Wild Night (Dolph Lundgren)

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Story Type: Smut

Y/N was sitting on a chair in their living room, comfortable while reading a book. It was a quiet night and they were enjoying it, at least for a while. After a few hours, they started feeling bored and lonely. They glanced over at the end table where their phone sat, and contemplated wether or not to pick it up and call their boyfriend, Dolph, over to visit. "Fuck it." Y/N muttered to themself,  then dropped the book and snatched their phone. They quickly found his contact and rang immediately. Within moments, Dolph had answered the phone. "Y/N! Any special reason for calling me at this hour?" He asked. "Are you busy?' They wanted to know, glancing longingly out the window. "Not at all." He answered. "Just watching TV." "Do you want to come over? I'm feeling bored and lonely." Y/N said. "Mhm, you won't be bored for long. I'll be over soon." Dolph replied. "Can't wait." Y/N told him, smirking. "Just give me about 20 minutes." He said. "I will be feeling time." They told him, before hanging up. They set the phone down and continued reading, knowing there was no need to get ready or prepare anything. They couldn't concentrate on the book, however, and kept looking at the clock over and over again.  As Y/N was becoming slightly annoyed, a knock came upon the door. They jumped out of their seat and opened the door to find Dolph, who had clearly gotten ready just for Y/N. "Well, hello handsome!" Y/N exclaimed. "C'mon in." "You look pretty good yourself." Dolph said, tracing his fingers across Y/N's shoulder as he walked past them inside. "Must've been urgent." He commented, wearing the look on his face that showed he knew exactly what was going on. "It feels pretty urgent to me." Y/N said, approaching him and running their hands over his shoulders. "Don't worry about being too bored anymore." Dolph said, wrapping his arms around Y/N's waist and gazing at them up and down. "Do what you will. I won't stop you." Y/N whispered in his ear. Dolph's hands moved further down as he crashed his lips into Y/N's. Their tongues battled as he tightened his grip on Y/N, before completely lifting them off the ground and pushing them against the nearest wall. They stripped each other clothes off immediately and Dolph swiftly thrusted himself into Y/N. He started kissing and sucking on Y/N's neck as they let out soft moans. "I-" Y/N started a few mintues later, but couldn't get the sentence out. "You're not ready to cum for me already, are you?" Dolph asked, his breath hitched. "I am though." Y/N gasped out. "Whatever happens, I'm not done yet." He whispered in Y/N's ear. "I would never suggest being done already." They told him, and before another word could be said, they climaxed, causing Y/N to yelp. Dolph looked Y/N and smiled mischievously, causing them to smile back and give him a kiss. "Want to see what I'm capable of?" They asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why not?" Dolph asked, smirking. "I'll make you cum so fast you won't even know what to do with yourself." Y/N said seductively, pushing him towards the chair they were sitting in earlier. He sat down in the chair as Y/N climbed on top of him, running their hands over his body. They passionately kissed him before sliding into him. "You're very determined, aren't you?" Dolph asked with a smile on his face. "Certainly." Y/N replied, moving a bit quicker. "I'm definitely not lonely anymore." They added, cupping his face in their hands as they kissed with tongue. Another couple minutes later, after the couple had a make-out session throughout, Dolph said, "You did it." Y/N gave him a confused look until they felt that he had climaxed. He didn't make much noise, but his breathing was heavy and fast, as was Y/N's. Dolph caressed his hands across Y/N's back as they both caught their breath. "I'm glad you were feeling lonely and bored." Dolph said, kissing Y/N. "Me too." They agreed, and they both laughed. After that they relaxed in the chair together, Y/N in Dolph's lap, until both of them fell asleep.

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