Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter fifteen

(Wrote on my phone again. Haha.)

I signed and walked out of the tent from the ring master, people ran around me and began gathering around a fire, I was not hungry for once so I walked away from all the chaos and sat behind a tent thinking. I looked around to try and see my Angel but I couldn't even hear the sweet sound of her voice. I signed and layer down underneath the stars. We had a job now. We needed a job. Thank god. Only now for the next problem, Angel being sick. With those thoughts racing through my head I fell asleep alone under the stars, lonely tonight. It was a very rough night of almost no sleep.


I had woken up on the dusty ground and watched for a whole as the carnies are and began packing their old equipment up to move, finally I shed chosen to get up and help, and now I was helping the carnies pack up from the old show. I rubbed the sweat beads off my forehead, It had only been a day since I had saw Angel but I had already felt like I was being eaten alive without her. I was stressing myself out about what they were doing to her and if she was alright. I sighed and rolled my shoulders back, my back and my wings still aches from the pain of carrying Angel for hours upon hours and the heavy lifting from helping them take down tents was definitely doing a number on me. I signed and sat down, letting my wings stretch out, everyone has already seen or at least heard about them so I was going to let them out a while, I heard a grunt and something hit my wing I jumped up, ready to pull my claws out and defend myself. I whipped around and opened my wings really wide, hissing.

It was the boy with cat ears. His ears peaked and he went down on his hands and hissed, almost like a real cat. Because he looked at little funny a small laugh escaped my lips. He stood up, his cheeks flaring up. "S-sorry..." He mumbled scratching behind his white and brown freckled ears. I stared in as at him. "I didn't mean to run into you." He gave me a slightly crooked smile, his canines a little sharper than the rest. I felt my heart flutter a little bit.

"Um, no I'm sorry. I should have looked before I stretched." I laughed and walked towards him looking at his head, motherly instincts from Angel, he backed up a little and looked at me funny.

"What are you doing?" He asked, eventually letting me touch the spot I had bumped with my wing.

"Just let me look. I'm making sure I didn't hurt you really bad. Your not bleeding so you're okay." Then I realized what I was doing. I was checking a stranger's head out like I would my own daughter. "Oh I'm sorry!" I exclaimed and backed up. "Now its my turn to blush." I mumbled to myself, covering my cheeks. I Sat down hard and let out a long frustrated huff.

"You okay?" The stranger asked. I sighed and looked at him sadly, but hoping he could shed some light on my whole Angel situation.

"Yeah. I'm just missing my daughter that's all." I waved at his head "and obviously my mother instincts just made me check your head out." I put my head between my legs, and let out another sigh. My back aching.

"I'm assuming your daughter has wings too right?" He asked looking behind me and checking out my wings. I nodded silently letting the worry seep into my thoughts. "Oh I know where she is." As those words left his lips I jumped up.

"What! Take me to her!" I begged and grabbed his hands, pulling him up, his cheeks reddened and his eyes widened.

"Um... I uh... Ok-Kay..." His ears slightly flattened down, I let go of his hands and smiled at him.

"Please take me to her?" I asked softly. He nodded and began walking very quickly forwards. I smiled to myself, finding it a little funny that I had made him so nervous. With only a few strides we had ended up at a fairly big camp trailer, he knocked once to let his presence be known then opened the back and walked in, right away I saw Angel sitting on a chair sipping something from a mug.

"Angel!" I flew into the trailer and pushed the cat man aside without thinking. I wrapped my arms around Angel and a little bit of her drink sloshed on the floor of the car. "Angel baby are you okay?" I kissed her forehead, her body already feeling less warm then it was before. She smiled up at me

"Hi mommy! No I'm fine." She kissed me back then leaned forwards towards me. "Is that man a cat?" She whispered softly. He smiled at her and walked over.

'Yup. I'm part cat. Crazy right!" He knelt in front of her and stuck his ear her way "see feel." She reached forwards and pet his ears. She squealed and put her cup down petting both ears. He smiled and laughed with her, obviously a kid person. I walked over to the woman that had taken Angel yesterday.

"So is she okay?" I asked the woman. She smiled at me

"She had bronchitis. I gave her some aspirin to bring down the fever she was getting and I'm giving her a cup of warm honey water with some herbs in it she has to drink twice a day. It's a home remedy my mom use to do for us." I looked over at Angel and saw her laugh with the cat boy showing him her wings and letting him feel them. He was joking around with her and making her laugh. Also making her finish her warm honey water. "Make sure you watch her, if She keeps coughing up mucus then we need to 're check her out." I looked at her confused.

"She wasn't coughing anything up though." I stated she looked over at me, you may have just not noticed the mucus but she had a little the night we brought her in. Just watch her darling." She patted my head and smiled at me.

"So she has to drink warm honey water every day?" I asked her again.

"Yes. We eat breakfast and dinner together every day and I will bring a piping cup each mean until her cough disappears." She smiled and tapped my shoulder lovingly. I smiled.

"Necco I think the ring master wants to see you." The older woman spoke to the boy. He looked up from Angel, his ears shrinking down.

"Oh no. The ring master..." He mumbled and stood up. Angel grabbed his hand.

"Dont leave yet we were just having fun." She whined trying to yank him back.

"I'll see you at dinner tonight don't worry." He answered her and gave her a hug she looked sadly at him.

"Okay... You're just my only friend." She coughed and sipped her honey water, it felt like someone had taken a hammer to my heart. I had forgotten how children really needed friends I signed and watched her smile fall as he excited the trailer I walked over to her and smiled at her, putting the mug back into her hands.

"Dont worry we will see your friend Necco again now finish your drink darling." I kissed her cheek and sat next to her talking with the nurse like lady while Angel looked out the window. She had told us we could spend the night in her long car until they found another place for us. It only had two beds, one of which was hers and one that we would have to share, no problem we were use to it.

After Angel had finished her first cup of honey water the nurse lady, who's name was Leelah, made us strip completely down.

"You will have to at least look like your not homeless anymore. I'm going to wash and repair these. Go pick something from the costume room. She pointed to the back of the trailer and I walked a little awkwardly back there. "When you pick sometime throw your underwear out too!" She shouted to us. I let out a little laugh and walked into the room, it was filled with dresses and sparkly shirts. I picked out a dress that would show my wings so I wouldn't risk ripping through the fabric. Angel picked the pinkest, sparkliest dress there was, I told her she had to pick one that her wings wouldn't rip through. We couldn't ruin the clothing these people were so kind to let us borrow. I looked at myself in the mirror and brushed my hair, it felt so nice to have a real brush unknotting my hair. I sat Angel down and began brushing her baby fine blonde hair. And being like any kid all she did was whine the whole time about how it hurt and how she hated it.

"So do you like Necco?" Angel asked smiling at me. I smiled down and continued to brush her hair.

"He's nice."I answered smiling. She laughed and played with her hands.

"I like him. Better than dad." She smiled, my smile fell and I silently brushed her hair. She looked at me through the mirror. "Remember. Your a sunflower mom. Not a rose." With that I finished her hair and we for ready to go to dinner. I felt very uncomfortable in a dress then the jeans I've been in the last few months.

But finally we both were ready and cleaned up. We looked better than we ever did. I smiled and we both walked out of the trailer and towards the fire for dinner. We are both a little excited to see Necco

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