Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


Tyler laughed and we taught Angel how to fly, she looked clumsy and the cage was too small for her to fly properly. Nick walked in.

"Thats not the way to teach her to fly." He hissed pressing a button, grey clouded the room, he covered his mouth with a mask, suddenly Angel fell, crashing to the ground, her eyes falling, I started to loose my balance and I fell over, Tyler catching me, only to have him fall to, they were knocking us all out. "This is the." Was the last thing I heard the left Nicks mouth before I was knocked out.

I awoke with Tyler next to me, we were in the battle dom. But the thing was, we weren't the ones fighting this time, I looked around for Angel, I had grown attached to her like she was my own child.

"Tyler where's-" Tyler pointed threw the clear glass, There Angel layed, still knocked out, in the middle of the battle dom.

"Angel!" I shouted, slamming my hands against the glass.

"Hello Experiments, Nicks voice echoed thew the battle dom. "Its time for our newest and youngest to learn to fly..." Angel started moving, getting up, the door opened and I saw the poison lizard come out, his scales flaking off like old dandruff, he spat and it sizzled and popped, not melting anything. Angel shivered and back away, running to our window. She stared scared at me, pounding on my window.

"Angel run!" I shouted, she turned and the lizard pounced on our window, I slammed my fists against the glass trying to get to her. She ran around, tears streaming from her face. The glass cracked under my fists, I hit harder, my fists bleeding, Angel opened her wings and tried to take off, the lizard spitting acid at her, it made contact with her leg, she scram and her attempt at flying failed. She fell and the lizard slithered over to her, she kicked it and jumped on its head, it hissed at her and she opened her wings, Taking off.

My fists finally broke threw the glass and I took off out of the little room, My arms engulfing Angel, my fists bleeding.

"Fucking bird kids." Daren spoke, The air turned grey and we fell, I opened my eyes to see Nick walking towards me, kicking me in the head, successfully knocking me out.


I woke up in my cage, I blinked hard and looking around, Tyler layed there, His eyes wide, shivering. I got up.

"Tyler?" I asked scooting over to him, He keep staring and shaking, "Tyler." I asked again grasping his shoulders. "Tyler!" I shouted louder, shaking him, Nick and Daren walked over, Looking at Tylers shaking body.

"Oh, Looks like its working Daren." Nick chuckled evilly.

"You monsters what have you done to him!" I shouted ramming against the cage. They looked at me and smiled.

"Oh nothing Pet. Just another experiment." They laughed, walking out of the room,

"Tyler babe! Tyler move!" I shouted, tears stinging my eyes, Angel stood up and walked over to me.

"Mommy what's wrong with Daddy?" She asked rubbing her eyes, I hugged her tightly, they didn't explain the experiment, for all I knew Tyler was dying. I took a deep breath.

"I don't know Honey." I whispered, she peeked her head around and looked at Tyler.

"Mommy Daddy stopped." She smiled walking over to him, I looked at him and walked with her, he blinked and looked over at us.

"Oh my god Tyler!" I smiled, I pressed my lips against him, he just sat there, not responding, I pulled away. "Tyler?" I asked, kissing him again, trying to get a response, he pushed me off and got up.

"Yo Darren, Nick, let me out." He said, Darren walked towards our cage, opening it, Tyler stepped out.

"Tyler?" I asked, tears pricking at my eyes, he looked back at me and gave me a dazzling smile.

"Oh and Honey." He started, I smiled, "Don't kiss me again your repulsing animal." Then he walked away, out of the experiment room, It felt like someone stabbed me in the chest, I pressed myself up against the bars and saw Tyler talking to Nick. Daren walked over to me, an evil smile plastered onto his face.

"Now he's ours." Daren walked away laughing, I sat down, tears streaming down my face. Now I understood what they did to him. They changed him, now hes on their side, and hes no longer my mate. Anger ran threw me and I hugged Angel.

"Mommy what's wrong?" She asked, I hugged her tightly.

"Angel were escaping tonight."

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