Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


I woke up with a pounding headache, I lifted my head and found myself locked into a cage. I was across from the winged girl, She looked at me and shrieked, jumping at me, But we were both trapped by bars.

"Monica!" Hissed a males voice, "Shut up! Or they will come in here again!" I turned and saw a cage, one that was empty when I was here last time, It was a boy, he had wings, he looked over at me, His brown hair hanging limp into his red brown eyes, I blushed and looked away, my face heating up.

I looked back over at him to find him staring at me I met him with my grey eyes, my brown bangs hanging into them.

"You're not going to get out... None of us are..." He mumbled looking at his feet, He wrapped his arms around his legs and curled up into a ball.

"I- I- I'm Nici..." I mumbled still staring at him, He looked up at me.

"I'm experiment twel- I mean... Tyler." He smiled back. I looked around silently and saw Monica, The winged demon staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Wha-" I started,

"Shes an experiment... Gone wrong..." He stared at her.

"What was she supposed to be..." I whispered she hissed and spit at me. I scooted over to the corner, Closer to Tyler.

"She was supposed to be... Be like me." He whispered. I looked over at him.

"But-" He stood up and walked over towards my cage.

"I'm like her. Just not... Crazy." He whispered, I saw him unfold his wings, Same as her but his were brown, He stuck his hands into my cage, I saw his normal hands turn to claws, He opened his mouth, full of normal teeth, Then in shock, I saw his teeth turn to millions of razor sharp teeth, Just like Monica. I scrambled back, and stared at him, I saw him changed back to mostly normal. He looked at me sad.

"Thats whats going to happen to you..." he whispered, going over to the corner.

"What are you talk-" I started then heard the door open. I saw Daren and Nick walk over to my cage, I head Monica hiss, They turned and and pulled out feathers on her wings, She shouted in pain and cowered in the corner.

"Hello... Nici." Nick leaned in close. I spit on his face.

"I don't care what you do to me. Because no matter what. I will kill you." I whispered threats that would probably not come true. Daren reached his arm into the cage and grabbed my arm, I tried to yank back but my brain and body felt like it was wrapped in a sheet of cotton candy, from that blue liquid they gave me before. This time they pulled out a clear cloudy liquid, they inserted it into my arm, I felt a burning like it was burning hole into my arm.

I started screaming and tried to yank my arm back, They inserted the same cloudy liquid into my other arm, pain ran through my body, the pain started to move from my arms and other parts to my heart, they let me go, and I crumpled into a heap onto the bottom of my small cage. By now I was laying in a heap, my eyes wide as the pain burned my chest I wasn't screaming anymore, I was too weak for that.

Tyler scooted over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Nici its ok... It will stop soon!" He rubbed my hand and tried soothing me I started convulsing, my arms shooting out, back stinging, I felt a ripping in my back tears stung my eyes, finally it was too much I blacked out.


I awoke with Tyler's hand still wrapped in my, except he was asleep, I slowly got up, pain running through my sore muscles, I looked over at Monica and heard her chewing on something I slowly and carefully let go of Tylers hand, He had bruises were I was obviously squeezing too hard.

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