Chapter One (Edited)

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My fingers traced a doodle on my note pad as Mr. Tylersons voiced drained on. My eyes glanced outside to watch the birds flutter up and down, wondering what it would be like to have the simple life of a bird. To fly and be free instead of being chained down in this god forsaken school, I glanced at the greying sky and watched as the birds began seeking shelter. Suddenly the piercing noise of the bell shattered my thoughts and I quietly gathered my things and made the dreaded walk to my next period; before I had opened the door and made my presence known I decided I was going to leave early. I hadn't seen my mom in a few days and I knew even if she was home she would be to high to realize I left early, so I turned on my heels and walked out.
I stepped my dry flats into the puddles the sky had just recently made and began my long walk to clear my head. I glanced multiple times at the streets leading away from this treacherous town, it would be so easy to turn and run away. The only think keeping me here was my father. He would be out of jail in a couple of months and we could leave mother together. He would never have to take the fall for my mother's unhealthy habit again, and we could start over, but some days it felt like he would never get out, and I would be forced to do my mother's dirty work my whole life. Settling on that thought I turned and began following the road that led out, I just wanted a taste of something new, even if that meant I was going to turn back and continued this horrible life.
As I was walking the new street away I began getting closer and closer to the edge of the sidewalk, where the sidewalk ended, huge weeds and brush took over, there was a nasty drop through the brush that took you into thousands if rose bushes, I should have been paying better attention because my foot stepped in a patch of mud where the sidewalk had broken, my feet slipped out from under me and the weeds swallowed me. I slid down the muddy slope with a gasp, the weeds around me whipped and cracked against my skin, the rose thorns bit at my skin and the leaves pulled at my hair until I came to a stop. I groaned to myself and stood up brushing off my jeans and that's when my eyes saw it. An overgrown unused trail. My curiosity took over as my eyes trailed down the mystery until the trail twisted out of my view. I glanced back from where I had fallen.
"I can't climb back up..." I convinced myself, so I turned back to the trail. "Let's see where this leads to."
My feet crunched up and down the overgrown path for what felt like forever until the peek of a house came into view, my feet bounced faster as my curiosity bubbled inside. It looked like a hand built house, surrounded my overgrowth and completely isolated from everything, I dropped my backpack and began to creep closer, an ear bleeding screen erupted through the windows of the house, the scream quickloy turned to a gurgling noise, cutting off with a hiccup. Then silence.
My heart began beating faster as I quietly rounded the house, I heard some more cluttering and knelt behind huge rose bushes, trying to get a better look while trying to stay hidden, I knew this house wasn't empty. The back door swung open, and two men stepped out lighting a cigarette.
"I don't understand why we can't get it to work. We have tried multiple times." The first man growled in defeat.
"It's got to be because we don't have the right body type." The second man took a long drag on his cigarette, and sighed deeply, smoke rolling out of his mouth.
"It's time to find someone new, that one is going to die soon." The first man flicked his cigarette and walked inside.
"Shit." The second man grumbled and crumbled his cigarette. Dropping it among the rocks and millions of other burned out buds. I waited hidden in the bushes until I heard the front door swing open and the men wondered off onto the almost nonexistent path. I watched them follow the twist and finally my curiosity bubbled over, I decided I was going to investigate further, I knew they hadn't locked the back door because I didn't hear it click, so when they disappeared I made a break for it, I swung the door open.
My eyes met a pitch black room, I fumbed for a switch only to come up with nothing. I prayed my eyes were going to adjust and began to walk forward I beginning to think this was a bad idea when I kicked meeting. I yelped slamming my back into a shut door. I quickly composed myself,
"To late to turn back now." I just then remembered the cell phone in my back pocket, I pulled it out and switched on the flashlight. The room I was currently in looked like a normal room, boxes stacked up to the ceiling, papers floating around everywhere, and a thick layer of dust covered the unused tables. I cleared the dust out of my throat that I had kicked up and turned back to th door, a shinny bronze handle smiled back at me, the locked clicked in. I took one last look at the back door and twisted the handle.
A click echoed through the empty halls, I crept in while the door swung shut behind me. I fumbled once again for a switched, shinning my phone light on the walls until I discovered it. I could feel in the pit of my stomach that I was not going to like what I was about to see. I swallowed and flipped the light. The room flooded with white lights, temporarily blinding me, all I could hear were faint noises and groans. I rubbed my eyes and opened then to meet the thousands of eyes staring back at me, behind cages. I backed into the door I had just came from covering my mouth. They eyes starting at me where cold, dead, and defeated. I took a step towards the first caged creature it's back was to me.
"H-hello?" I muttered, the body turned towards me staring at me with a face I will never forget. It was snapped like a young boy, but he had fish eyes, staring at me in fear. His eyes look dry and caked, like he could barely see, he had an empty bowl of water sitting next to him and feases strung around his cage. He crawled towards me reaching a webbed had towards my face. He opened his mouth as if to speak but the noise that came out were not words. He sounded horse and scratch, like his voice box had been removed. The strain from trying to speak made him start hacking, green sticky stuff sprayed from his throat and coated the cage. He looked at me with pleading eye through his scaly face, he was begging me for help through those bars, his back shot into the air again coating the bottom of his cage in green goo. I backed away watching him drop in defeat, laying in the sticky goo and coating himself.
My back hit the edge if the next cage, waking whatever one wad peafully snoozing in it, this one wasn't so timid. It jumped at the cage, saliva dripping from it's mouth while it snapped at me angerly. This one had the shape of a woman, except it's mouth and face was hairy and animal like. It had claws ripping out of her nail bed, caked in dried blood from scratching at itself. She had huge deep gouged covering her body that were leaking weakly every time she moved, it's hair was matted with her own blood and skin from the wounds on her scalp. I walked away from the snapping creature ad she reached from me again and soon my eyes fell on the next cage. A very young girl sat in the middle of a huge empty cage. One corner had a pile of her waste and one had a very thin blanket covering the cold cage. She raised her head and looked at me through her stringy blonde hair with her electrifying blue eyes. Her body was skinny and small, like a single touch would break her into peices, I learned forwards wrapping my fingers around the metal bars and pressing mg face a little to close. She lundged at me just like the other one. Opening her mouth to reveal thousands if tiny razor sharp teeth i scrambled back and hit the empty cage behind me, she stretched her fragile looking arms abnormally far, claws extending like a cat, wings extending outward and pressed against the cage. Feathers filled the air and the stench if dead animal rolled off her tongue. Before I could gather myself and either run out or inspect the other filled cages I heard the back door slam against the wall. I slid into a dark corner and took cover under some mostly boxes. The two men came stomping in exerting stopped moving and shrieking except the younger girl, who continued to shreik in my direction. One of the men stormed over.
"Shut up!" He pressed a button on her cage and the whole floor came to life. Waves of electricity jumped into the air, she opened her wings and tried to run away, only then did I notice she had a collar channed to the ground, the electricity jumped up her chains and shocked her, causing her to fall to the roaring ground. Her body jolted with shocks until he turned it off. He chucked to himself when she fell still, I stifled a yelp and watched them begin walking deeper into the room passing the cages i hadn't gotten to yet. I knew I couldn't stay any longer or I was going to risk getting caught. I waited until they had walked out of view and I could barely hear their voices when I crept out from behind the boxes, the smell of mold clinging to my cloths I slowly walked towards the door holding my breath and praying they wouldn't see me. The demon that was ripping herself apart started at me then she spit the loudest screech, and that's when I booked it out the door and down the path. I wasn't sure if anyone was following me and I wasn't about to find out, I scrambled up the sickly hill side, still muddy and slick until I reached the road,and I didn't stop running until I flew into my house and slammed the door shut, locking it in the process. I rested my back against the door and slid down, my back drenched in rain and sweat and my hair full of dirt and twigs. I swollowed hard and placed my head in my hands, realizing I left my backpack hidden in the bushes.
"Shit." I punched the door. I jumped when my mom rounded the corner.
"What the hell Nici I leave for a few days and you turn this place into mess!" She shouted at me. The smell of beer feeling the room.
"Sorry mom." I muttered and walked into the kitchen to get a rag.
"And what the hell happened to you. Your disgusting!" I sighed and ignored her while I washed the blood off my arm from the thorns. She wrapped her arm around a beer bottle and threw it at me, it shattered on the sink next to me, shards impaling my arm causing fresh blood to spill to the surface.
"Do not ignore me when I'm speaking to you! Now clean up this mess you usless piece of shit!" She shouted and drunkenly threw a plate at me.
"Mom stop!" I pleaded with her
"I don't want to deal with you right now get out!" She the another plate at me.
"What?" I asked dodging it as it flew over my head.
"I said get the hell out of my house!" She hissed. "And don't come back!" She threw one last cup at me before I slammed the front door closed, bleeding and standing in the rain once again. I walked into the park that was usually very populated, but the rain caused it to be empty today I sat down on a swing and sighed, letting the rain wash away the mud and blood thst caked my body. I closed my eyes and rubbed my sore neck.
"It's been one hell of a day." I sighed to myself. I felt a hand grasp my hair and a gun press against my back.
"Well well well." My stomach dropped at that voice. It was the two men.
The one holding me cocked his gun, and the other rounded me, my backpack in hand. He flashed my school ID card at me. "Nici is it." He smiled at me kneeling down between my legs until he was eye level with me."You know darling you don't seem to have a lot of friends, or people they will miss you." He glanced up at the man grasping my hair. "Daren, I think she is perfect." He had an evil glint in his eye.
"I think we should keep her Nick." They were talking about me like I was a lost puppy, Daren hauled me up by my hair, with the gun pressed firmly against my back, I shuttered with fear as Nick pulled a cloudy filled needle from his jacket.
"Time to go home puppet." He injected it into my neck and with the last of my strength I turned and chumped down on his hand. Then as ice filled my veins I collapsed onto the wet grass.

Experiment 13 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now