Afternoon Date (Pierce Brosnan)

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Story Type: Fluff

Requested by AgnethaCherBrosnan

Y/N was peacefully driving down the road on a crisp winter afternoon. They were listening to (your favorite artist) and singing along, feeling carefree and happy. They were on their way to meet their boyfriend Pierce, and they planned on having lunch together and maybe doing some shopping. Y/N turned a corner and parked at (your favorite restaurant), where they were to meet Pierce. They continued blasting the music and singing to pass the time, until a tapping came upon the glass. They turned their head to find Pierce peering through the window at them. Y/N smiled brightly and quickly shut off the car and got out, being immediately embraced by Pierce. "Hey babe." He greeted them, smiling. "Hi." They said back, wrapping their arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. "As warm and comforting as you are, it's freezing out here. Shall we go in?" Pierce asked. "Certainly." Y/N replied. Hand in hand, the couple entered the restaurant and ordered their food. After they had gotten comfortable at a table, Pierce asked, "Why were you so set on coming to this place for?" "It's my favorite restaurant! I know you'll love it too." Y/N told him. "Not as much as I enjoy being in your company." He said, smiling. Y/N blushed at the compliment. "Aww you're too sweet for your own good sometimes." They said, taking his hands and holding them in theirs. They smiled at each other, still holding hands, until their food was ready, then began eating. "This is delicious!" Pierce exclaimed. "I told you you'd like it!" Y/N said, giggling. They are their meal peacefully, talking causally throughout. After they'd finished eating, Y/N convinced Pierce to stay for dessert, and he didn't regret it.
After they'd exited the restaurant, full of good food, Pierce asked, "Where should we go now?" "Let's take a stroll around the block. There may be some stores worth checking out." Y/N replied. "Stroll? In this weather?" Pierce asked, astounded. "Yeah! Stop being such a big baby." Y/N told him playfully. "Whatever, but I'm only doing it for you." Pierce said, kissing Y/N gently. They set off down the street, hand in hand, browsing shop windows and greeting friendly faces. Y/N was glad no one recognized their celebrity boyfriend. "Let's stop here!" They exclaimed as they reached a jewelry store. "What do you think you need in there?" Pierce asked, smirking. "Maybe nothing. I just want to look." Y/N answered, and they went inside, where it was warm and out of the chill. The couple browsed the glass cases filled with rings, necklaces, and other assorted fine jewelry. "These rings are quite attractive." Pierce commented, pointing at a set of gold rings. They had no jewels on them, but they were very shiny and made of real gold. "Wow....those are gorgeous!" Y/N exclaimed. "Can we see them, please?" They asked the clerk behind the counter. The rings were unlocked and set out so the couple could view them. "These are beautiful!" Y/N said. "They certainly are." Pierce agreed. "We'll take them." He told the clerk. "What! Pierce, think about this for a minute. These are pure gold, really expensive. And-" "Shush, money isn't the problem." Pierce interrupted. "We both like them, so we shall have them." "I....oh thank you!" Y/N said, giving him a hug. He tightly hugged them back, then they bought the rings and immediately put them on. They then left the store, smiling, and continued their way down the street. The next store they went to was a clothing shop, since Pierce wanted to buy some new ties. "This one would look good, wouldn't it?" He asked Y/N, holding up a blue colored tie. "Anything would look good on you." Y/N replied, winking from across the rack they were standing at. Pierce swiftly stepped over and embraced Y/N in a kiss. No one could see them since the items on the rack blocked the view of what was going on behind it. "God, I love you too much." Pierce said. "It can't possibly be any more than I love you." Y/N told him, and they kissed again.
After Pierce had finally bought his ties, both of them were tired from walking around in the cold all day, so they went back to the restaurant parking lot where their cars were. "I had so much fun today." Y/N said earnestly.  "Who said it had to end?" Pierce asked. Y/N raised their eyebrow questioningly. "Why don't you drive behind me and we can have dinner at my place?" He suggested. Y/N smiled. "That sounds good to me." They agreed. Then each of them got into their own cars and drove to Pierce's house, and the fun truly was only beginning.

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