The Ocean Deep (Lucy McPhee)

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Story Type: Fluff + Angst

On a clear, perfect, summer day, Y/N decided to take their girlfriend, Lucy, to the oceanside for the day. Though Lucy had a phobia of the ocean, she accepted going near it as she knew how much Y/N loved it. The couple had brought a picnic lunch, towels, and swimsuits that Y/N had insisted on bringing with them, to accompany their needs for the day. "I don't understand why you love the ocean so much. It's terrifying." Lucy said as they parked the car. "And I don't understand how you can fear it. It's beautiful and relaxing!" Y/N insisted. They both got out of the car and after grabbing their stuff, headed to an area of the beach hundreds of feet away from the water. It was the only place that Lucy could tolerate it. "Doesn't that breeze feel great?" Y/N asked, tilting their head back to catch the cool wind. "That feels good. But not that ocean. I wish I could just suck it all up and throw it into space." Lucy said. "How do you know you don't like it if you've never even tried swimming in it?" Y/N wanted to know. "I don't need to try it to know I hate it!" She insisted. "You don't know how special it'd be to me if you swam with me in the beautiful ocean waters. It'd be a dream come true." Y/N told her dreamily, gazing out at the water. "Well....I....I can't do it. I'm too afraid." Lucy said, looking away from it. "Fears are meant to be gotten over, love." Y/N told her softly, putting their arm around her. "But know how I feel about it. It's just like with spiders. I can't deal with it." Lucy explained. "I know, and I understand. But couldn't you maybe give it a chance? For me?" Y/N asked. "If you can't handle it, we can get out immediately." They added when Lucy said nothing. She sighed deeply. "I'll try. For you, Y/N. This better prove how much I care about you." "You proved that long ago." Y/N told her, and they embraced for a kiss. Then they got up and went to the bathrooms to change into their swimwear, then returned to the beach and approached the water. Lucy stared down at the gently rolling waves, contemplating. "It's okay. I'll be with you the whole time." Y/N comforted her, taking her hand in theirs. She smiled weakly at them before taking a small step into the water. "I guess it's just shallow here." She said to herself. Y/N nodded. She took several steps further until the water reached her waist. "You're doing great!" Y/N told her, smiling. "See how nice it feels?" Lucy smiled back. "Very refreshing." She said. They took more steps further in, till Lucy could just barely reach the ocean floor. "You did it!" Y/N congratulated her. "No need to go any further on your first time." "I'm definitely still on edge about this, but I'm kind of proud of myself for making it even this far." Lucy said. The twosome waded in the water for a while, and Lucy was slightly more comfortable, though she kept looking under her as if to expect a shark that close to the shore. "Will you be okay here for a couple minutes? I want to swim around a little bit." Y/N asked. "Yeah...I'll be fine. Go ahead." Lucy answered hesitantly. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Y/N asked, noticing her hesitation. "Yeah, of course." She said a little more confidently. Y/N gave her a quick kiss before swimming off. Lucy tries to release some tension as she gently traced the water with her fingers. She did this for a few minutes before she saw something fairly large move past her legs under the water. Not thinking, she let out a blood-curdling scream, causing everyone around her to stare. Y/N swam back to her as fast as possible. "Lucy! What's wrong?" They asked. "I saw a creature under the water pass my legs!" She cried out, quickly moving backwards. "I hate the ocean!" "C'mon, relax. Let's get back to the shore." Y/N told her, grasping her shoulder gently and struggling to lead her out of the water and to their towels. "It was shark! Or an alien or something! It came so close!" She wailed, on the verge of tears. "It's okay. You're going to be alright." Y/N assured her, wrapping Lucy in a towel and rubbing her back soothingly. "It was most likely just an ordinary fish." "It was....just a fish?" She asked, tears brimming her eyes. "Yes. There isn't any way sharks could get that close to the shore. And if it were some dangerous poisonous creature, someone would have started screaming about it before it got to you." Y/N explained. Lucy then burst into tears and buried her face in her hands. "I'm so stupid and cowardly! I ruined our whole day cause I was scared of a fish." "Lucy, dear." Y/N said, trying to comfort her. "You didn't ruin our day. I did. I should never have urged you to go into the water. It was careless of me." "But I accepted! I should've just said no and been a baby out here on the shore." She said, sniffling. "You're not a baby. You're very brave. You tolerated being in the ocean better than I imagined, but I still shouldn't have urged you. It isn't your fault you have a phobia." Y/N told her. "I'll never ask you to do it again, I promise." "Okay." Lucy said, wiping her eyes and looking to Y/N. "You're such an amazing partner." "You're better." Y/N said, and they leaned in for a kiss. After that, they spent the rest of the day on the shore and still had a lot of fun, regardless of the incident.

Word count: 1,015

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