Chapter Nine

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Chapter nine

(Unedited wrote on my phone, sorry short chapter today!)

Thunderous rain clouds shook our body's, the freezing water ran down the back of my shirt giving me the chills. I held Angel close trying to shield her from most of it, the blanket was shoved under my shirt as I tried to keep it warm and dry. Angel and I had traveled quite far, we were now away from most of the population, flying near the Rocky sides and trees of the canyon. I held Angel in my arms and flew, her heavy shivering body slowly tearing at my sore muscles. I cursed and peered my eyes around, trying desperately to find somewhere dry to land.

Our of the corner of my eye I spotted a ledge with a small cave cut into it. I smiled and flipped my wings towards it, the water weighing my feathers down. Suddenly a flash of lightning came down and stuck a tree next to us, flames began licking the raindrops and painting the trees around it black.

The shrieks of Angels fear blew threw my ears, I cringed and tried my hardest to fly faster, to fly away from the mess. Finally within minutes of the lightning strike I landed on the edge. My sweat mixed with the freezing rain water, my bones and every feather ached and screamed at me. But I couldn't rest yet, Angel was still in soaking wet clothing and freezing cold. I don't know what I would do if she got sick. I sighed and set her shivering figure down.

"I will be right back okay. If any animal comes toward you while I'm gone bare your fangs and scream. I will come running." All she did was shake her head to show she understood, her poor blue lips too shaky to let any words pass. I dropped the blanket out of my shirt then kissed Angels freezing cheek and flew back out. The water from the storm soaking me once again and again made my every feather scream in frustration. I sighed and heaved myself forwards. I landed near the lightning struck sight and grasped some wood that had been dried from the fire. When my shirt was stuffed full I flew back, the wood rolled in the shirt, exposing my stomach to the biting cold air. I cringed and finally landed on the edge of the Rocky mountain and walked into the cave. Angel was still there right where I had left her, holding herself and rocking trying to stay warm.

I threw the wood down and sat around my mound."lets hope those years of girl scouts paid off." I smiled towards Angel but just saw her nod and continue rocking to stay warm. I cracked my knuckles and got to work, within minutes I had a fire going.

"Alright Angel take everything off except your underwear and lay next to the fire with the blanket. She moved very sluggishly, obviously tired and cold. But when she finally got her dripping clothes off I hung them against the wall, to hopefully dry soon. I sighed when all my work was done and pressed my warm hands to Angels face. She smiled at me and looked at my cloths.

"But mom won't you be cold too?" She asked and put her freezing hands to my face, obviously trying to mimic what I was doing. I cringed and moved her hands down.

"I'm going to be done sweetie. I'm older... stronger!" I playfully roared at her and began tickling her. She laughed until her cheeks turned red.

"Okay okay okay mom I give up!" She shouted in between laughs. I smiled and moved back, stretching my wings out behind me to hopefully dry them off. I heard her stomach growl hungerly from where I was sitting.

"Oh Angel darling are you hungry?" I pulled a candy bar I had purchased earlier before the storm hit. my stomach growled just looking at the candy bar I smiled and handed it to Angel. "Here sweetie eat up." She gave me the widest warmest smile I had ever seen.

"Thanks mom!" I watched her munch the candy bar, my stomach aching for something to eat, 10$ really doesn't get you very far. Chocolate crumbs fell into her lap. When she finished curiously stared into the fire. "Mom what's wrong with dad?" She asked, her eyes still watching the fire. I looked at my soaking feet.

"They did something to dad. He doesn't feel the same way. The like brainwashed him or something." I laughed, trying to get my own hurt to disappear. She looked up,

"Didn't they put something in you to fall in love with?" She asked scratching her pink cheeks.

"You probably won't understand sweetie." I mumbled, she continued to stare at me until I answers. "They put this stuff in both of us to make us be in love, but they must have taken it out or something because dad's doesn't work anymore." I finally answered, feeling the tears prick once again.

"Or it stopped working?" She asked I looked at her and smiled.

"Maybe..." I whispered, she was obviously trying to help.

"I don't think he ever loved you and you ever loved him." She said curling around the blanket.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Because I could put something in a sunflower to make it think it was a rose. And it might always think it's a rose when in real actuality it's just a sunflower. But when it realizes it's just a sunflower it stops thinking it's a rose because now it knows." She smiled and nodded to herself, I then watched her eyes droop.

"I think it's time for bed Angel." I shifted over and kissed her goodnight.

"Just remember mom you might feel like a rose but you are still a sunflower." She kissed me back and rolled over fast asleep.

I sat up a little while longer and thought about what she said, her words strangely made a lot of sense.

"Wow she's way too smart for her age." I laughed, until I too curled up next to the fire and fell deep asleep,with these words fresh in my mind,

I'm not a rose... I'm a sunflower

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