The Burglary (Dolph Lundgren)

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WARNING: Mild violence and brief language

Story Type: Fluff + (angst?)

"I'll only be gone for a few minutes." Y/N assured him as they slipped on their coat. "Anything can happen in only a few minutes. Especially at night." Dolph told them. "You should at least let me go for you, or accompany you." "No, I don't want you to have to get redressed and cold! I'll be fine!" They insisted. They stood in front of him and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll be back in no time." Without waiting to be stalled again, Y/N went out the front door and started down street to the nearby coffee shop. They wanted to grab some drinks for the incoming chilly night, but their boyfriend, Dolph, was giving them a hard time about going out alone on the dark. They knew they'd be fine, as the shop was only about half a mile away and the street was filled with houses. Walking fast due to the cold, they arrived shortly at the coffee shop and ordered drinks for them and Dolph. They took them in a bag and started back home, until they felt the presence of someone behind them. Before they could turn around, an arm was wrapped around them from behind, and a hand covered their mouth. "Move forward." A gruff voice whispered in Y/N's ear, and they quickly obeyed. They were directed to the back of the row of buildings, where a group of men were standing around with knives and baseball bats. A man handed a piece of cloth to Y/N's captor, who swiftly tied it around their mouth as a gag. They thrashed around, trying to get free, but the man had too tight of a grip. "So, you're out here all alone, aren't you?" A man asked, smirking as he moved closer to Y/N. They whimpered and continued struggling to get loose. "That's a shame there's no one at all to see or hear you." He continued, placing a hand on their cheek, which they tried to shake off. They got an arm loose and grabbed their captor's forearm to keep it away, but he managed to break free from their grip and hold them down again. "If you don't stop thrashing around, I'll be forced to use this." The man in front of them said, pulling out a knife and tracing it down their neck. "Dig through their pockets." He ordered. Two other men came forward and rummaged through Y/N's jeans and coat pockets, where they found their wallet. They opened it and found a credit card, along with a little cash money. "We hit the jackpot!" One of the men exclaimed. "Have anything else on you?" The man with the knife asked. Y/N shook their head, since they weren't wearing anything valuable. The rest of the group had gathered around so they could split the money, and Y/N watched in tears, Dolph's words of warning hitting them like a trainwreck. Suddenly, one of the men towards the back was knocked to the ground. Y/N blinked away the tears to see none other than Dolph standing there, with no weapons in hand. "What the fuck do you think you're doing to them? Move away, now." Dolph said firmly. "Why should we? Are we supposed to be scared of you?" One of the men asked mockingly. All the others snickered until Dolph punched him in the face, making him fall to the ground. "He's only 1 man. We can ambush him easily." Y/N's captor said. All the men gathered around Dolph, gripping their knives and bats, while Y/N watched in fear. Without warning, he started kicking and punching the men around, sending them to the ground one by one. They tried to attack him with their weapons, but he dodged them all. Y/N watched in hope and worry as it happened before their eyes. A few moments later, after most of the men were down, one of them slashed Dolph's arm with his knife. He glared at him and punched him in the stomach, making the man curl up on the ground. Dolph kicked him a few times until he passed out, then proceeded to take out all the rest. The last one standing was Y/N's captor, who now held a knife to their throat. "I'll kill them!" He yelled. They whimpered softly and looked at Dolph with tears in their eyes, scared and helpless. He took a few steps forward until the man shouted, "Don't come any closer! I will kill them!" "You're going to kill them over a wallet?" Dolph asked. "If I have to. I'm a broke convict, I've done this before." He said. "You won't this time." He told him, and he side-swiped the man's feet, causing him to trip, then following it up with a punch in the stomach. Y/N broke their way free and dashed a few feet away, watching the scene happen. One more punch and a tackle to the ground, and the last man was knocked out.
Dolph rushed over to Y/N and took them in his arms. "Are you okay? Any wounds?" He asked worriedly. "I'm fine and unwounded." They replied leaning their head against him. "I'm so sorry for all of this. I should've listened to you." "It's alright." He said, rubbing their back. "Just heed my warning next time." They weakly smiled and looked up at him, then shared a kiss.

After the police had been called to the scene, and the couple was free to go, they returned home. "I'm so thankful you weren't hurt." Dolph said as Y/N dressed his knife wound on his arm. "So am I. But I wish you hadn't been injured yourself." They said. "I'd rather have that than see you in pain." He told them, smiling. Y/N finished bandaging the wound and cuddled up next to him. "I promise I won't do something stupid like that again." They said. "Good. That's a life lesson learnt the hard way." Dolph said. "Are you mad at me?" They asked, gazing up at him. "Not a bit. I'm just relieved to have you back home." He told them, gently kissing them.
The rest of the evening they spent wrapped safely in each other's arms.

A/N: This oneshot is not meant to insult or mock victims of burglary. I understand it's to be taken seriously, and many posessions and lives are lost because of it. This oneshot is only to entertain, as I thought it was a good action scenerio, especially for the person featured.

Word count: 1,107

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