Searching For Redemption (Damiano David)

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Story Type: Smut

Y/N sat in the chair in front of the vanity, scrolling through their phone in boredom. They couldn't believe they let themself sit in a backstage dressing room for 2 hours, all to surprise Damiano after the band had finished their show. But they couldn't stay mad about it, as they knew it would be worth it to put a smile on Damiano's face.
A few minutes later, they heard the show coming to a close and the excitement set in. They set their phone down on the vanity and stood in the center of the small room. Moments later, they heard the voices of Damiano and his bandmates talking, before all was quiet except the the noise of the crowd. Y/N stood perfectly still as the door opened and Damiano stepped through, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Y/N?" He asked as he saw them standing there. "Surprise!" They exclaimed, smiling brightly. "Are you here for fun, or is there a problem?" He inquired, a nervous tone in his voice. "Everything's fine! I just wanted to surprise you." They answered. "That's so sweet." He said, the smile that they loved spreading across his face. They went to each other and shared a kiss, Y/N running their fingers through his hair. As they were about to pull apart so Damiano could clean up and change clothes, they felt his hands move up their back, under their shirt. "What do you think you're doing?" They asked playfully. "As much as I enjoy seeing you, the real surprise was seeing how gorgeous you look tonight." He replied softly, moving his hands down and under the waistband of their pants. Y/N chuckled before saying, "And the surprise for me was seeing how frisky you are after a show. That's so unlike you!" "I guess tonight is just full of surprises." He said, kissing their cheek before trailing down to their neck. "You know what drives me crazy, don't you?" They asked, their breathing growing heavier as he ran his tongue over the flesh of their neck. Damiano pauses for a moment to reply, "I've made it a priority to learn it." He smirked before trailing even further to their collarbone, biting and sucking on it gently. "Please..." Y/N whimpered, their arousal at it's peak already. Damiano looked up at them with questioning eyes. "I need you...please..." They said. "Need me for what?" He asked, a knowing smirk on his face. "I need you to fuck me." They blurted out. "I thought you'd say that eventually." He told them. Without hesitation, they locked lips at every chance they got as they stripped each other's clothes off and threw them onto the floor. "Go over to the vanity." Damiano ordered, and Y/N complied, with him following behind. He pushed them into it from behind, and Y/N looked in the mirror to see what he was doing. "Don't spoil the next surprise." He whispered in their ear, leaning in close. They could already feel his hard cock pushed up against them. "Keep your head down, and don't look in the mirror until I've started." Y/N nodded in agreement, keeping their head low against the counter of the vanity. They waited what felt like am eternity before Damiano thrusted into them, surprising Y/N. They eagerly looked back up into the mirror as he started pumping, and watching him do it to him drove their arousal through the roof. "Do you like that?" He asked in a whisper, leaning in close to their ear and making eye contact with them through the mirror. "I do." They quickly responded, before letting a moan escape their lips. Damiano smirked in response as he placed his hands over Y/N's on the counter of the vanity to keep balance. "F...fuck me harder." They cried out, craving him and to feel him deeper inside them. "As you wish." He answered, before almost pulling all the way out before slamming into them again, and keeping a faster pace. The vanity began rocking slightly, causing some bottles and other items to tip over and roll off. Y/N let out another moan, this one being much louder then the last. Damiano knew exactly how to handle them and their wants. Without warnig, he suddenly moved his right arm around them and covered over their mouth with his hand. "You need to keep quiet, or they'll find out what we're doing." He whispered into their ear, his thick Italian accent sending shivers down their spine. Y/N nodded in understanding, and he slowly removed his hand, tracing his thumb over their lower lip on the way. Moments later, Y/N felt an orgasm arising, but it came on so fast they couldn't warn Damiano in time. They felt him orgasm just seconds after they had started, causing them both to attempt to moan and cry as quietly as possible. "You sound so beautiful when you orgasm." Y/N panted out, worn out but still aroused. "I could say the same thing about you." Damiano replied, before slowly pulling out and taking his weight off of them. "When I showed up here tonight...I wasn't expecting it to turn out like this." Y/N chuckled. "Are you mad about it though?" He asked, turning their back to him. "Not at all." They replied, wrapping their arms around him from behind, before moving their hand down and palming his cock. "As good as that feels...the others will be getting suspicious. Can you wait until we're back home?" Damiano asked, breathing with a slight heaviness. "For you... I'm willing to wait. But I'm in charge as soon as we're home." Y/N told him quietly, before moving their palmed hand away and letting him go. All Damiano did in response was flash them a knowing look with a sly smile on his face, to which Y/N returned.

You choose what happens next ;)

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