Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

(Unedited wrote on my phone sorry it's super short I was super super tired!:/)

The wind hit my feathers again, giving me that amazing blissful feeling of freedom. I twisted and turned, looking back I smiled at Angel she gave me a smile back and copied me. I turned my head towards the birds that flew with us they all began slowing down and pulling back. I stopped and looked at them, when Angel caught up she did the same.

"They can't follow." She looked at them and heard them squawk, "their homes back there." She whispered, obviously a little sad.

"Oh... Thank you so much." I smiled at the birds, they bobbed their head as a goodbye and next thing I knew they turned around and flew black towards our old home. A little sadness filled me and my shoulders slumped. Will we ever find a home, a permanent home? I sighed and continues to fly on. Now the joy of flying gone from that depressing thought.

I heard Angel begin coughing and hacking. I slowed down and turned around, just in time to see her couch super hard and begin to slow her wing patterns. She continues coughing as she quit pushing her wings against the wind.

"Angel baby!" I flew towards he'd and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her back up. "Sweetie I thought you said it was getting better." I looked at her fire red cheeks.

"Mom I'm fine it's just itchy and it hurts..." She coughed again, her voice a little rough. "I'm fine mommy." She gave me a smile I sighed and gave her more cough drops.

'Maybe they have a doctor or something at the freak show...' I thought to myself. "Angel hold on okay." I flipped her around and put her between my wings, 'now I need to find a place to stop... And I have to find out what's wrong with Angel.' I kept flying with her weighing down my every stroke, unfortunately though we were going through a part that was way too populated to land soon. I sighed and pushed myself even farther.


My wings ached And my eyes dropped. "God I need to find somewhere to stop." I said to myself, Angel was fast asleep on my back, coughing and hacking like there was no tomorrow. The clouds I was flying in boomed around me, I almost jumped out of my skin and dropped Angel. "Crap. Can I get any worse!" I shouted to myself.

And of course, it did. Only moments after I had found a safe place to land and tucked Angel under some dry bushes the rain began pouring. The Bush wasn't enough to keep my sick Angel dry for long so I began trying to make a makeshift shelter as quick as possible. And just when I was soaked and my feet were sliding around in the Mud I had finished the shelter. Drops from the now soaked Bush began dripping onto Angels fire red cheeks, I moved her as quick as possible to the dry area and tucked the blanket around her as thick and heavy as I could. I stripped my soaking clothing off and tried to hang them from the sides of our shelter, a fire couldn't be made on his weather. It would just wither away and die. So we had to endure the cold wings pressing themselves into our shelter. I cuddled up next to Angel under the blanket and wrapped my feathers around her like an extra blanket, her fire hot body nice but very alarming. My back was to the entrance of the shelter, I was mostly trying to block the freezing winds and the cold hard water from touching my already sick daughter.

My body and wings worked very well at shielding her and she continued to sleep and get warmer and warmer, but I can't say the same for me. As I there the freezing winds ate at my skin, the water was like tons of tiny bullets grazing every inch of my back. And just when I had begun falling asleep and mix of the cruel weather would attack me. Finally I had just accepted that I wouldn't be getting any sleep.

Only finally after hours and hours of laying there and protecting my sick daughter the wind gave up. The water retreated back into the earth it had soaked. And with a few hours to spare I finally found my time to sleep as well.

This time my dreams weren't filled with nightmares and devils. It was filled with Angel and I. Things we we're going to do. Places we were going to go. With a peaceful mind and dreams that weren't leaving me wanting to pull the memories out, I finally got that very much deserved rest.


my wakeup call was like the storm last night, unpleasant. I awoke with water dripping down the middle of my back. My wings aching from the overuse of yesterday, I was still very tired and wished I could sleep in.

I looked at Angel and saw her still sleeping, her cheeks looked even redder then before, her breathing sounded like she was trying to force air through a tube, and her cough was only getting worse. I tried to wake her but she didn't budge, I figured it was one Part because of the shedding and two because of the medication so I gave up on that idea and got dressed, only to juggle Angel in my arms until she was secure on my back. And I took off,my wings groaning in pain and back angry me I sighed and bemoan flying towards the new town.

I needed to find a doctor. And fast. or Angel was going to die way too soon.

Experiment 13 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now