Truth Or Dare (Pierce Brosnan)

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This is a high-school AU, requested by AgnethaCherBrosnan

Story Type: Fluff

As Y/N stood at their locker, collecting their books for 2nd period before lunchtime, they caught a glimpse of him across from them. He was quite tall, with dark hair and icy blue eyes. Y/N hated that they had a crush on him, the most popular bad boy of the entire school, but they just couldn't help it. He could have anyone in the school he wanted, as a friend or a lover. He had a charming way of luring people into his inner circle, and Y/N dreamed of the day he might consider letting them in. "Y/N, are you gawking at Pierce Brosnan again?" A voice asked behind them. They jumped and turned to see their best friend, B/F/N (best friend's name). "So what if I was? It shouldn't concern you." Y/N replied, feeling embarrassed. "Actually, it does concern me now." They told them, a glimmer in their eye. "Oh, really?" Y/N crossed their arms. "Take a look at this invite I got from a friend today." B/F/N said, handing over a piece of fancy stationary. Y/N looked it over, learning it was an invitation to a house party. "What does this have to do with me or my crush on Pierce?" They asked. "It says I can bring a friend, so naturally I would bring you. And Pierce will also be there." They answered, winking. Y/N gasped and said, "You're abosolutely sure Pierce will be there?" "Of course I am! My friend would never lie to me about that." "I don't know if that means I should go, or stay home so I don't humiliate myself." Y/N said. "You should go! I'll be with you the whole time, and you may get a chance to finally talk to Pierce!" B/F/N insisted. "Do you really think I have any chance at all?" Y/N asked. "I know you do!" They replied. "You've convinced me! I'll go to that party with you." B/F/N hugged Y/N in response. "What could possibly go wrong?" Y/N wondered in their mind. "After all, crazy stuff at parties only happens in movies!"

The days came and went, and before Y/N knew it, the day of the party had arrived. They decided to wear (your favorite outfit) in hopes of making a good impression. Just as they were putting on their shoes, they heard B/F/N's car pull up in front of the house. They quickly dashed out the door and got in the car with them. "Wow Y/N, you look amazing!" They exclaimed. "Thanks! So do you!" They replied, grinning. "Are you nervous?" B/F/N asked as they started driving down the road. "Yes, very." Y/N answered, chuckling nervously. "I hope Pierce likes me." "How could he not? You're am attractive, awesome person!" Y/N blushed and stayed silent the rest of the car ride.

A short while later, the two friends arrived at the house of the party, where several other cars were parked all around. They let themselves in through the front door, which was already propped open. "You never told me the party was going to be this big!" Y/N exclaimed as they looked around across the large crowd. "What did you expect? Everyone wanted to come since they knew the popular kids were going to be here." B/F/N told them. They jumped up and waved at someone across the room. "Do you mind if I leave you alone for a bit?" They asked Y/N. "Not at all! Go have fun!" They said. As their friend wandered off into the crowd, Y/N starting looking around for Pierce, since he was the whole reason they decided to come. As they began sifting through the crowd, they felt someone bump into them from behind. They quickly spun around and came face to face with Pierce. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you!" He apologized in his smooth Irish accent. "Oh... uh...." Y/N hadn't planned on what to say. "It's okay! Accidents happen." Pierce chuckled before going back and talking to some other people. Y/N sighed deeply and found their way to a couch, where they say down and thought about what just happened. They had hoped their first meeting would've been different from that, but they knew nothing could be done about it.
After sitting there for a while, and making small talk with those who said hello, someone shouted, "Let's okay truth or dare!" Everyone's attention fell to them, and Y/N decided to join in the game too. They were sitting directly across from Pierce, and they snuck in a look at him every chance they got. A little bit later, the person next to them asked, "Y/N, truth or dare?" "Dare." They promptly replied, looking to have some fun. "I dare you to kiss Pierce!" They said, causing squeals and giggling from all the girls. Y/N blushed a deep red as they made eye contact with Pierce, who was also blushing. "You have to do it!" Another girl shouted. "We will do it!" Pierce said, trying to sound confident. Y/N breathed heavily as they struggled to their feet and approached him where he was sitting. They kneeled down on the floor in front of him, their faces only inches apart. Y/N felt like their heart would burst of excitement and fear at the same time. "Make it steamy!" Someone yelled. "Way to go, Y/N!" B/F/N shouted. Y/N glanced behind them to see them grinning widely. They turned back to Pierce, who was gently smiling. Without hesitation, he took the back of Y/N's head and pulled them in for a passionate kiss. They'd heart felt like it'd flown out of their chest as they kissed him back. A few seconds later, they pulled apart, followed by the crowd reacting loudly to the scene. Y/N quickly jumped up and left the room towards the bathroom, but didn't go in. Their face was flushed a deep red. That was all they ever wanted, but not for it to happen like that. They knew every chance they may have had with him was ruined, and people would be laughing and mocking the scene for weeks. As they buried their face in their hands, they heard footsteps approaching. They looked up to see it was Pierce. They weakly smiled as they tried to hold it together. "Hey! I, uh....had something I wanted to tell you." He said. "What is it?" Y/N asked, almost afraid to find out. "I've been seeing you around in school a lot more lately, and you seem like a really awesome person. I was wondering if you'd maybe want to hang out sometime." He explained. "Is this some joke your friends put you up to? I'm not in the mood right now." Y/N said, wishing it was true. "But it's not a joke." Pierce told them. "I really think you seem like an awesome person, and I want to get to know you better. I know I don't really have the best reputation, but I never felt anything for any of those other people that I do for you." Y/N looked at him in shock. " want to hang out....with me?" They asked, not believing their ears. Pierce nodded in response. "I'd love to!" They agreed, those words being the only ones that they could say. "To tell you the truth, I've been thinking the same about you." They decided he didn't need to know that they felt much more than that, but it was a start. "That's cool! I hope we can get together soon." Pierce said, smiling at Y/N. "I'll see you around." "Okay! Bye!" They called after him. They leaned against the wall and sighed in happiness and relief. They finally felt like their dream was coming true.....even if it hadn't started the way they'd hoped.

Word Count: 1,363

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