Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

(So school has started again, and I find my motivation for writing going down, ha. Sorry guys But I will keep updating. And I'm legit falling asleep while writing this haha so comment if there is any weird stuff haha)

My wings ached and my back burned, I hadn't had this feeling in a very long time, and to some extent ent I missed it. I sighed and let the wind blow my hair back, when I opened my eyes I expected to see my young Angel, flying in the clouds. But I was met with a bright sun, her figure not there. I sighed and shook my head, Neccos voice then coming over the crackling radio.

"Hey so I think we should stop soon, I'm kinda tired and starting to lose you." I heard him crackle over, his voice dry and raggedly breathing. I looked down and saw him beginning to lag behind, his small paws no match for my powerful wings. I slowed down and landed softly, to wait for him to catch up. When he did catch up I was completely right about him being out of breath. He was breaking so hard I worried he would need an inhaler soon. I hugged him and he wrapped his sweaty arm around me.

"Hey you are so fast!" He laughed, still struggling to catch his breath. I laughed and kissed his moist lips.

"Well they are wings." I winked at him and took his hand, "We will walk the rest of the way, I know a place." I kissed his knuckles and we began to walk forwards, until I recognized where we were. I smiled and sped up my past, he grunted at the sudden change in speed and began trying to catch up, stumbling over his feet and smacking branches away.

"Nici where are we going?" He asked, I could tell he was getting a little frustrated. I smiled and finally weaved through the rest of the overgrowths to reveal the bushes and bushes of raspberries I smiled and pick a few, popping them in my mouth, Necco looked at me as if asking for permission, I smile and nodded and continued popping berries in my mouth, moaning at the food. Necco smiled and popped some more into his mouth.

We ate until our fingers turned red and our tongues were rubbed raw. But I have to say I enjoyed every moment of it. After we had filled ourselves full of some berries it was time to seek shelter, especially if the clouds were telling us the truths. I sighed and began leading Necco back to the cave I remembered all too well. Only when we got there I couldn't hold back the pain anymore. And I just began sobbing.

Angel and I stayed here for the longest time!" I sobbed and grabbed Necco yanking him towards me." He hugged and kissed me, apologizing. I sighe and cried more, Neccos arrs wrapped around me in a perfect hug and he kissed the tears that were rolling down my face. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"This seems like an important spot too you isn't it?" He asked and kissed my lips again. I sighed and nodded looking him into the eyes

"Yeah this spot means a lot to me..." I whispered and cuddled closer, the breeze began blowing softer and making me even sleepier.

"Then this is the perfect time;.." He whispered and pulled something out of his pocket, it wa a mini box "You know I have thought about this since the day I saw you come through that door. You are the one person I want to be with, the one person I want to be with the rest of my life Nici. I dont care what past you came from, and what there is to come. I want to spend the rest of my life with you..." I covered my mouth and couldn't believe this was happening. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Oh my... OH my god!" I exclaimed, tears began flowing. "Yes! Yes! Always!" I shouted and kissed him deeply. "I can't believe this is happening." I whispered to his ear. He pulled me into another kiss.

"Believe it baby. Because it's happening."

And before we knew it things began to escalate very quickly. It started off with a kiss but as that kiss deeped. He traced his tongue around my lip asking for entrance. I gladly gave it to him his hands wrapped around my side, being very careful not to hurt my injury anymore. I felt him slip my top off, my skin letting the cold air bite at it his hands traced the middle of my back and he gently pushed me down, I sighed as he kissed my neck. I tugged his shirt off as he became bare chested in front of me. His hands grabbed the waist of my pants, gently pulling on it, until he finally unbuttoned my pants, his came off after.

I was beginning to get very nervous, I have never had sex before. I sighed and told him that. He smiled and said he hadn't either and took my breasts into his mouth. When we were both ready he positioned himself, asking me one last time if I was okay with it. I nodded and he pushed in, I squeaked and shut my eyes tight, the pain being more than I thought it would be.

"I'm sorry baby. It will be over soon." He whispered, gently moving, I kept breathing and tried to think about something else but the pain, until it finally subsided. And we could continue our fun. He pinned my arms down and began going faster, I moaned his name as all my worry and stress began disintegrating.


I layed next to Necco and breathed in his scent, yesterday was amazing.Something I never thought I would end up doing. But after it was done all my responsibilities came flooding back. I sighed and tried to not panic too much about the Angel situation. Neco had told me a million times that it would be okay but someone I still couldn't believe it. I had finally convinced myself that everything was okay and I fell asleep with Necco for that one beautiful night.

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