Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter twenty three

(So I'm out of town for the weekend and had to write this on my phone, so it's another sorry chapter. I'm very sorry haha.)

I awoke laying in a bed, my side was one fire and my wing hurt.

" Angel?" The word passed through my lips, I tried to get up but I only felt fire again in my side and my wing. "Fuck..." I swore and lifted my shirt, as I looked down I saw it was tightly wrapped up with bandages that were turning red, I finally got enough energy to get up and look around, I was laying in a trailer that was brightly lit, the white light was hurting my head. "Angel..." I whispered, I swung my feet over the side of the hard bed and began trying to get up, the movement was making me sick.

"Whoa whoa Nici stay down!" I saw Necco all of a sudden running to the side of my bed, I grabbed his arm and looked at him,

"They took Angel." I whispered. He looked at me sadly and nodded.

"Yeah I know baby. But we will get her back." He smiled and put his forehead against mine.

"Where am I?" I asked, swinging my ear around and looking around again.

"You're in the doctor's trailer, obviously we need a doctor around if anything were to go wrong during a show." He laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood. Then I saw the doctor walk in, she was holding a makeshift clipboard and was scanning it over, with a weird look on her face.

"Your awake?" She asked looking back down at her clipboard. I nodded and tried to get back up.

"Nici you need to stay down." Necco pushed me back on my back I tried to fight but the loss of blood was making me weak.

"With how much blood you lost you shouldn't be up for at least another day..." I heard the doctor murmur to herself. I looked at Necco dead in the eyes.

"They took her." I bluntly stated and tried to sit back up.

"Nici she will be fine until you heal. Or at least heal enough to fight back." He said pushing me back down and holding me down.

"Necco. They. Took. Her." I was beginning to get mad, I tried to fight his strong hands that are holding me down but it did no help, he was far too strong for me right now.

"And she will be fine." He said trying to sooth me.

"You don't understand!" I shouted, tears began filling my eyes. He jumped, a little startled by my approach. That gave me enough time to push his hands away and sit up, ignoring the pain in my side.

"T-they took h-h-her." My old stutter that I had worked so hard to overcome began surfacing once again. "What d-do you think their going to do?" I hissed "put her in a cage? Is that all?" I began sobbing.

"Nici what are you talking about?" Necco asked softly, holding my hand.

"They will torture her Necco. They will put her through a maze that shocks you at every wrong turn. One that you have to run on spikes to get to the exit. They will pin her wings up and begin doing god knows what to her unconscious body. They will mate her to somebody that won't ever love her back!" I shouted. Slamming my hands down. "They will hurt her, both physically and mentally." I whispered, and had now noticed the doctor had disappeared and we were alone.

"Nici there is nothing we can do right now. Unless we want to risk getting you killed." He whispered, pushing my hair back and closing his eyes. "And that's not a risk I am willing to take. I can't lose the woman I'm in love with." He whispered to me, my heart jumped and I lifted my chin, watching him open his eyes.

"But I can't lose Angel." I whispered. My heart aching between choosing to wait and risk losing Necco. Or risk going now, and losing myself.

"And I can't lose you. Angel is a strong child. I know it will be hard but I know she will be able to hold out, just in time for you to heal. Please baby. Stay for a little longer. Then we will go, together." He kissed me, and i knew I had to make my mind up, I sighed and nodded.

"I'll wait." Whispered and hugged him, hoping Angel was going to be okay.


Nick and Darren were forcing Angel to put her feet into these weird shoes, the seemed to have little spikes that were entering her feet, she shrieked painfully and they chained her hands down, then I saw different levels on the computer, they began pushing buttons and I realized they were sending electric shocks through the heels of her feet and marking down her heart rate and reaction, obese tears streaking down her red cheeks.

"Mom come save me." She sobbed and looked over to the boy that was transmitting this. My heart hurt and I tried to call out to her, I saw them click another button, one that was in the danger zone. I tried to scream her name, tried to scream something but nothing was coming out. All I could do was watch my child be torchered. Helplessly.

I jumped awake, the snores from Necco greeting Me comfortably, I began crying again but that only made my side ache more. I shifted closer to Necco who was sleeping in a chair next to my bed and gently shook him awake.

"Nici babe are you okay?" He asked, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"I need you to come and sleep with me." I begged trying to tug him into bed with me. "Please babe."

Without another word he nodded and crawled into bed with me. Being very careful of my side.

"Another nightmare?" He asked. I nodded and cuddled into his chest, then reached up and began gently stroking his ears.

"Hey Nici s-stop." He tried to push my hands away but that was before I felt his rising excitement. I gave him a devious look.

"Does that turn you on?" I asked and kept doing it.

"Only when you do it." He embarrassedly said, I smiled and climbed on top of him. Sitting right on the spot. "Nici stop-" I gave him a hard kiss and continued rubbing his ears, while my other hand was tracing patterns on his stomach. I could feel him getting more and more aroused as my hand began dipping lower and lower, as I had just slipped my hand past the waist of his shorts his hands came up and grasped my sides. I gasped in pain and yanked back, holding my throbbing wound.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Nici! I- I forgot!" He shouted trying to see the wound

"How do you just forget someone got shot?" I asked, still gasping for air

"Well I'm half awake and you're seducing me. My head was in the clouds I'm so sorry!" He spilled out apology after apology, when the pain began dying down I laid back down.

"It's okay babe." I laughed and kissed him. "But some mood killer." I laughed and cuddled back down against his chest.

"Well... We could still do it..." He mumbled I smiled.

"Goodnight Necco." I kissed his chest. "Another day." I promised.

"No rush baby. No rush." I could hear the smile in his voice before I fell back asleep.

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