his eyes everywhere but on Y/N, as they waited patiently for an answer. "Yes...I did." He replied a few moments later. "I've had feelings for you for over a month now, but I never had the guts to tell you. I just vented about it, without actually saying it to the squad. I know I shouldn't ask for more from you, as your friendship is amazing, but I can't help myself." He looked down at the pavement as he spoke. Suddenly, Y/N started laughing. "You think that's funny?" Shayne asked, a hurt look in his eyes. "No, not at all! I'm laughing because this is such a considence!" Y/N told him. "I've had a tiny crush on you for weeks, but again, I didn't have the nerve to say anything." Shayne started laughing along, as Y/N leaned against him. As their laughing relaxed, he slowly put his arm around them, to which they snuggled into him closer. "This is nice." They said, sighing happily. They felt Shayne's hand caress their cheek, then their face be tilted up to look at his. "I'll never stop loving you, Y/N." He said, showing a gentle side of himself that usually wasn't viable. "That sounds good to me." They told him, smiling. They reached up and pulled him in for their passionate first kiss. A few moments, and kisses later, Y/N went back to their former position. "That was even nicer than just cuddling." They said, and the new couple laughed happily.
Now they were partners, but still the best of friends!

Word Count: 1,187

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