Blossoms In Autumn (David Tennant)

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Story Type: Fluff

"We're doing great business today!" F/N (friend's name) exclaimed as she handed a basket to another customer. "I know! I'm literally amazed at the amount of people coming in!" Y/N agreed. "I love this job no matter what...but I love it even more when it brings in a lot of cash!" F/N said, giggling. The two were talking about the apple picking orchard they were working at, managing the front desk. Y/N was just helping out while F/N's family owned the orchard, and it was a bustling Saturday in the middle of November. As Y/N took the money from another customer, they caught a glimpse at a familiar face across from them. "F/N, is that who I think it is?" They asked, pointing to the face as the customer left their register. "If you mean David, then yes, it's him." She answered. "I don't believe it!" Y/N gasped. They hadn't seen their longtime friend in over a year, as he was busy with his career. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go talk to him!" F/N said. "Thanks!" Y/N told her, smiling at her before rushing to David. He grinned as they came closer, before enveloping each other in a hug. "It's been so long!" Y/N cried. "It has! I felt like I almost your face." David said, pulling away from them to look into their eyes. "Let me look at you." Y/N chuckled and took his hands in theirs in a friendly manner. "You look great! I hope you're doing as well mentally?" He asked. "Thanks! And yes, I'm doing fine. As I hope you are?" "I couldn't be happier, especially right now." "You haven't changed a bit." Y/N told him, smiling widely. "And I'm glad you haven't either." He said, hugging them again. "Shall we go pick apples? It would be a fun activity!" David suggested. "I have to ask F/N. After all, she might still need help with all this business." They replied. They trotted back to the counter and asked F/N if it would be okay. "Of course! I wouldn't have you miss on a cute fall activity over me." She said. "You're abosolutely sure? I don't want to leave you understaffed." "I'm positive. Now go!" She told them, handing them a basket. "Thanks!" Y/N called over their shoulder as they returned to David, basket in hand. "Let's go!" They said.

"So, how did you know I was here anyway?" Y/N asked as the pair strolled along the path searching for a good tree to pick. "I guessed you were still friends with F/N and her family, so I called their business number and asked about you. That's when her mother told me you were helping out today." David explained. "Well, I'm glad you could make it! I've missed you so much." They told him, swinging the basket around in their hand. "I've missed you too! My acting and everything else has really kept me busy. I figured a well-deserved vacation should be spent with one of my closest friends." "That's so sweet." Y/N said. "I try to be." He replied, shrugging, causing Y/N to chuckle. The pair found a tree separated from the rest, and bountiful with fresh apples. "Let's pick from that one." Y/N suggested. They went to the tree and reached up to pick the nearest apple, but it was too high up. "Let me get a ladder." David said. He left the tree and picked up a ladder from a nearby caddy. Y/N climbed up it and started picking the apples, handing them down to David who then put them in the basket. Since David was taller then Y/N, he could reach certain apples that they couldn't without the ladder, so he helped them pick. A while later, they filled the basket almost to the top. David held onto the ladder while Y/N climbed down. They turned around and came face to face with him, their bodies almost touching. "I really did miss you a lot." David told them, taking them into a gentle embrace. "I missed you too." They said, looking down at the ground, feeling shy all of a sudden. "Y/N?" David cupped their chin in his hand and lifted their face up to look at his. "Yes?" They asked, confused. "Would you believe me if I told you...I loved you? Not just as a friend, as a lover?" He asked. Y/N was speechless for several moments before answering, "I would believe you. I know how feelings can change after a long time." "I'm glad, because I do love you. Y/N, I've had the opportunity to come see you for a while now, but I didn't have the courage to come here. Because I knew I would have to tell you my true feelings if I did. With the help of some friends, I finally decided it was time to stop being afraid and confess my love for you. You're everything I want and need." He stopped talking and inhaled heavily, looking down at the ground. "I'm going to be completely honest, David. When you first showed up today, I felt an emotion of love and longing I'd never felt for you in the past. But I just brushed it off cause I didn't think it was an appropriate thing to talk about. But after what you've said, and letting my emotions out...I know I love you back." They said. "We can make this work." David raised his head and looked at them longingly, before leaning closer and kissing them softly, his hand brushing against their cheek. Y/N held the kiss as they wrapped their arms around his neck, not caring that they were out in the open. Why shouldn't everyone in the orchard know they had found love? A moment later, after they broke the kiss, David chuckled. "What's so funny?" Y/N asked. "The fact that I'm so happy to be able to call you mine." He responded. "You should've been able to do that a long time ago!" They exclaimed, before pulling him in again for another passionate kiss.
All the couple wanted was each other, and the leaves fell down around them as their love soared beyond either of their imaginations.

Word Count: 1,070

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