They Could Never Tear Us Apart Pt. 1 (Damiano David)

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Story type: Angst + fluff

It was a quiet summer day. I'd just gotten home from work and I was sitting on the couch, playing on my phone. I was feeling pretty good as it was Friday and I was off all weekend. I'd texted my boyfriend, Damiano, that I was home so we could chat like we always do, but he hadn't responded. I'm sure he was just busy. I was lounging until I heard a knock at my door. I wasn't expecting anyone though, so in confusion, I went to the door. I opened it to find Damiano standing there. Seeing him made me feel even better than I already did. "Hi baby!" I greeted him, smiling fondly at my beautiful boyfriend. "Hi Y/N." He said, no enthusiasm in his voice at all. I thought maybe he'd had a tiring day, so I brushed off his bland greeting and attempted to kiss him, but he pushed me away. "What's going on? Why are you acting like this?" I asked, getting worried. "Y/N..... I'm here because I have something important to tell you." His voice was laced with an anxious tone. "Come in first. We should sit and talk about it." I said, stepping out of the way so he could come in. We went to the couch and sat down across from each other. "What is it, Dami?" I asked, looking at the nervous man in front of me. "I'll just cut to the chase." He began. "I....I want to break up with you. I've found someone else I'd rather be with." It felt as if my heart had just broken into pieces. "S- someone else? You mean you...don't love me anymore?" My voice was quivering as I said those dreadful words, trying to hold back tears. "I do love you but...not as much as I love this new person in my life. I already told them how I feel and they said they wanted to be with me too, so, here I am to inform you I'm going to be with them." My lip started trembling as I processed Damiano's hurtful words. It's as if what we had meant nothing to him, and he was willing to throw me aside for some tramp. "You'd better go before I say or do something stupid." I told him, unable to make eye contact with him. "Y/N-"
"I SAID GET OUT!" I yelled, tears starting to roll down my cheeks. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!"
And it was true, I didn't. I could never see him the same way again, not even as just a friend. Without saying anything, Damiano got up and left, leaving me to break down in uncontrollable tears. The man I loved the most in the entire world just ripped my heart out of my chest and crushed it, leaving me in despair. So much for today being a good day. It ended up being one of the worst.

1 year later~

I was at a coffee shop with F/N (friend's name). It was a lovely summer day, and we were at a table outside, talking and laughing together. "Excuse me for a few minutes. I need to use the bathroom." F/N said. "Okay, I'll be waiting." I replied. As they went inside the shop, I sipped my coffee and gazed at the scenery. Today was definitely a good day. "Y/N?" A familiar voice sounded from behind me. My heart felt like it stopped beating. I had to be imagining that I'd heard that voice. I whipped around only to find out it wasn't my imagination. There stood my ex, Damiano, an anxious expression on his face. I'd barely thought about him over the last few months, and hadn't spoken to him at all since that day. "Hi." I said, my emotions feeling mixed up. Seeing him reopened a wound, but I wasn't really mad about him being there. He actually looked radiant, just as I remembered him. Except he'd shaved his hair since the last time I saw him. "You can tell me to fuck off if you want. I just wanted to try and talk to you." He said, looking to the ground. "No!" I exclaimed, surprised at my own protest. "Sit down for a minute. My friend is in the bathroom." Damiano sat down across from me, having trouble holding eye contact. "How's life?" I asked him, trying to break the awkward silence. "Pretty good. Me and the others have been doing tons of gigs all over the world. It's been fun. "I'm glad!" I said, and I meant it genuinely. Maybe the wound hadn't reopened, maybe it was setting itself free. "How have you been?" He asked me. "Great! Unfortunately not as great as being world famous though." I chuckled. Damiano smiled lightly, a familiar spark in his eye. "Y/N... I came over to talk to you for a reason. Me and that other person broke up months ago." "Oh. Um...sorry? I don't know what to say to that." I said, feeling awkward. "And I've been doing a lot of thinking over those few months. I was wrong for ending our relationship. I was a fool to throw you to the side for someone I barely knew. Even when I was still with them, I thought about you. A lot. And I miss you. Hell, I need you. You're the only person who truly cared for me, and I was an idiot to not see that." "Are you saying you want me back?" I questioned, amused. "You want me to forget the pain you caused me, and toss aside all my mixed feelings towards you, and risk going through that again when you find the next person?" "I know I can't control your feelings...but I can promise you I wouldn't throw you aside again. I realize now that no one can compare to you, and what you do for me. I know I'm pretty bold to walk up to you after a year of no contact and ask to have you back, I am. I'm willing to prove anything to you to make you want me back." Damiano stated. "These declarations of love are so cheesy." I laughed, not able to contain myself. This whole thing was just so crazy. "I don't even care. I just want you, Y/N." "Well, I'm not going to just run back into your arms. You need to prove yourself." I told him. In reality, I did want to throw everything aside and take him back. His goofy lovesickness over me was always one of my favorite things about him. But I knew that's what he wanted, so I had to hold off until I knew I could fully trust him. After a few moments of silence, Damiano said, "Okay, how about this. I take you out to have the best fucking night of your life. If you're still not willing to have me, then so be it. But give me this one chance, this one night, to prove to you how much I want you and now stupid I know I was to break up with you in the first place." "Sure, why the hell not." I agreed. Damiano smiled eagerly as F/N came back outside. Their face went stone cold as they saw Damiano sitting with me. "It's okay F/N, I invited him to sit down." I quickly explained. Their face softened up a bit at that. "Do you mind if we cut this short? He wants to take me out for, as he calls it, "the best fucking night of my life" to get me back." I explained further. "Go for it! We can hang out tomorrow and you can tell me about it." F/N replied, looking amused by the whole situation. I hugged them goodbye, then Damiano held out his hand towards me. "Shall we?" He asked, that spark still in his eye. "Yes." I answered, unable to resist the urge to accept his hand. As we walked across the street to his car, I thought to myself "If I truly have a great night, alongside these feelings I'm already having...I'm going to be in love with this man all over again."

To be continued~

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