They Could Never Tear Us Apart Pt. 2 (Damiano David)

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Story Type: Fluff

A/N: Reading part 1 before this isn't required, but preferred so there's more context.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." I said, more to myself than Damiano, as I buckled my seatbelt in his car. "Thank you for doing it though. It means a lot to me you're willing to try." He said, looking at me lovingly. "It's only fair." I told him, smiling slightly. I wasn't prepared to tell him the true reason I agreed: I felt I may still have feelings for him. Seeing his beautiful face with the goofy and cheerful personality I fell in love with made my moving on seem like a distant memory. Damiano smiled back and started the car, as I snapped out of my thinking. "Where are we going?" I inquired as we drove down the road. "Well I figured the best fucking night of your life should start with a good meal, right?" He answered. "You remembered I always like doing things on a full stomach." I said, feeling genuinely flattered. "You know it." Damiano said, winking at me, causing me to blush a bit.

A few minutes later, we arrived at a fancy restaurant. It was the one Damiano had taken me too on our first date all that time ago. "Remember this place?" He asked, looking at me and smiling slightly. "Of course I do." I responded, smiling back. We got out of the car and went inside, finding ourselves a cozy booth towards the back of the restaurant. We picked up our menus that were sitting on the table and flipped through them. As I scanned the menu, I could feel Damiano's eyes on me. I slowly tilted the menu down and met his gaze. I smiled a bit as he blushed and hid behind his menu. I stifled a chuckle as I too went back to scanning the menu. He was so cute and goofy.
A few minutes later, after a waiter had come to take our order, Damiano finally broke the silence. "Cuss me out if this is inappropriate to say right now, but you look really good." It was my turn to blush as I stuttered "Th-thank you." After a moment of silence, I added " You look great too." "Graziè." He said, looking down with a small smile on his face. Nothing has changed about him. He still reverted to speaking his native language when he was flustered, which I always found adorable. It seems like I find everything about him great still... hopefully that doesn't mean I'll fall back in love with the man who ditched me for someone else.
Soon enough, our food arrived, and we made causal small talk as we ate. The meal was incredible, and our talk was smooth, nothing awkward or embarrassing. After Damiano paid the check and left a tip, we made our way out of the restaurant and back to his car. "Where now?" I asked. "Do you want to go to a club?" He inquired. "I thought you hated clubs?" I said, frowning. "I do. But I don't know what else you'd like to do." He admitted, looking sheepish. "No, that isn't necessary. Why don't we go to that cliff by the lake and just stargaze?" I suggested, not wanting him to be uncomfortable for my sake. "If that's what you want, sure." Damiano agreed, looking relieved he didn't have to endure a noisy club. He drove us to the spot, which also happened to be the spot we had our first kiss. I didn't suggest it because of that though, I always loved the perfect view of the stars from that cliff and the sparkling water below it. Damiano parked the car off to the side, and we got out and made our way towards the edge of the cliff. Then we sat down in the grass. "It's just as breathtaking as I remembered." I gasped, gazing up at the stars above us. The moon was there too, making the water below have a sparkly appearance. Damiano remained silent, reverting his gaze between me and the stars. "I know you love this spot but... there's no way you had the best fucking night of your life only from going to eat and this." He said, sounding disappointed. I didn't say anything as I thought about it. It wasn't the best night, but it was still good. I also realized all the things I'd been thinking about Damiano today. I wasn't mad or upset with him anymore, just longing. Longing for him. I knew what he'd done was wrong, but he seemed to genuinely want to put that behind us and to be honest, I did too. The gesture of trying to impress me, and realizing his wrongdoing, touched my heart. Fuck...I think I still loved him. Or should I say, I'm falling in love with him a second time. I believed what he'd said about never abandoning me again, he was an honest man. I think I wanted him too. "Honestly, I had a pretty damn good night." I said to him, looking at him. "This whole thing has genuinely impressed me, and I believe what you said earlier about never abandoning me again." Damiano looked at me intently. "What are you trying to say, Y/N?" "I'm saying..." I trailed off, wanting to admit my feelings, but the words wouldn't come out. Damiano moved closer to me and caressed my cheek softly, hope in his eyes as he never took his eyes off of me. "I...I still love you, Dami." I finally blurted out. "Do you mean that? You're not joking?" He asked, his voice quivering. "No. I want you back." I replied, taking his free hand in both of mine. "Let's make this work. You have my trust." I could see Damiano's eyes well up with tears as he processed my words. "Fuck..." Was all he said. Without saying anything, I leaned in and kissed his cheek, then sat back and smiled at him. He smiled back before freeing his one hand from mine, grabbed my hips and pulled me into him for a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as what felt like fireworks exploded in my heart. After a few seconds, he pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. "I love you, Y/N. Let's never be separated again." Damiano said, almost out of breath. "Deal." I agreed, taking his face in my hands and kissing him again.
We had fallen back in love with each other, but this time, it was for forever.

The end. <3

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