The Reunion (David Tennant + Peter Capaldi)

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Story Type: Fluff

A/N: This is a polyamorous story, so if you don't like that, buzz off.

A/N #2: This plotline and the people were requested by AgnethaCherBrosnan.

"Are you excited for the reunion tomorrow?" Billie asked Y/N after the waitress had taken their order. "Excited and nervous." They replied, smiling anxiously. "Why are you nervous? You've been around all of us for years!" Jenna asked, referring to the fact Y/N had been a costume designer for the Doctor Who series for many years. They made an effort to form friendships with everyone on set, cast and crew. Though they had grown especially fond of the 10th and 12th Doctors, David Tennant and Peter Capaldi. Maybe so much as to say they had a crush on both of them. Billie Piper and Jenna Coleman, another set of people they had grown close with, were the only people to know their secret. "I know I've known you all for so long, but being with Peter and David at the same time is going to drive me crazy!" Y/N said. "I can hardly keep myself together with only one of them. They're both so charming, handsome, and..." "Yeah, we know you're in love with 2 Doctors. That's nothing new." Billie interrupted in a sarcastic tone. Y/N playfully rolled their eyes before saying "I know I should trust you both by now, but please don't say anything to either of them. This reunion isn't the time to hook up or start the relationship of a lifetime." "Of course not! Our lips are sealed." Jenna told them. "Thanks." Y/N replied, smiling. "The most that will happen is me checking them out and acting awkward."

The next day, Y/N woke up already feeling anxious, though they didn't know why. It was something about both their crushes being in the same place with them that made them worry they'd do or say something embarrassing. But as a valued crew member, they had to be there. They remained anxious throughout the entire day, then they had to dress nicely and go to the event center where the reunion was being held.
As soon as they walked through the door, cheerful faces greeted them from every angle. It seemed every producer, cameraman and cast member was there. They weren't there for more then 10 minutes when they felt a hand on their shoulder. They quickly spun around to find Peter smiling down at them. "Hey there!" Y/N greeted him. "Y/N! It's so nice to see you!" He said, swooping them up in a hug. Flustered, they hugged back and giggled nervously. "How've you been?" He asked once they released each other. "Really good! I hope the same goes for you?" They asked. "Certainly! Though I feel a lot better now that I've seen you." Peter said. Y/N's cheeks turned pink as they stumbled their words. "I...uh...same to you! That is... I'm glad I've- seen you." "I'll catch up with you later, okay?" He asked. "Yeah! See you later!" They said, before he disappeared into the crowd. It wasn't even 5 minutes later before they caught sight of David having a drink near the buffet table. Y/N pushed their way through the crowd before coming up behind David and tapping his shoulder. "Y/N!" He exclaimed after turning to see who it was. "How're you?" "I'm great!" They replied, hiding their anxiousness. "You?" "I'm always in a good mood when I see you." He answered, before hugging them. Getting flustered all over again, Y/N hugged back, wondering why their 2 crushes happened to be so touchy with them tonight. Not that they would complain about it. "This is a pretty big crowd we have here, right?" David asked, sipping his drink after they released their hug. "Definitely! I wasn't expecting this big of a turnout." Y/N replied, shifting over to the table to fix themself a drink. "I guess it was an event no one wanted to miss." David said, chuckling softly. As Y/N finished making their drink, they turned back to David and held their glass to him. "A toast to a successful evening, our careers, and being surrounded by our friends." "Cheers!" They both exclaimed, clinking their glasses and taking a sip. A moment later, soft music from a live band began playing. "Would you care to dance?" David asked. "Oh...uh...y-yes." Y/N stuttered, becoming even more anxious. They both set their glasses down, and David took their hand and led them onto the dance floor area. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around their back and looked into their eyes with a warm gaze. Y/N smiled timidly and dared to look back, placing their hands on his shoulders. They both gently swayed to the music, lost in the sea of other couples. "Do you feel alright? You seem anxious?" David asked worriedly. "I'm fine, really. I just have... something on my mind. But I don't want to talk about it." That was as far as they planned on admitting. "That's okay! If you decide you want to talk about it, I'm always here." He told them, smiling. "Thank you." They answered, smiling back. They remained in a calming silence until they finished the dance. "If it's alright with you, I think I'll see how some of the other people are doing." David said. "That's fine! Go have fun!" They told him. He caressed their cheek with his thumb softly before walking off. Y/N sighed, proud that they handled the intimate situation well. "Are you up for another dance?" Peter's voice asked from next to them. "Why not?" They asked, laughing as they went over to him. He wrapped his arms around them the same way David had, but perhaps even closer then the last dance had been. They wrapped their arms around his neck, looking up at him with adoring eyes. It was as if both men could read their mind of the fantasies they had with them, which they only revealed to Billie and Jenna of course. "I never realized what a good dancer you are." Peter said, looking down at their feet moving in tune with his. "Really? I've never even practiced before." Y/N said. "Then you must be naturally gifted." He told them. They blushed a deep red at the compliment, and hoped he wouldn't notice too much.
After the dance was over, Peter asked, "Is there someplace um...we could talk? It doesn't need to be too private I guess." Their heart racing in the fear he might've found out about their crush, Y/N answered, "How about in that corner over there?" They pointed to the corner where no one standing at. "That'll be fine." He said, before they walked off together. Y/N then caught sight of David seemingly following them over there. They walked past Billie and Jenna too, who were having drinks at a table not too far from the corner, watching them. Once Y/N and Peter reached the corner, David joined them moments later. "What's going on?" Y/N asked, confused and anxious. "Me and David both wanted to tell you something I think you've been wanting to hear for awhile." Peter answered, sighing. "Billie and Jenna came to us yesterday evening and said you had secret crushes" David hesitated slightly. Y/N's heart raced like a rollercoaster at hearing that. They weren't even worried about the girls admitting their secret, only about Peter and David's reactions towards the news. They looked at both men nervously as Peter continued, "Me and David talked about it...and we agreed we'd love to have an open relationship with you. After all, we're just as close to each other as we are to you, and we thought we could try it out and see what happened." "If you're willing, that is." David quickly added. Too stunned to speak, Y/N thought about what a dream come true it would be to have not only one of the men they loved, but both of them. "This isn't a joke, right?" They asked, that being the first thing they could say. "Not at all. You're such an amazing and beautiful person, Y/N...we would be honored to love you." David said. After a moment of silence, Y/N said, "How could I refuse?" At the realization of everything falling perfectly into place, they all smiled at each other, before Peter and David each kissed one of their cheeks. Y/N giggled as they felt like they would die of happiness, then hugged and kissed each of them like they would never get to do it again. After the celebrating had finished, Y/N went to see Billie and Jenna for a moment before leaving the reunion with their new boyfriends. "I thought you wouldn't say anything!" They exclaimed. "Why are you hating on us? We just got your dream relationship set up." Jenna asked. "Because you still went against my word!" "But I can't be mad at you one bit." They added. "We knew you wouldn't." Billie said, chuckling. "But go have fun with the 2 loves of your life, don't worry about us!" "I do thank you both though." Y/N said, before dashing across the room to Peter and David, who were waiting by the door. They all shared kisses before leaving the reunion, arms linked together, ready for the adventure that was a beautiful new relationship.

Word Count: 1,194

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