Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven

(Unedited wrote on my phone. Thanks to SavannahMagallanes83 for the idea of her getting lost! I would have drug it out more like a couple chapters but I have some new exciting stuff I want to write soon in the story haha. Sorry its short I was gonna write more at the end but my phone kept crashing so I just quickly ended it sorry!)

I awoke with another jolt, the nightmares of the night before screamed fresh in my head, it was of Tyler. He was with Monica. Only she looked a million times better than before. They kissed. Then there was a baby, I remembered in my dream the room smelled of burned flesh, Nick was branding the infant, it's screams still echoed in my ears. I shakily got up and felt for Angel. White spots littered my vision making it hard to see anything. I kneeled on a sharp rock and sliced my knees open. Cursing loudly I sat back against the wall, shutting my eyes tight and waiting the panic attack out. When I was sure I was okay and my panic attack was over I opened my eyes. My knee still bleeding. I looked around and realised something, Angel was gone. I began panicking like usual until remembered she did that a lot. Ill probably stick my head out the cave and see her sorting through the fields of endless flowers. Or flying with the birds that had grown attached to us, so I grabbed a handful I'd raspberries and walked to the cave opening.

"Angel honey come get some food.' No answer. I looked up to the clouds to try and see her and nothing. I jumped off the cave side, letting the rocks and roots jab the underside of my bare feet as I walked to the raspberry bushes, "Angel?" I shouted again, dogging around a branch and turning a corner. Expecting to see her smiling face and rosy cheeks picking more raspberries, but I was wrong.

By now the panic started to settle in, more panic the usual. I opened my wings and took to the sky, with so much force I felt as though I almost ripped all my feathers out, and sure enough I had ripped some out, they scattered around me and fell to the ground like forgotten dust balls. I flew to the waterfall.

"Please oh please god be there!" I thought to myself and landed in a rock. She wasn't there. "Oh no!" All I saw were a few feathers and empty water bottles resting in the fall grass. "No no no Angel." I flew as high as I could go and scanned the forest, shouting her name now, not caring if anyone heard me. "Angel!" Something rustled in the trees a little ways off, hope filled my stomach and I began flying towards the activity.

A family of birds bursted through the rustling trees and flew towards the clouds. I stopped mid air and looked back down, hoping for more activity in those trees. Hoping Angel was there. But the trees laid still, the sounds ceased, and my hope began dissolving with every passing second.

A loud screeching of a bird made me rip my tear streaked eyes from the trees, the family of birds flew next to me. One turned its head to the side, and squealed again. It's eyes shunning once if concern and questions.

"She's gone. I can't find her." I said out loud to the birds, doubting they could hear me, but the earth has a funny way of communication. The bird turned its head down and flew back to the waterfall. I followed my only hope now in the wings of a bird. It landed next to Angels shedded feathers and held a sparking white one up, with its beak clenched around it it turned its head again. I sniffled and nodded.

"Yes her." The bird dropped the feather and took to the air as fast as it could. I gasped, not expecting the bird to take off like that. I opened my wings and followed with the rest Of the flock. After a few minutes the bird dodged downwards and landed next to another feather, this time a little bit of shedded skin was resting next to it.

"Oh no she's shedding her skin. It's already that time of month!" More panic set in, the major side effect was drowsiness and I couldn't have her falling asleep while she was lost. The bird must have sensed my panic and took off again. I followed, my wings slicing the air around me. And fear began settling deeper and deeper in the pit of my stomach.

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