Chapter Eight

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Chapter eight

(Unedited wrote on my phone)

I layed there fast asleep Angel resting in my arms the trees rustled and bobbed slightly I shifted and mumbled to myself.

Suddenly my hair was grasped with tough hands and I was yanked up my bones popping in pain. My eyes flew open as his other hand covered my mouth.

"Why hello there pet. You were right, we would see each other soon." Tyler hissed through his fanged teeth,drool dripping down I look at Angel and Tyler smiled gently kicking her out of the tree. I tried to yell but my words were mumbled by the rough of his hands. "Goodnight, Nici." He removed his hand, but without any time to scream his mouth was around my throat, his teeth sinking into my flesh I let out a gurgling scream as he tore my jugular out, blood soaking the tree. He gave me one last blood soaked smile before I collapsed. My world melting away, fading to black.

I jumped awake my hands flying to my throat a high pitched scream was echoing in my ears, the pain seemed to be all too real, I was soaked in sweat with my heart beating out of my chest. I looked around Angel was lying down Still fast asleep the tree was in bothered and the moon smiled down at me. I sighed and got up stretching my wings I took off glancing down and watched the world fly by.

"It was just a bad dream..." I reassured myself. The only problem was that it felt all too real. I sighed and flew till the sweat dried. The moonlight calming me. When I was calmed down I flew back to the tree my feet landing softly in the branches, it was still dark and Angel was still fast asleep.

I layer back down and looked at the sky, "I have a feeling were not out of the mud quite yet." I sighed to the moon, glancing at Angel, her chubby sleeping face showing a state of peace. "I don't want to be on the run forever." A lump formed in my throat and fear began running through my veins. Angel shifted and made me lose my train of thought. I smiled and cuddled up next to her again and kissed her forehead 'don't worry we will be safe one day.' I thought watching the wrapping clouds. 'Maybe even with Tyler...'


I awoke to a swaying tree and empty arms, missing Angel. suddenly panicking swept threw me the thoughts of my previous nightmares thick in my brain.

"Angel! Angel! I twisted and rolled out of the tree, my wings opening automatically panic was swelling inside of me I looked around in a panic not caring if someone saw me.

"Geez mom calm down." I heard her laugh, my head whipped up with my wings shoving me towards her voice.

"Angel want are you doing!" I hissed the fear and adrenaline pulsing through my veins. She shrunk back.

"I was... I was just bored and playing..." She shrugged and put her fingers in her mouth. I sighed and landed on a high branch placing my but down hard and drawing my knees up. I shoved my fingers threw my hair and took a deep breath. 'I forgot she's still a kid, kids need fun. Not something to run from.' I thought to myself and tried to shake the panic off.

"Sorry I just had a bad dream. Please don't run off again without at least waking me up and telling me." She nodded and sat by me.

"Sorry." I sighed and looked over the distance.

"How about we find a park for you to play at." I smiled and held her hand. Her eyes grew in excitement.

"For real!" She asked already scrambling down the tree I laughed and looked off again. This was nice, but I already knew we would have to be leaving soon. We couldn't stay here forever.


I stepped onto the wood chips of the park, tons of kids were screaming and running around. I laughed and sat next to some other parents.

"Yeah did you hear about that kid on the news that ran away? Apparently her mom is saying she yelled at her for caring about where she was or something." The woman next to me spoke to another mother.

"Yeah isn't that the like Nici or Nicia girl?" The other woman gossipped back. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, their hearing about me down here? And my mother is severely twisting the story, I got up and moved quietly to an empty bench. Hopefully no one recognised me. I watch Angel play and scream with the other kids. She kept reaching back like her wings itches I watched curiously as She played she looked at me and called me over,

"Mom come push me on the swing!" I laughed and got up walking across the crunching chips I reached the swing pushing her lightly. Something moved from behind a swing, I chose to ignore it at first and continues having fun with Angel, something else moved and I looked over finally. I caught a glimpse of Tyler. 'Shit they found us.' I leaned down to Angel.

"Okay sweetie I'm going to throw you in the air, open your wings and fly as high up as you can go. Same thing as last time hide and Wait for me."

"But mom there's kids here they will see..." She whispered back.

"Dont worry okay I'm going to count to three. Ready?" She nodded,

"One..." I looked around and saw them getting closer "two..." They walked out from around the trees. "Three!" I wrapped my fingers around her armpits and threw her in the air, her hidden wings broke out from under the thin fabric she flew up I heard someone scream and everyone froze. Tyler began flying towards Angel I jumped up and opened my wings flying towards Tyler.

I rammed into him and shoved him back. People were now recording us on their phones I shoved him down.

"Stay away from her." I hissed my fangs and claws showing themselves. I ran my hand down his arms until he shrieked in pain. " until your the man I fell in love with leave us alone!" I bit into his wing and twisted it until I heard it pop and break. He fell to the ground holding his broken wing. I flew up and looked at the gasping crowd. I smiled in mid air and bowed.

"I hope you enjoyed our surprise show. Winds like these will be coming soon." I smiled and lied flying up while hearing the crowd now clap and cheer. Angel was there watching me from above the clouds.

"They found us?" She asked I looked gravely at her.

"Yeah come on we have to go before they come back." We began flying away, I looked sadly back. Tyler layed there with a twisted face of pain.

"One day you will be my Tyler again..." And with that we flew away again.

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