Not So Much Of a Punishment- (Frank Castle-portrayed by Dolph Lundgren)

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Story Type: Smut + Fluff
WARNING: This smut contains the daddy kink and dom/sub material, so please proceed with caution if you're with uncomfortable with that.

A/N: This takes place immediately after the events of the film.

Y/N sat on a chair deep inside the city's sewer system, holding a box of donuts. They guessed Frank would be back from doing whatever he had to do soon, and they wanted to give him a nice surprise. They got the feeling they were one of the only friends he had, so they made sure to visit him regularly and bring treats for him. Y/N smiled, thinking he was by far their own best friend, and maybe even had feelings for him, which they hadn't have the courage to confess. As they sat, they heard staggering footsteps coming down the way towards them. They set down the box of donuts and ran out into the dim-lighted sewer line, where they saw none other than Frank, burdened with a limp. "Frank! Are you okay?" They asked worriedly, running to meet him. "I'm fine." He answered, breathing heavily. "I just got a little torn up while I was out." "A little? You're walking with a bad limp, not to mention all those cuts and bruises! Let's get you to the bed so I can treat your wounds." They loved Frank to death, but he did worry them a lot with his work and how badly he got beat up at times. Y/N walked next to him as they found their way to the bed, and Frank sat down on it. "Do you have a first aid kit?" They asked. "It's in that drawer." He replied, pointing to an end table with a drawer underneath it. They opened it and pulled out the first aid kit, opening it on the table and pulling out a few alcohol pads. "Let's take a look at your limping leg." Y/N suggested. Frank pulled down his pants leg and exposed the bloody wound, made from a knife. "It really isn't a big deal." He said as Y/N wiped it with an alcohol pad. "Yes it is! This could get infected and that would be really bad." They said, discarding the pad and using a new one. "I can't believe you do this kind of stuff to yourself day after day." They sighed. "It's my job." He told them, leaning back against the wall with a sigh. "But I think I've completed my goal, for now." "That's great! Maybe you'll take it easier then?" Y/N suggested, setting down the pad and grabbing a roll of gauze wrap and a cotton ball. "I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet." He answered. The twosome remained in silence as Y/N finished bandaging up Frank's leg and proceeded to start cleaning up the cuts on his face. They felt tense being so close to him as their faces were inches apart. They felt lucky he trusted them, but they had hoped to be this close to him for a different reason. They carefully cleaned up the blood across his face, taking up the dirt with it. He stared into their eyes as they finished and reached for some bandages. "No more of that. That's enough for me." He said. "If you say so." Y/N said, closing up the box and putting it back into the drawer and sighing. "What's the matter?" He suddenly asked. "What are you talking about? I'm fine!" They replied, forcing a smile. "I can tell you're lying." He told them, making eye contact with them. "Why would I lie to you?" Y/N asked, playing dumb, feeling their heartbeat quicken. "Ask yourself that." He said, quickly taking their hand in his. "What's wrong?" Y/N inhaled, preparing to deny it again, but no words came out. They chose to go with their instinct, their only desire. They leaned in close to Frank's face again, before quickly pressing their lips against his. They ran their hand across his cheek, holding the kiss for several seconds before parting. "I've loved you for awhile, Frank. I...just didn't know how to tell you. I don't know what got into me right there...I-I've just wanted to do that for so long and my desire got the best of me." Y/N hung their head as Frank said, "I've liked you for awhile myself...but again, I didn't know how to express it, and I wasn't sure if it was real love. I now realize it is." Y/N looked up at him in shock, before he leaned in and pulled them in for another kiss. They cupped his face in their hands and held him there as they kissed several more times. Y/N felt Frank's hand run across their back and to their waist, sliding his fingers under the waistband of their bottoms. "Are you sure you want this?" They asked softly. "I don't want to rush you into anything." "I'm ready." He said, his other hand finding it's way under their shirt. Licking their lips in anticipation, they got off the chair they were sitting in and crawled into his lap, their legs wrapped around his waist. They crashed their lips into his, to which he returned their kisses, as they ran their fingers through his hair. Frank quickly lifted up their top and threw it to the floor, as they did the same with his, before helping to undo his pants. With only a little bit of struggle, Y/N slipped them off, leaving only his boxers to conceal his growing erection. Without warning, Frank took Y/N from behind and flipped them over so he was on top, leaning over them as they fell onto their back. "I guessed you were a top." They commented, chuckling. "Be lucky I have other surprises in store then." He whispered huskily into their ear, before leaving dark red marks across their neck. Y/N leaned their head back and stared at the pipelines above as they took in every move and touch Frank made upon them. A few moments later, he swifty slid their bottoms down, leaving them completely naked. "You're as beautiful as I imagined." He said, sitting upright as he traced his fingers along their body, bringing shivers up their spine. "Now let's see if you live up to my expectations." Y/N told him, smirking. He lightly chuckled as he slowly pulled down his boxers, as they watched in anticipation. A few moments later, his fully erect cock was exposed. They braced for impact as he would thrust into them, but he remained still. "C'mon Frank, don't tease me!" Y/N whined. "You didn't say please, you dirty little slut." He said, leaning in close to their face. "Please, fuck me daddy." They blurted out. "As you wish." He told them. Moments later, they felt his cock push into them, causing them to moan. "Do you like that?" He whispered into their ear, pausing for a moment. "Y-yes.... don't stop." They begged, running their hands across his back. After a moment of silence, Y/N said, "Stop teasing me, daddy...I can't take it." "I never took you as a beggar." Frank said, chuckling before thrusting into them again. He shifted into a straighter position before pacing in and out at a quicker speed then Y/N had ever felt before. They prepared to comment on this, but the pleasure that overtook them stopped them. They could hear Frank's groans and grunts as he pounded him into them. A loud moan escaped from Y/N's lips, to which Frank grinned at. He leaned into them further to their collarbone,  biting it gently, causing them to bite their lip to stifle another moan. "There's no need to hide your pleasure, pet." He told them, his eyes meeting theirs for a moment. Giving up on keeping it in, Y/N let another moan out. They could feel him thrusting even deeper before they felt an orgasm arising. "I... I'm close." They panted, their nails digging into his back. "What's the magic word?" Frank asked, smirking as he abruptly stopped thrusting. "Please, don't do this to me-" Y/N begged. "What's the magic word then?" He repeated. Please, let me cum daddy." They cried. "That's better." He said, placing a soft kiss onto their lips before thrusting again at full pace, causing Y/N to cum moments later. They leaned their head back and let out noises they never imagined themselves making, their body completely overtaken with pleasure. A moment after, they felt Frank orgasm inside of them, as he moaned and mumbled "Fuck." Under his breath. Once he finished, he swiftly removed his cock, and Y/N pulled his head into theirs for another kiss. "Did I live up to your expectations?" Frank asked, lying down next to them. "More like beyond my expectations." They chuckled, snuggling into him. The two quickly fell asleep in each other's arms, and all was quiet for the rest of the night.

Word Count: 1,534

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