High-School Reunion (Dolph Lundgren)

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Story type: Fluff

Y/N sat at their desk in their bedroom, staring off to space in thought. Before them was a virtual invitation to a 45 year high school reunion. They were wondering if they should attend or not, since they still lived in their hometown where the school is located. They knew it would be wonderful to see all their old friends again, even if some of their enemies were present as well. They suddenly thought of one specific person: Dolph Lundgren, their only teenage crush. They were acquaintances, but never friends, or partners like they always wanted. Even on prom night, Y/N couldn't bring themself to confess their love for him, especially since he was attached to another classmate of theirs. Y/N sighed, thinking of Dolph dreamily as they read the invitation again. "It'll be so fun to joke about my crush on him if he's there." Y/N said to themself as they clicked "accept invite".

That evening, Y/N hopped excitedly out of their car and headed to the school building. They wore (your favorite outfit), hoping to make a good impression. They went through the entrance and headed to the gym where the reunion was taking place. There were banners, balloons, and streamers everywhere, loud music, and a huge buffet table. Y/N looked around, searching for a familiar face anywhere. After a moment of searching with no luck, they went to the buffet table so they at least wouldn't go hungry. As they finished filling their plate, they turned to go find a table, but instead came face-to-face with Dolph Lundgren. "D-dolph. You're h-here." They stuttered. "Of course I am! I wouldn't miss it!" He said. "I haven't seen you since our last day of school together, Y/N!" Them without warning, he threw his arms around them for a hug. Y/N's heart started racing as they shoved their plate on a table behind them and hugged him back. "I missed you so much!" Y/N told him, all the old feelings coming back. "I missed you too! I wish we had been closer friends in school. I'm not even talking to any of my old friends anymore." Dolph said. "Well... I'm sorry about that." Y/N told him, at a loss for words. "It's okay. I don't even miss them, really. I have lots of good, loyal friends now." He said. "I'm glad to hear that." Y/N told him, still feeling the same way they always did about him. He was always perfect in their eyes, and they hadn't seen a reason yet for that to change. "Why don't we sit down so we can talk?" Dolph suggested. Y/N nodded in agreement, and they found a vacant table to sit at. "So I guess you're like...a movie star now." Y/N said, glancing at him shyly. "Yeah, it's been great." He told them. "The movie business has it's ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for any other job." "I'm glad you're happy. Everyone in the school thought you had a bright future." Y/N said. "And they were right. I hope life's been good to you, too?" He asked. "Yes, it truly has. I'm a successful (job of your choice) now, though I never married or had children." "I did, but we're divorced now." Dolph said. "We just weren't happy anymore." Y/N nodded understandably, meanwhile gazing into his eyes as they always did before. They then knew the old feelings had never quite faded away. But what would Dolph want with them? They were a regular person and he was a celebrity who never had feelings for them in the past.
"Are you alright?" He asked, interrupting their thoughts. "Yeah! I'm fine. Just lost in thought I guess." They replied. "You always were that way." Dolph told them, chuckling. Y/N blushed slightly and looked down at their lap. They knew were an adult and still acted like an embarrassed teenager around their high school crush, and they hated it. "It's a bit uncomfortable in here, don't you think?" Dolph asked. "Why don't we go outside so we can have more peace and quiet to catch up?" "That would be great!" Y/N agreed, excited but nervous. Together, they left the gym and wandered out into the parking lot. Y/N led them to their car and both of them sat down on the hood. The twosome chatted away for a while, talking about their lives, telling stories, and reminiscing about their school days together. Y/N felt a heaviness in their chest, and they finally decided to release it. "I don't think your ever knew this, but I had a huge crush on you for our junior and senior years." They said, chuckling nervously. "Really?" Dolph asked, sounding surprised. "Yes, definitely. I just never had the courage to say anything." They sighed, carefully leaving out that they still felt feelings for him. "Ah, those good old days." Before another word was said, Dolph had leaned in and gently kissed Y/N. They felt their body go weak as they lived the moment they had dreamed of so long ago. When the kids had ended, Dolph asked, "Does that make up for some of your high school years?" "I...yes, it did." They suttered. "How sweet of you to think of teenage me." "Then teenage you and present me are both happy." He said. Y/N raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Tonight has been incredible, Y/N. Talking to you and catching up after all these years has been great. You haven't changed a bit, and I finally realize now what I was missing out on. I know it's too late to start loving you, but I just needed you to know that." Dolph said, gazing affectionately at Y/N. It took them a moment to process their dream had finally come true. Their feelings, then and now, could be satisfied. Without saying anything, they passionately kissed Dolph. "It's never too late for love." They whispered, leaning close to him.
All the people going to their cars around them paid no attention to the twosome sitting on the hood of a car sharing a long-awaited moment, and a new romance that never truly left for Y/N.

Word count: 1,058

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