Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter twenty two

(Sorry its a little short.)

"Thats the plan then?" I heard Tyler say, he nodded at the computer screen, only it was too bright to make anything out.

"That's the plan. We are going to make them pay." I heard the gorgeous woman, I assumed to Monica say, she held Tylers hand. "You ready to kill some bird kids?" She smirked at him.

"Oh yeah, but I think I want to murder something else first..." He looked Monica up and down and gave her a devilish smile, I heard Nick clear his throat and shove Darren.

"Come on man we have other things to take care of." He awkwardly nodded and walked out, I knew what I was seeing was that boy transmitting me more messages, and this part I wish I could have just closed my eyes and not seen.

Tyler layed Monica down on the table that Nick and Darren did so many of their tests on, I saw Tyler begin to un do Monica's shirt, whispering things I wish I never had to hear, his hands began fondling her breasts and the last thing I heard was Tyer whisper to Monica.Then I heard the boy that was transmitting the messages scream, I saw his hands go to his ears and he shut his eyes, transmission cutting off. They were literally torching the poor boy.

I jumped awake and shakily looked around, Necco was sleeping soundly in his own bed, and I decided to take a risk and got up out of my bed, I cuddled in next to him and the movement sent him away, he jumped up and looked at me.

"Hey sweetie are you okay?" He whispered and pushed my hair back, I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"No." I bluntly stated, he sat up and let his blanket fall of his naked chest, he wasn't super strong but I loved it, I loved how he had a little bit of a chub to him but not enough to make him fat.

"Hey what's wrong?" He mumbled concerned.

"I had another nightmare." I whipped the tears from my eyes and looked at him. "A bad one." I whispered, trying to get rid of the stupid feelings I still had for Tyler, especially since I knew I love Necco. And all the love for Tyler is artificial. He placed his forehead against mine and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm here don't worry." He kissed me on the lips, instantly sending a shock down my spine and calming me. I gently pushed me tongue in and he accepted it gladly. After a few short minutes of us kissing we pulled apart, he held me and kissed me again softly. "I'll always be here." He whispered and we laid back down, I rested my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, after we both began to doze off I heard Angels bed creek and her small feet hitting the ground. She then proceeded to climb in bed with me and Necco and lay next to me, I smiled and laughed pulling her in close. We were like one big perfect family. Angel almost instantly fell back asleep, and as I began dozing off I heard Necco whisper something.

"I love you Nici." He shyly whispered, thinking I was asleep, I smiled and shifted.

"I love you too Necco." He looked at me startled, and smiled. He then kissed my forehead and tried to lay even closer. And with that we all fell asleep together, like a perfect family, to bad that wasn't going to last very much longer.

*** (The next morning during a performance)

The elephants stomped around making loud noises, I saw the kids reaching their hands through the fenced in area trying to touch the elephants and the security guards, who aren't real guards by the way, were pushing them back. Music boomed over the speakers, Angel and I danced in the air, this really was beginning to feel like home. The aerialists above us twisted and turned, their silk creating a beautiful show for Angel and I to fly around, we had people juggling below us, and animals jumping through hoops, this was the ending finale, my one favorite part of the whole show because everyone ends up on the stage and everyone ends the show with something so beautiful it's hard to forget.

The speakers boomed one more time, everyone froze including the animal, and I saw the crowds begin to stand and cheer. When the confetti landed and the air cleared I could see clearly at the standing ovation. But as my eyes traveled around and I caught my breath my eyes fell on a beautiful woman, the one I had been dreaming about, a perfect looking Monica.

My eyes widened and I looked at Angel, she had not noticed a thing. As I watched Monica my eyes traveled to the man standing next to her, Tyler. My heart unwillingly skipped a beat, but then hate began to settle in.

"I must be dreaming. They can't know where we are at we took out the trackers." I whispered to myself and continued to smile, making myself believe it was only a dream.

Only I was wrong.

I saw Monica lift a gun and a bang rang out. She had shot me in my side. I gasped as I felt my ribs crack and break, I looked down, expecting to wake up and see it was a dream, and when I realized it wasn't a dream Monica already had another shot in my wing, I gasped and fell, my wind no longer holding me up, and my side bleeding everywhere. I heard people scream and everyone began running out. It was like all the sounds from the screaming and pounding of the freaking out elephants began draining out. My head didn't echo sounds, all I could hear was my heavy breathing and my heartbeat, it was as if everything had been slowed down in slow motion too, I looked up and saw Monica smiling, Tyler smirking. And I saw Nick and Darren standing on their flanks, they had the remote that had been making that loud shrieking sound in mine and Angels ears. I saws Monica hand the gun to Tyler and she began walking towards me, and as I studied tyler I saw that is wing was still broken and was tightly wrapped up. The security guards and the other players ran at her, cursing and yelling, I saw Angel with her eyes wide staring at me and Necco ran to her and pulled her pushing her outside the tent, away from the madness. And as he began running back to me I saw Monica smile at me, and I knew what was coming.

"Hey princess. Remember me." She smirked at me and yanked me up by my hair, I cursed and looked at her through tired eyes, my side on fire and my wing dripping with blood. "I look different don't I." She cursed, and as Necco got closer she then jumped and opened her wings, they were no longer shedding like before, they were gorgeous, perfect wings.

"What happened to you?" I coughed out, almost excepting that I was about to die.

"Well... Tyler loved me so much he begged Nick and Darren to fix me, to help me." She emphasised the word Begged and leaned in close to my face, sharpening her teeth and twisting her face into the terrifying one we all possessed. "And now I'm going to make you pay. Pay for everything you have done!" She shouted at me and through me to the ground, I tried to open my wings to soften my blow but it half worked, my un injured wing opened, while my injured one stayed closed and tightly against my back. My one wing flapped uncontrollably, trying to overcompensate for the fact that the other wing wasn't working. I hissed to myself and sharply turned and accidentally smash into the side of the stand. Everyone had pretty much cleared the tent and I could hear the ring master say it was a surprise ending to our show. The other players were held back because Tyler was guarding Nick and Daren and whenever anyone tried to get close he would attack. I layed on the ground to broken and injured to move, my side ached and I was continuously loosing more and more blood. Monica stepped over my body and stared down at my face, the saliva on her teeth dripping onto my face.

"Now who's the one on the ground!" She hissed, obviously referring to when we were put in the battle dome together. She picked up her heeled foot and pushed the end of her highheel into my open wound on my stomach. I let out a gut wrenching scream that echoed the tent, everyone froze, and I saw Necco out of the corner of my eye charging towards us. Monica smiled and pushed her foot down harder, grinding it deeper into me. I scrame again and tears came to my eyes. I could tell she didn't know Necco was on his way.

He jumped on her back, she shouted in shock, not expecting anyone to be attacking her. I saw Necoo open his mouth, his gleaming sharp teeth glaring at us. His face was one that haunted children dreams. He dug his teeth into Monica's shoulder and began tearing at it, I saw him yank chunk after chunk out of her shoulder, she screamed and flailed and I saw Nick and Darren shake their heads, then they pushed the button that made the loud screeching noise, I saw even the carnies drop and cover their ears, something was blinking inside of Monica's ear. I assumed it was to prevent the sound from hurting her. Necco fell off her back and covered his ears, hissing loudly. My vision was going blurry and my blood loss was making my head lighter. And as my body grew heavy I saw something that made my heart ache and skin crawl,

Tyler was holding Angles unconscious body. And before I blacked out I saw them walk out of the tent and disappear, with Angel.

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