Hot Tub Games (Patrick Swayze)

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Story Type: Smut? Not actual sex, but suggestive/questionable themes.

Requested by AgnethaCherBrosnan

"You're back!" Y/N exclaimed happily as they rushed to the front door to greet their boyfriend, Patrick. "Why so excitable?" He asked, kissing their forehead. "The new hot tub looks amazing! Come check it out!" Y/N insisted, taking his hand and practically dragging him through the house and out the back door. There against the outside wall sat a freshly installed hot tub. "It looks better than I would've imagined!" Patrick said approvingly, looking it over. "It goes great with the rest of the setup back here!" Y/N said happily. "If you want to try it out, I suggest you find your swimwear." Patrick told them alluringly, caressing his hand up their back. "Mhmm, I like the sound of that." Y/N said. "I'll be back." They added, giving him a quick kiss before running back into the house to their bedroom. They pulled out their favorite swimwear, quickly put it on, then went back outside. Patrick was setting the temperature just right as Y/N stood behind him. "This is going to be fun." They said, smirking as they traced their fingers up his arm. "I'm sure it will be." He agreed, smiling at them. A few minutes later, the tub was filled and heated just right, and Y/N carefully stepped inside and sat down. "Ah, this feels wonderful." They sighed happily, slouching into the bubbling water deeper. Patrick smiled down at them and said, "I'm glad you're already enjoying it." "I'd enjoy it even more if you threw on your swim trunks and joined me." Y/N told him, meeting his gaze. "I'll be back." He said, winking at Y/N as he went inside the house. Y/N giggled and relaxed even more into their seat. A few minutes later, Patrick returned and climbed inside the tub next to Y/N. "Wow, this is nice!" He exclaimed, getting comfortable. "It's even better now that you're here." They said, kissing his cheek. Patrick wrapped his arms around Y/N in a hug and kissed them on the lips. "You and the water surrounding me is making it awfully hot in here." He said. Y/N chuckled and said, "That was an awful pick-up line." "But I don't mind." They added, kissing him again. After kissing a few more times, Patrick kept one arm wrapped around Y/N as he tilted his head back to the sky. It was sunset, and it was many shades of blue, pink, and purple. "Seeing you gazing so lovingly at the sky wears away your manly sexiness." Y/N told him, snickering. "Is that so? Cause I think nothing could take away your sexiness." Patrick said, glancing at Y/N and smiling. "Are you trying to get kinky with me?" They asked in sarcastic shock. Patrick shrugged his shoulders, a smug look on his face. "Cause if you are." They continued, moving a little closer to him. "I'm already turned on." "You talking like that is turning me on." Patrick told them, letting his gaze leave the sky to land on Y/N. "Good." They said. "I was doing it on purpose." They whispered into his ear. "Are you trying to be naughty with me?" Patrick asked, leaning in close to Y/N. "Yep." They answered, giving him a kiss. Patrick kissed them back, and soon they were having a make-out session. This continued for several minutes until Patrick suggested, "Why don't we take this inside? So we have more room?" Y/N smiled and replied, "Sounds good to me." They both climbed out of the hot tub and dashed quickly inside.

How steamy it gets inside is up to you ;)

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