Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

(Unedited wrote on my phone)

I dropped Angel off in a tree and landed gently down on the ground. I walked around silently trying to determine if this was the town I needed. I was in desperate help, I crossed my fingers that they would have a doctor and that they were willing to help. Sure enough after forever of walking around I discovered that this was the correct town. Step one complete, now for step two, finding the show. As much as I didn't want to talk to anyone I had to find this carnival right now it seemed like our only hope.

"Excuse me sir." I stopped a man in a suit and tie. "Do you-"

"No I don't have any money." He snapped at me, cutting me off.

"No no no I mean do you know where the freak show is?" I asked brushing off my jeans nervously, did I really look that homeless?

"Can you afford a freak show?" He eyed me up and down I signed and attempted to fix my hair.

"Yes. I'm not from around here and I don't know where it is..." I mumbled uncomfortably.

"Doubt you could actually afford it. But it's down the street until you get to the edge of town then it's a little way out there because a lot of people don't like them so they keep them pretty much out of town." He rolled his eyes and pulled out a very expensive phone, checking the time. Without another word he turned his heels and walked on, I then turned and booked it back to Angel.

When I had arrived back at the tree I noticed a bunch of people had now accumulated around it, I signed. No way I could fly there, people were already staring and murmuring about the girl with wings. I looked way too familiar, and now I have to carry a little girl that was so sick her body was trying to sleep it off. I signed and climbed the tree, letting the tips of my claws peaked through just so I could climb a little faster.

As I had predicted Angel was still laying there. Fast asleep, her cheeks seemed to be getting redder and redder as her temperature peaked. I signed and threw her over my aching back and climbed down doing the best to keep my head low and not attracted attention. I signed and walked through town, not thinking about just walking out of town and flying around it, someone shoved into me, I stumbled and Angel shifted uncomfortably against my wings, pulling at my feathers. I winced and shifted her back.

"Nici?" I heard a voice say I tensed my back and began walking even faster.

'Shit shit shit.' I thought to myself, glancing behind me. It was a man that looked almost like my dad, the hairs rose on the back of my neck. 'Oh no this is bad.' I broke into a run and booked it around the corner. I moved Angel to the middle of my back and shot my wings open, taking to the air. I looked around as my body sliced against the winds, no one seemed to see me. Wow I got lucky.

As I reached the clouds I looked down and saw the faint outline of my father. He was out of jail, looking for me. "I'll be back dad. Don't worry." I signed and pointed my body to the edge of town, an idea popping into my head, we are freaks.

With that idea fresh in my head I landed on the yellow grass, huge tents loomed over us, the jaws of the tents opening and inviting us in, the place was completely deserted.

"How may I help you." A voice boomed over me, I jumped and turned around, my eyes meeting the stomach of a man. I looked up, with every inch of this man my eyes grew even larger.

"Um..." I mumbled. His large skinny figure turned down at me.

"Ma'am all the showings have ended. If you wish to see them you must go three towns over to see the next one in a couple of weeks." He has a very deep voice for such a skinny man.

"Um... Uh no I... I need to talk to the man in charge." His height still shocking me.

"Why." He crossed his arms and tapped his fingers, Angel coughed hard and shifted, still fast asleep. My back screamed in pain and my wings hissed and screamed at me. I winced and shifted, my whole back spasming and shaking hard.

"Please sir I just need some help that's all." I opened my tear filled eyes super wide at him. He looked me down one more time then nodded.

"Fine. Follow me." He began taking very fast and large strides into a gaping tent. As we walked in my eyes grew even wider, there were people walking across tightropes, a woman brushing a very long beard, a pair of siamese twins. Even a boy that seemed to have lobster claws instead of hands. My strides began to slow as I watched the silk dancers spinning down towards the ground, and the clowns dancing with elephants.

"Are you coming." The voice boomed. I sped my pace up wishing Angel could be awake for this. She would absolutely love it. I looked away again to watch the woman, with way too much makeup on, throw themselves from swing to swing. I the. Crashes into the tall man.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorr-" I began.

"Wait here. I will fetch the ring master." He boomed then turned and walked away. A woman walked up to me, her body dancing with every step.

"Why hello there darling. How do you find yourself here?" She asked peeking behind my shoulder to find a sick Angel. I looked around and saw the tall man returning, with a short fat man following in his heels.

"I came to talk to your ring master." A hard cough from Angel and a wheezing sound from her lungs escaped her lips.

"Oh my! Let me see that child!" She yanked Angel off my back and inspected her, laying her on the ground and pressing her ear to her tiny chest.

"She got sick and I don't know what she has or how to help it." I knelt down next to them as she began inspecting my Angel.

"Hello ma'am. How May I be of assistance?" The short fat man stuck out his hand. I took it and stood up, shaking it.

"Hi I'm asking for help. Me and my daughter don't have anywhere to go... We have no money, and we were hoping you could give us a job. And She's sick I was hoping you could help us please." I just rambled off any thought that came to mind, hoping he would at least help Angel.

"I'm sorry to say that we do not have any opening available." My shoulders fell.

"Not even like a cleaning job?" I begged in defeat. He shook his head and inspected Angel.

"We will help your daughter though. But I'm afraid that's all we can do." He gave me a sad smile. "Unfortunately we only take freaks. And you seem to be a very normal person..." He continued talking but My eyes roamed to the woman behind him, she was walking a tightrope that didn't have a net underneath. And she was very wobbly. I looked over at Angel and finally saw her shifting awake, then I saw the woman stumble on the thin wire, and fell. A scream echoed from her lips, I saw angels eye go wide. She couldn't witness someone die in front of her. So my instincts kicked in.

I took to the air, the wing Angel had shifted on earlier hurt, and my back and wings still ached from carrying Angel for so long, but I wrapped my arms around the falling girl and flew her up, only then to gently fly down and set her feet on the hard ground that would have had her brains coloring it if I hadn't had been there.

"I suggest you practise with a net first." I cussed her out nicely and walked back to the ring master. His eyes were wide and he looked at both me and Angel, I tucked my wings in behind me again and came back over, silently.

"Well now ma'am. About that job..." He smiled at me and took my hand, leading me to another tent, he took me one way as the woman who inspected Angel took her another way, they said they would make her better. So I let them take her, and settled with a pit of worry deep in my stomach. I follow the ring matter and began looking at all the people, they were all truly beautiful and amazing people. I saw a boy he seemed to have cat ears and a tail swishing behind him, he looked at me with His deep Brown eyes, he looked me up and down, his freckled cheeks turning red in embarrassment. Someone walked in front of me, and when I looked back towards the boy he was gone.

The ring master took me to a small tent and sat me down "I believe we now have an opening."

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