Late-Night Boredom (Courtney Miller)

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Story Type: Fluff

Y/N sat on their bed, nestled in a blanket, drinking their favorite soda. They were scrolling through Netflix, looking for something good to watch, but finding nothing that suited their taste. They yawned, not because they were tired, but boredom had set in. Just then, their phone vibrated next to them, and they quickly picked it up to see what it was. One of their best friends, Courtney, messaged them, asking, "Are you doing anything right now?" "Nope." They answered, happy to have a distraction. "I'm so bored. Want to go to Walmart with me or something?" She asked. Y/N glanced at the clock before replying, "At 11:00 PM? Don't you think it's a bit late?" "I know it is, but I'm super bored, and have been all night." Courtney said. "I'm pretty bored too." They admitted. "Well, let's go then! It'll be more fun than sitting alone at our apartments." She said. "Fine, I'll go. Let's meet there in a half hour." Y/N said. "Sounds great! See you soon!" Courtney told them, and they ended their conversation. Y/N jumped out of bed and threw on jeans and a t-shirt, then put some shoes on. They grabbed their phone and their keys before locking their apartment door and heading outside to their car. It was a clear night, with the moon shining brightly and the stars twinkling. Y/N got in their car and drove a few miles to the nearest Walmart, where they spotted Courtney's car already parked there. Courtney smiled as she saw Y/N, and quickly got out of her car to greet them. "There you are!" She exclaimed. "Hey! How're you?" Y/N asked, closing their car door. "Better, now that I'm out of the house. How about you?" She wanted to know. "Same! I was getting really bored when you texted me." They answered, chuckling. The twosome walked through the parking lot and went inside, where the aisles were completely deserted, except for a few employees. "I don't think I've ever been here this late before." Y/N said. "I have, on other occasions when I was bored." Courtney told them. "I wonder if I can fit inside a cart?" Y/N wondered out loud. They pulled out a shopping cart, and after some grunting and twisting, managed to fit inside. "Y/N!" Courtney exclaimed, bent over laughing. Y/N giggled and said, "C'mon, you have to push me now." She shook her head playfully, then started pushing the cart around, going increasingly faster. "This is so much fun!" Y/N exclaimed as Courtney practically ran down the aisles. After a few minutes, Courtney stopped pushing, out of breath. "Now it's my turn." She said. Y/N climbed unsteadily out of the cart, then Courtney got in, with just as much difficulty as Y/N. "Let's go!" They shouted, running down the aisle at full speed. "This is so childish!" Courtney said, laughing. "So what? There's barely anyone here to see us." Y/N pointed out. "I'm sure your fans would be delighted to see you act like this outside of the studio anyway." "That's probably true." She said. Y/N pushed Courtney around for a couple minutes, before tiring out themselves and stopping. She climbed out of the cart and sighed loudly. "That was epic." She said. "Yep!" Y/N agreed. They both looked at each other and laughed. After calming down, Y/N looked into Courtney's eyes and asked, "Can I tell you something? Something I've been keeping back for a while?" "Of course!" She agreed. They sighed deeply before continuing, "I like you, a lot. Maybe not even just like, but love. I admire your funny, carefree personality, how kind and sweet you are. I won't even count the fact of how beautiful you are, too." Courtney's eyes darted away for a moment, beford meeting Y/N's again. "I love you too." She said. "You're one of my best friends, and I would be so happy if we could be even more than that." "Let's give it a chance, then. I think you're a perfect match for me." Y/N said, smiling shyly. "That sounds great." She agreed. She stepped closer to Y/N, before bringing them in for their first kiss. They could both feel their hearts flutter as Y/N deepened the kiss. "I'm so glad I was bored." Courtney said once they'd parted. "Me too." Agreed Y/N, and they both chuckled. They took each other's hands and wandered through the empty store, chatting and laughing together. They happened to walk past the toys, where Y/N spotted some lightsabers. They ran into the aisle and grabbed one, then threw another one at Courtney. "We must have a battle." They said, pointing their lightsaber at her. "I never back down from a challenge." She said, charging at Y/N and clashing their toys together. They moved around in circles in the area, clashing lightsabers and laughing over the whole thing. After Courtney had knocked Y/N's lightsaber out of their hands, she pulled the close to her and said, "I think I'll collect my prize now." "This is wonderful to me. Now what about your prize?" Y/N asked, smirking. "I love you." Courtney said, and they sealed their battle with a passionate kiss, before finally tiring out and going to their own apartments again. But they stayed up much later then expected, as the new couple wanted to text for hours after their late-night adventure.

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