Dinner Date (Pierce Brosnan)

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Requested by AgnethaCherBrosnan

Story Type: Fluff + brief questionable themes

"It isn't necessary to take me out to this fancy of a restaurant!" Y/N protested over their phone speaker. "Of course it is! You best believe I feel obligated to spoil you on Valentine's Day." Their boyfriend, Pierce, said. "Sometimes I think you're too nice." Y/N told him, opening their closet doors and flipping through their wardrobe. "You love me for it, though." Pierce teased, chuckling. "You also know me too well." They added, giggling along. They found (your favorite outfit), and proceeded to put it on. "I found the perfect outfit to wear." Y/N told Pierce, smiling to themself in the mirror. "So, that means you're naked right now?" He asked, a hint of mischief in his voice. "Pierce!" Y/N exclaimed, pretending to be offended. "But yes, I am." They added. Pierce chuckled and said, "Can't wait to see you!" "Naked?" Y/N asked, stifling a laugh. "No! Just to see you and have a nice dinner with you. But if you plan on getting naked later on I won't complain." Pierce replied. "I'm hanging up now." They said, laughing. "See you soon!"
After hanging up, they finished getting dressed and took care of everything else. Once they were done, they stood before the mirror and approved of the look they had put together, hoping Pierce would like it too. They grabbed the box of chocolates and homemade card they had made for him and put it in a bag, then went outside and waited for him to arrive. Within a few minutes, Pierce pulled up to the curb, and Y/N ran down the walk and got in next to him. "Happy Valentine's Day!" Pierce exclaimed. "Same to you!" They said, and the couple leaned in for a sweet kiss. "What's in the bag?" Pierce wanted to know. "You won't get to find out until after dinner." Y/N replied, smirking.
They drove down the road and into town, reaching their destination I'm about 20 minutes. It was a very fancy restaurant, decorated with beautiful, glowing lights, and artwork everywhere. The couple entered the restaurant hand-in-hand, and we're quickly led to a cozy booth in the back. They both ordered their drinks, then started browsing the menus. "All of this stuff is so elegant!" Y/N exclaimed. "I'm used to just eating McDonald's." "McDonald's isn't the place to take your beloved sweetheart on Valentine's Day." Pierce said, chuckling. He took Y/N's hand from across the table and kissed it gently. They blushed a deep red and giggled, leaving their hand extended for Pierce to take in his. "I see you're quite the romancer." Y/N pointed out, smiling at him. "I suppose I am. But I am more than I ever have been now that I'm with you." Pierce said, smiling back. The waiter than arrived and the couple ordered their food, then had to wait a few minutes for it to be ready. Y/N noticed Pierce slouch slightly in his seat, and they watched him in worry. "Are you alright?" They asked. He only smiled in return, then Y/N felt something touch their knee, quickly recognizing it as a hand. They caught on to what was happening and asked, "Pierce, what are you doing?" "Flustering you, obviously. You should see your face right now." He replied. Y/N said nothing, knowing what he said was the truth. They tried to look normal as Pierce slid his hand up their thigh. "How can you even reach that far up?" They asked in wonder. "Not easily." He answered, grinning. He continued tracing his fingers on Y/N's leg, and they bit their tongue to keep from making any noise. He finally stopped and sat up straight again, smirking at Y/N. They couldn't help but smile and chuckle at him. The food then arrived, and the couple began to eat the elegant meal. "This is lovely!" Y/N praised. "So are you." Pierce said, staring into their eyes. "Thanks." They told him, blushing again. "If I'm lovely, you're just perfect." "You're perfect too, and not just in bed." Pierce said. "Pierce Brenden Brosnan!" Y/N cried. "Not in public!" "Why should I be ashamed?" He asked. "You shouldn't be.... it's just-" Y/N trailed off, not having a good excuse. Pierce heartily laughed, quickly followed by Y/N.
After finishing dinner, Pierce pulled out a small box out of pocket, along with a neatly folded piece of paper. "Happy Valentine's Day." He said, smiling. Y/N took the box and carefully opened it, revealing a silver locket. "It's beautiful!" They gasped. They opened it and found a photo of them and Pierce, in each other's arms, the colorful sunset as a backdrop. "It's amazing." They said, tears coming to their eyes. "I thought you'd like it." He told them. Y/N smiled widely and unfolded the note, then read the sweet, well-written poem inside. "This is beautiful, Pierce. All of it. Thank you for giving me the best Valentine's Day of my life." Y\N said. "Of course, sweetheart." He said. "Now see your present!" Y/N said excitedly, pulling out the wrapped package and an envelope. Pierce removed the wrapping paper and found a box of chocolates. "This is great!" He exclaimed. "I do love chocolate." "I know you do." They said, giggling. Pierce them opened the envelope and read the homemade card inside, containing a poem. "I love it!" He said, jumping out of his seat and taking Y/N in his arms, then they shared a passionate kiss. "So, you said you wanted to see me naked?" Y/N asked, looking at him. Pierce nodded. "Let's go then! Can't do that here." They said. The couple chuckled as they gathered their things and went to the car. They couldn't get to Pierce's house fast enough.

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