Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

(Again wrote on my phone so its not edited. And it's so short because I was super tired and my phone keep auto correcting everything wrong so I got frustrated.)

The crackling of the fire warmed our bodies, it was nice to have company around us. Everyone chatted and laughed together, already knowing each other, an older smiling woman that was missing a few teeth brought over a huge pot of piping hot goodness, she placed it in the middle of the fire and began dishing bowl after bowl of this delicious food, it was potatoes and corn, with mushrooms floating around, and the occasional bite of freshly cut carrots. Some beautiful spices and other vegetables floated in the steamy beef broth, my stomach rumbled and I even saw Angel staring at the food, her little chatty self has turned her open mouth to gape at the home cooked meal.

"You two look like two starving children a man just gave a burger to." The cook stated in a southern accent I looked up the woman and laughed, Angel jumped up when the bowl was handed to her.

"You have no idea ma'am. This is gourmet food to us. We haven't a a good meal since..." I trailed off, suddenly remixing how long we actually have been without a decent meal. The cook looked me up and down and back at Angel.

"You two deserve a double scoop. I can see ya' bones threw them there dresses." The cook smiled and plopped an extra scoop into Angels bowl. She let out a little shriek and began shoveling spoonfuls of stew onto her mouth. She had her bowl kicked clean before anyone had even had a second bit of theirs. I smiled and began eating my own, but I noticed Angel eyeing the bowl of stew still hoping to get more. I took one more swallow and out of habit gave the rest to Angel.

"Mommy are you sure? Are you hungry?" She asked holding the bowl I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Nope. I'm full darling, just eat up." I smiled at her and saw Necco walking out way, little butterflies began fluttering in my stomach. I looked away from him and saw The cook and everyone else was staring me I shifted uncomfortably. "What?" I finally asked.

"Why did you just give your food up?" The cook questioned, she was obviously never a parent.

"Oh she was still hungry I'm fine." I smiled, feeling my stomach ache for more food.

"Ya' could'a asked darling." The cook smiled and 're filled my bowl as well as angels, setting both down. "We be happy to fill ya' stomachs." The cook gave us a smile I smiled back and me and Angel continues eating out food, Necco sat next to me and took a bowl himself.

"What did the ring master want?" I leaned over and asked he looked at me a little upset.

"Nothing really. Just threaten to let me go because the crowd doesn't seem to like me very much..." He whispered and began lapping the bowl clean. I pushed him gently with my shoulder.

"Don't worry you will be alright." I smiled at him, trying to give him confidence. Angel stood up and walked over to him.

"You have to be scary!" She smiled jumping up and down. "Like this look, see your teeth, bare then like a mad cat." She then proceeded to bare her sharp fangs and let a hiss out that quieted down everyone. "And then show your claws and get on your hands like this..." She got down on all goes and pushed her claws out she arched her back and went into full blown mutant form. I got up and picked her up.

"Angel!" I cussed, and looked at me and her face began to soften and return to that old sweet face. She shrugged as I let her down.

"Sorry mom." She mumbled and sat next to Necco now just talking to him, a couple of woman walked up late to the fire, they had what looked like a sheet of makeup on, and some very tight clothing. Their hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, almost like they were about to perform, not to eat.

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