A Christmas Wish (Rhea Ripley)

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Story Type: Fluff

"Dear diary. Today I come to you conflicted. I've come to realize I have feelings for Rhea, my best friend. We've been spending lots of time together since I moved closer to her a few months ago, and I think I...love her. I get butterflies when she looks at me a certain way or says certain things, even just a simple "I love you.", cause I'm imagining her saying it from a different viewpoint. I feel like I need to confess my feelings, I just don't know how..." I paused in my writing and thought for a moment. Rhea was a different kind of woman, which called for a different kind of confession than standing under some mistletoe and saying I love you. I glanced to my bedside table and saw the grocery shopping list I'd started the night before. An incredible idea entered my mind. "My grocery list! I have the perfect way to tell her! Who knew that silly list could possibly change my life." I slammed my diary shut and jumped off my bed, grabbing my phone and keys to leave for the store.

I bought all the things I needed from the store. In the checkout line, I texted Rhea asking if she wanted to stop by for dinner. She agreed, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Little did she know the surprise I had in store.
When I returned home, it was late on the afternoon, so I imma began my project. I made a cake from scratch, which just so happened to be Rhea's favorite flavor, chocolate. I prepared all the other dinner things while the cake baked, and before I knew it, it was ready. As I set the pan on the counter I got a text from Rhea, saying she was on her way. I started panicking as my surprise wasn't finished. I didn't have time to let the cake cool before frosting it, where I put a special message in bold red writing. I sighed, anxious and excited at the same time, to see how this would play out. As I tried to calm myself down, I heard a knock at the door. It was Rhea. I went to the door to find her standing there, carrying a bag of something and smiling warmly. "Hey Y/N." She greeted me, setting the bag on the floor and pulling me into a tight hug. The butterflies fluttered as I embraced every moment of her touch. When she let me go, she took the bag again and said "I brought this to spice things up." And revealed it to be a bottle of wine. "I love that! Thank you!" I said, allowing her to come inside. "I'll just go set it on the table." Rhea said, going towards the kitchen. "No! I've got it!" I exclaimed, swiping the bottle out of her hands and running ahead of her. She gave me a strange look but said nothing. She would've seen the cake too soon if she'd gone first. I set the bottle down and leaned against the counter in front of the cake. "So how's life been?" Rhea asked, leaning against the table. "Not too bad. I've been thinking a lot about...someone." I admitted, looking to the floor. "Oh really? You got a new crush?" "Not really new, I just never mentioned them before." I said, getting scared realizing I was trapping myself in a corner from being too bold. "Well don't play coy. Tell me who it is." Rhea insisted. "Well...um...let me use the bathroom first." I said, knowing what I had to do. I quickly went to the bathroom knowing I left the cake exposed. The surprise exposed. Everything would be different when I left the bathroom. I spent a couple minutes collecting myself before heading back to the kitchen. Rhea was standing over the cake with a frown on her face. "Rhea?" I asked cautiously. "Do you mean this?" She asked, turning to me, eyebrows furrowed. "Yes." I answered simply, looking to the floor. "You're my crush I never told you about. I've liked you for awhile. If you don't accept my love to you that's okay." I explained, knowing I wouldn't be okay if she didn't accept but I didn't want to pressure her. "I know this is cliche but...I feel the same way." She said. I looked up in shock. "For about a month now...I get that funny feeling when I'm around you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship by saying anything though." "This is a Christmas miracle." I said, on the verge of tears. Rhea approached me and cupped my face in her hands, looking down at me lovingly. "I've been wanting to do this." She said softly, before leaning in and firmly kissing me. I kissed back with no hesitation, loving the feeling of her soft lips on mine. Before I could even think, I felt her hands move behind me to pick me up, and I wrapped my legs around her waist as she hugged and kissed me at the same time. I pulled away to look into her eyes. "This is just as magical as I imagined." I almost whispered. "I'm glad." Rhea replied, leaning her forehead against mine. "Why don't we enjoy that cake? That I should say was very creative." She suggested, smiling at me. "Absolutely. And thank you?" I said, kissing her one more time. She set me down and we went to the cake to enjoy and begin a newfound romance.

Dear Diary. My dream came true! Rhea felt the same way and we kissed! We had a lovely dinner with my creative cake as an appetizer. She's the best and only gift I need this Christmas and for all future Christmases.

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