Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine.

I stepped onto my dad's doorstep, cradling angel softly. The sounds of the police still echoed in my head, the screaming of the ambulance could be heard from a mile away. I sighed and shoved the door open, seeing Mark and my father on the couch.

"Dad I need help." I whispered and threw myself on the floor, still holding Angels unconscious body. He looked at me scarily and looked down at Angels body.

"What happened!" He gasped and lifted up her bloody red hair.

"T- They smashed her head!" I gasped and looked down at her fragile body. Instead of the silent and peaceful sleep she usually has she looked stale, and dead.

"Nici..." The sirens came booming down the street, they were looking for us. "Nici you need to leave. If there is a doctor go there. I'm afraid I don't know if she is still alive but there is a chance. Hurry!" He shoved me out the back door and kissed my cheek.

"Dad I don't know if I will be able to see you again."

"Just go." He shoved me and Necco out the door.


"Go." he shoved me again as I heard the police parking out front, a sinking feeling filled me. One of fear and sadness. He was one of the last person that cared about me, and he was shoving me out just like everyone else. He shut the door on my face, I shifted Angel on my shoulder, feeling blood begin to drip down my back. I looked at Necco sadly.

"Come on." I whispered, hearing my father and Mark quietly arguing. My father thought I was a monster, he was saying it. Necco pulled me closer.

"He still cares babe." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"We have to go, come on." I whispered again and kissed him back, kneeling down to let Necco climb on, then I opened my wings up and beginning to take air, not caring if anyone saw me.

"I'm sorry babe." He ran his hands through my wings, I nodded and flapped my wings harder, glancing down to see the cops speaking to my father, others gasping at me, and some even photographing me. But right now it felt like my whole life was coming to an end, I didn't care what anyone saw or anyone thought.

The clouds licked my wings, moistening them and making Angels bloody head run even more. I sighed and told Necco to put pressure on it again, she was still unconscious, and my body was beginning to wear out, the adrenaline rush from earlier had worn off and my body was trying to crash on me. But I forced myself to go even farther. We didn't have enough time to stop for the night. I needed to get to the nurse at the circus, her body was still warm signaling she was still alive, but if we stopped for the night she might not be alive for much longer, so even though my body was crashing and my wings were trying to give up I continued to push myself. The clouds weren't making it any easier to fly, my moisture was building up in my wings and making them even heavier, I tried to fly hire to get out of the clouds and warm my wings but it wasn't working. The hire I went the more clouds there were, and the thinner air was making my head spin hard. I sighed and sunk again, letting the moisture from the clouds continue to build up until my wings began dripping with condensation.

"Everything is going to be okay." I heard Neccos calming voice tell me, I looked back at him and smiled, his ears and fur was damp too.

"I hope so." I mumbled looking at Angel again, then I began dipping lower, it felt like we were getting closer. And I was right.

The circus was a buzz. Lights were brightening everything up and I could hear the laughter of children. As I studied harder I saw the players mucking about, I smiled, and remembered all the good memories we had made here, but I knew we couldn't stay.

I landed in the middle of the circle of tents, next to the artist that hated us.

"I need help. Where's the nurse." I whispered, flashing Angels bleeding face. Even though the young woman hated us she gasped and touched her head, realizing it was a very deep gash.

"Nici what happened!" She whispered covering her mouth.

"I'll explain it later but right now I need to get to the nurse, please where is she." I begged, she nodded and grabbed my hand, leading me through the crowd. We lost Necco but he knew the circus better than I did so I knew we would run into him later.

I crashed through the back of a tent, going back stage of a show.

The nurse stood there, watching the show from behind and making sure none of the artists or the people handling the animals got hurt. I grabbed her shoulder and began spilling the shoulder. She yanked Angel from my arms as I was half through the situation and began running to her trailer, the artist following after us listening carefully.

"I just don't know if she is okay!" I sobbed running after her. She layed her on a table and looked at me.

"Get out." She said, I could tell she was in a hurry and wasn't trying to be mean.

"But-" I started.

"Nici she is in critical condition and I have to have silence. Please just sit outside I will get you when I have an update." I sighed and sucked my tears upn and walked outside, being kicked out for the second time out of a place I cared about.

Then I let all my tears flow.

I was sobbing and shaking when the artist came up to me, she sat next to me.

"Hey." She put her arm around me and squeeze me.

"What do you want." I sniffled and tried to wipe the tears away, but they keep flowing.

"To talk. I know I was a bitch before, with the whole dumpling stew on Angels head and stuff. But I know how bad this feels, not knowing." She turned and gave me a real hug, and I willingly hugged her back.

"I'm Angie by the way." She smiled, then she began talking in more depth about what she meant by the waiting sucking. "When I was younger my parents got into an accident. I was really mad at them and yelled at them before they left. And when they left I ran away, leaving with my friend. I found out only a week later that they had gotten into an accident, they didn't way what kind. But they called it an accident." She looked at me sadly. "But it wasn't an accident. My father blamed my mother for me running and he shot her. I spent weeks waiting to hear what had happened, the waiting killing me..." She whispered, wiping her own tears.

"What happened?" I asked, she looked at me and shrugged.

"I still don't know." She laughed, trying to lighten the mood and shrugged again.

"Oh god." I whispered, realizing I wasnt the only one that had a rough life.

"Here comes your boyfriend." She smiled and hugged me again, abruptly ending the conversation. I smiled at her and hugged her back tightly.

"Thank you Angie." I smiled at her she nodded at me,

"Best of luck Nici, sorry for everything." She got up and walked away, nodding at Necc as he approached me.

"Anything love?" He asked, I shook my head and he looked back at the artist, Angie, "I thought you hated each other?" He asked and sat next to me, grabbing my hand.

"We did." I laughed and shook my head, "It's a long story." I smiled at him, and just before I was about to tell him the story I heard the door finally open. The nurse had bloody hands and wrapped in her arms.

"You can come back in now, but I have some bad news..."

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