Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I woke up snuggling next to Tyler. My head pounding and my body aching. I caught faint pieced of a conversation between Daren and Nick.

"Experiment 13..." Daren whispered

"But what about..." Nick started

"Shh! They might hear you!" Daren cursed looking over at my cage, My eyes wide. They were talking about me, I was experiement 13 I started to raise on my feet, I walked over to the door of my cage Daren smiled, His teeth glimmered in the dark, in a creepy manner, His face staring back at me, I got shivers.

"Lets do it." Daren smiled they both advanced onto my cage, I opened my mouth and a loud hiss escaped, Like Monica. My teeth sharpened and I realized Tyler was right, I was one of them, They both grabbed my arms and yanked me out. I felt a needle inject into my arm and I yelped as cold slowly crawled thru my veins, Slower than usual. I hissed and punched. My fist made contact with Nicks nose, he shouted and dropped me,

Daren rushed to his side and I started hissing and spitting at them, A warning sound. I started to run towards the door, Ice still pumping through me.

"Why isn't it working!" Shouted Nick, Grabbing his nose.

"It is Nick. Watch her." Daren answered helping Nick to his feet, The locked my cage shut, making sure Tyler couldn't escape. I hissed loud and started to scream, Trying to wake someone up, trying to get help, but the ice keep sliding thru me, My arms went numb, then My legs I started to stumble. My scream cutting off into a bubbly sound, Then I fell.

My head cracked against the cold hard concrete floor, And blackness overtook me.


I awoke somewhere unfamiliar, it wasn't my cage, It was a round room, Surrounded by glass, I saw all the other experiments staring thru the glass, I walked over to Tyler, He looked terrified, Like he knew where I was.

"Tyler!" I shouted, pounding my fists against the glass, I saw the fish like creature with the acid spit, he spit on the window and I smiled, Now we were getting out, But the asid slid down, not burning. As it touched the ground there was a hole burned through it. I stared at it.

"Well well well. Experiment 13 is already trying to get out." I saw Daren walk up, His black hair swinging side to side, I hissed at him, and stepped forward, Then there was a zap, electricity ran through me. I grabbed my neck and found the shock collars and bracelets were back.

"You don't think we would just let you free like that?" Nick smiled walking from a door, Holding Monica by the hair. She was hissing and spitting, she had the same collars on as I did, I growled and Nick dropped Monica. Daren grabbed Nick's arm and then retreated behind the glass, I head a bolt click into place, and saw Monica sitting there.

"This is going to be fun." Daren smiled clicking a button on the remote, Monica spazzed out, getting shocked at a ten. She started shrieking and she lunged at me, Suddenly I realized what this room was, And why Tyler was so scared.

It was a battle dom.

I felt her claws make contact with my face, I jumped and hissed at her. I shoved her back, not wanting to hurt her. I didn't want to give the two what they wanted. I hissed and keep dogging Monicas lunges, Then I got shocked, I looked over at Nick and saw his hand was now hovering over the ten. I ground my teeth together. Unwilling to move. Then Nick pressed the button. I cried and spazzed. I had to do this.

I lunged at Monica. She hissed and spit, Her teeth sinking into my arm, I shouted and grabbed her hair and yanked her off of me, I kicked her in the gut and she went flying across the room, She crashed into the glass, I heard a sickening crack and saw her arm was bent in an unfamiliar fashion. She layed in a heap and I saw Daren click the ten again. She let out a cry and lunged at me again, her arm swaying. My eyes widened and I grabbed her injured arm and twisted it, She let out a cry and grabbed my hair, She yanked me off and threw me across the room, I slammed into Tylers glass, He let out a cry and scratched at the glass, Trying to break free. But by now, I was in a frenzie.

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