We Love A Rainy Night (Damien Haas)

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Story Type: Fluff

On a cool evening, Y/N was walking quickly down the sidewalk, anticipation running through their mind. They could hear thunder in the distance, and see flashes of lightening in the sky. Their walk had started off fairly pleasant, but it wasn't that way anymore as they still had 2 miles to go till they reached their destination. Y/N started moving faster, hoping they wouldn't be caught in the rain and ruining their outfit. But within a few minutes, the rain came down, getting harder by the second. Y/N started running, the rain running into their eyes and soaking their clothes to their body. In about 15 minutes, they made it to their location, soaking wet and cold. They rang the doorbell of the house they were at and shivered on the doorstep. It was momentarily answered by their boyfriend, Damien. "Y/N, where have you been? You're soaking wet!" He exclaimed. "I decided to walk here, and what started off as a cool stroll turned into this." They explained. "Don't just stand there! Come in and get yourself dried off." He said, holding the door as Y/N stepped inside. The entire house felt warm and smelled of fresh food, and they smiled at their pleasant surroundings. "I suppose you don't have a change of clothes with you?" Damien asked, placing his hand on their shoulder. Y/N shook their head. "Darling, you're freezing cold! Go take a warm shower while I see what clothes I can find for you." He said, kissing their forehead. Y/N smiled meekly and went to the bathroom, where they had a nice, relaxing shower. When they got out, they found a change of clothes laying on the bed, which appeared to be some of Damien's old things. When they came out, they found him in the kitchen, getting out dishes and setting them on the table. "There you are! Dinner is ready now." He said, pulling a pizza out of the oven. Y/N didn't care that it wasn't fancy, as it wasn't about impressing each other anymore. They came up behind him and wrapped their arms around him from behind, leaning their head against his back. "Thanks for taking care of me after my stupid choice to walk here." They said. "It's no problem! You made it here safe, and I get to spend time with you, so that's all that matters." Damien told them as he cut the pizza. "You're so sweet." Y/N said softly, holding him closer. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" "You didn't have to do anything but be yourself. You're amazing, Y/N." He said, turning around and taking them in his arms for a hug. They gazed up at him as he gently kissed them. "We should probably eat." He said. Y/N nodded in agreement, kissing him again before going to the table to eat. Damien carried in the pizza, and the couple sat down to a cozy dinner, talking and laughing throughout. As Damien got up to put his plate in the sink, one of his cats started rubbing against Y/N's legs, begging for food. They took a piece of pepperoni and put it down on the floor for the cat, which it immediately starter eating. "Are you feeding pizza to my cat?" Damien asked as he came back to the table. Y/N smirked and said nothing. He rolled his eyes playfully before asking "What should we do now?" "Whatever you want, as long as I have you and the cats." They replied, giggling and taking their own plate to the sink. "How about some Netflix and chill?" He suggested. "Sounds good!" They agreed.
After everything had been cleaned up, Y/N found cat still sitting by the table, so they picked it and up and carried it to the couch with them. They sat down and placed the cat in their lap, and it immediately left and crossed over to Damien's. He chuckled and stroked the cat as he browsed Netflix. After putting something on, he put his arm around Y/N as they snuggled up against him, resting their head on his shoulder. They tried to focus on the movie, but were caught up in the happiness and warmth they felt when they were close to Damien. It was a feeling they hoped they would always feel, and that it would never go away. They closed their eyes and started dozing off as another cat sat down on their lap. They had been half-asleep for what felt like a long time as Damien started shifting around. "Where are you going?" Y/N asked drowsily, barely opening their eyes. "Nowhere. I'm just getting more comfortable." He replied, smiling down at them. Y/N smiled contentedly and drifted back to sleep, that warm feeling never going away. They could hear Damien sigh softly as the TV went silent, and all was quiet in the house, with the thunder sounding far away. The couple fell asleep to the sound of the purring cats, of which even they could feel the warmth too.

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