Masters Of Seduction (James Bond)

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Story Type: Smut

Y/N sat in a chair in their boss's office, where he sat across the desk from them. They were part of a circle of professional spies, and they had been asked to talk to the boss about a new business opportunity. "So, as you know, that pesky 007 is collecting excessive amounts of intel on us, and he'll succeed on taking us down if we don't do something about it." The boss explained. "Exactly. We can't move forward with our project with him in the way. He needs to go." Y/N said. "We need to start collecting intel on him before we can make a move. Find out what he knows about us, and perhaps learn a little about him." "And how would you propose we do that? He's a very smart, cunning man, as much as I hate to admit it. The usual tricks won't work with him." Said Y/N. "But we do know one of his biggest weaknesses: attractive people. He'll sleep with anyone who appeals to his taste. We would gain a goldmine of information if we could set up one of our spies with him and they coaxed some secrets out of him." "That's a good idea and all, but who could we set up to seduce him?" Y/N asked. "You." The boss answered. "Me?, no. I'm the last thing Bond would be interested in." They insisted. "Nonsense. Give you a quick makeover, and you'll have a solid chance of getting him to a bedroom. I appoint you to collect to seduce him and collect intel." The boss said. "Seduction is the deadliest weapon."

That night, Y/N put on their best clothes and headed to the Crystal Lounge, where Bond was said to be spending most of his evenings. They walked through the glass doors and wandered the sophisticated, luxurious bar. Sure enough, sitting on a barstool alone was James Bond himself. Knowing this plan would utterly fail, Y/N sighed deeply and made they're way to him, sitting down on a stool next to him. "Hello there." Y/N greeted him, smiling. James turned to look at the very attractive person who sat down next to him. "Hello." He said back. "You looked a little lonely so I thought I'd keep you company." Y/N told him, batting their eyelashes at him. "Well I'm certainly not lonely anymore." James said, smiling at them. "So, what's your name?" They asked, pretending they didn't already know. "James. James Bond." He replied. "Mr. Bond indeed! What a pleasure it is to be in your company." Y/N said, gazing at James and tracing their fingers along the countertop in front of him. "What's your name?" He asked, getting a bit flustered. "Y/N L/N." They answered. "It's very nice to meet you, Y/N. Can I buy you a drink?" James inquired. "Certainly." They replied. After the pair had drank and chatted for a while, James was more than ready to take Y/N to his luxury hotel room. "I find you very....alluring." James confessed, running his hands across Y/N's body. "Just as I feel about you." They said. They were surprised at the possibility of the boss's plan working out after all. James then wrapped them tightly in his arms and they passionately kissed. Y/N wrapped their arms around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kisses. In a moment, James had lifted them off the floor and pinned them against the nearest wall. Gasping for breath, both of them quickly stripped each other clothes off James found his way inside Y/N, already turned on and erect. "Give me am experience I've never had before." Y/N whispered in his ear. They were actually in the mood for this now and it wasn't strictly business duties anymore. "You don't even know what I'm capable of." He said huskily into their ear, his alluring accent turning Y/N on even more. Their lips met again, their tongues battling. James started pacing faster, and the pure pleasure and energy surged through Y/N. Both of them sensed the thunping against the wall was getting a little too loud, but neither of them could bear to stop now. "I'm close." Y/N gasped out, which only caused James to trust even faster. "Oh fuck!" They called out as they both reached climax. The paces got slower and slower before finally stopping. "Oh god." Gasped James, out of breath. They both rested a moment before James kneeled down and licked up the juices that were dripping down Y/N's legs. They leaned their head against the wall and moaned heavily until he was finished. Y/N quickly got down and did the same for him, being sure to use extra tongue that made him moan even more. Once they were finished, they climbed into James's bed together and fell asleep, satisfied and pleasured.
In the morning, they both talked for a while in the bed, and Y/N collected little information from James, but decided it was good enough and left him to go to headquarters and report in. The boss determined that needed more intel, so Y/N visited James's room many times after for more information and more amazing sex. But in the end, James found out Y/N's plan, and after spilling the tea, the spy circle was shut down and everyone involved thrown in jail. Though the plan hadn't worked, Y/N was able to think about the best sex of their life and the passionate fling they had with the one and only 007.

The end.

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