Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven

(Unedited wrote on my phone so sorry for the spelling and stuff.)

*** Hey guys is me! I know I've been a butt about writing and stuff but I was going through a time where I was kinda depressed and not motivated and my phone broke so when reinstalled wattpad I wasn't logged in, duh stupid me Haha, so I wasn't getting any notification and when I did get on I saw everyone's messages and it made me really motivated and feel really bad about updating I promise I will more and if I don't just get on my butt and tell me to write. Anyways sorry guys here's that update I made you wait way too long for.****

My wings stretched out around me it felt good to finally be able to stretch them as far as they could go. The wind pushed against my face in gusts, Sun on my every feather. I had forgot how good it was to have the sun tickling your skin, to have the wind brushing through your hair, but most of all to be free again. This was a feeling I had taken for granted all these years something I never knew I would miss. I flew up and down, in twists and turns, thinking to myself how amazing this was. If only Tyler were here, flying by my side. Tears pricked at my eyes, I wiped them away as fast as they came, "wow this mate stuff really worked. Now I know how Monica feels..." Being lost In my day dream I forgot to check on Angel, she has never flewn this long before.

"Ugh... Mom are we going to stop soon I'm tired." I heard her struggle, finally breaking my dreamy bliss.

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry!" I flew over to her and noticed her obviously struggling, her wings tired and making her flying wobbly, almost like they would give at any point. Her cheeks were flushed from the work out and her thin hair dripping with sweat from the blaring Sun. I grabbed her right as she began to fall I glanced around, as little as she is I couldn't fly with her for very long without getting extremely tired myself. "Maybe it is time for a break..." I heard her stomach growl in approval, "and maybe some real food too." I began carefully flying lower. All hell would break loose of someone saw us.

I had Angel already fast Asleep on my shoulder, her body growing heavier by the minute, I spotted the branches of a tree and decided that was probably our best option right now I flew as low as I dared and landed in the thickest parts of the tree, voices of the people below were carrying up towards us. 'That means food.' I thought to myself while setting my sleeping Angel down in a cluster of branches I shook her awake and quietly whispered to her,

"Hey sweetie I'm going to find food okay, I'd anyone sees you just say you were climbing the tree but stay up here. Don't talk to anyone, I'll be back in a few minutes go back to sleep." I kissed her forehead and descended down the tree. I found a burger joint down the street there was only a few people in there so I figured that was the best place to get food. I walked in and the smell of food hit my nose, nothing had smelled that good in a very long time. I walked to the ordering counter thinking about how good this was going to taste I placed my order, an easy two burgers with a large soda to go.

"Alright your totals going to be 7.95$." The man behind the counter stated.

"What?" And that's when it dawned on me, I actually had no money. I had been locked in a cage the last couple of months and my alcoholic mother probably drank the rest of my savings away.

"You said two burgers and a large soda right? So your total is going to be 7.95$" the line behind me was getting antsy, I looked behind me and sheepishly kicked my toe against their table.

"I actually have no money..." I Murmured and gave the guy a smile. He flared his nostrils and glared at me, the whole burger joint bursted out in laughter. I turned my heels and ran out as fast as possible as the next guy ordered his sandwich. "How could I possibly forget about the most essential thing. Money. Damn money." I kicked as stone and sat down in a huff next to a pile of sleeping bags. My stomach growling.

"Things going rough for you?" A man's scratchy voice asked, the pile of sleeping bags moving. I jumped and looked down, an older homeless man was sleeping and I had woken him up.

"Yeah a little me and my daughter just got out of a rough situation and need food at least. But I thought maybe somebody would help out, I guess not." The last part was a lie, but I didn't want to admit to my embarrassment of totally forgetting you have to pay for food. The old man sat up.

"Not all people are bad trust me plenty are there to help you just have to look in the right places." He pushed me gently with his shoulder. "Trust me someone will help, you say it's you and your daughter?" I nodded towards him, "What situation are you in?" He asked, I shrugged and turned towards him.

"Lets just say there's a few people were running from." And I left it at that.

We talked for a little longer, the sun began to set and my stomach growled. "I have to go my daughter is waiting, we will find some other way to get food." I smiled at him and got up, "sorry if I was bothering you." I shook his hand and smiled again.

"Oh don't be sorry, it gets lonely out here without someone to talk to. People just walk past you and ignore you. Like you have a disease or something. But being homeless isn't a disease. Thank you for keeping me company." I smiled,

"Anytime sir." I began walking away when he shouted at me I turned back and was running towards me.

"Here..." He placed 10$ on my hand. "For food until you can get on your feet." My eyes widened but before I could say anything he was shoving a blanket in my hands too. "And this for when you and your daughter get cold." He smiled at me my eyes went wide, I was completely speechless. "Not all people are bad." He smiled repeating his words from earlier, "There will always be somebody that wants to help." And with that he walked away, crawled back into his sleeping bags and disappeared once again. I stared at the money in my hands and with new confidence walked back into the burger place, proudly walking out with food, I glanced over towards the garbage cans and noticed he was gone, packed up and moved, I didn't have the chance to thank him.

I climbed back up the tree and saw Angel crawling around,

"Come get food you monkey." I called to her, she came scrambling down.

"Wow! Where did you get the money for this mom!" She exclaimed, another wave of embarrassment washed over me, even she remembered you needed money. I shook it off and looked out over the trees searching for that man,

"Lets just say sometimes the people that have less give more." And with that we settled in. Wrapped together in the blanket, we enjoyed the setting sun accompanied with soft winds that brushed our hair back, the man no where to be found. I vowed to pay him back one day, when we got away from all this.

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