Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight.

A/N- So a lot of you guys are talking about my editing, like the few mess ups I have in there and I wanted to let you all know that this is only a rough draft. Its not even the first draft. So I don't really re-read over it after I'm done writing it because, one, I'm lazy, and two, I'm going to start from the beginning and change it. Just wanted to let you guys know that's why there are quite a few screw ups, and if you just comment on were they are that would be really helpful for when  I do edit it! Thanks love you all!- Cas

I threw myself at the walls, hissing.

"Let us out!" I shouted smacking my hands against the glass. They smiled and clicked a button, a part on the floor sunk down and when it came up Tyler was standing there. I glared at him.

"Oh if it isn't my side bitch." He said walking towards me.

"What are you talking about." I glared at him, he gave me a smile, getting closer. That usual feeling I got when I was around him wasn't there, I didn't feel any love, any joy, any excitement. All I could feel was hate. He got super close and ran his hand down my cheek.

"You know we could have been perfect." He mumbled and leaned down, I yanked my face away and growled at him, he pushed me up against the wall and leaned down towards my neck.

"Get off me!" I shouted at him trying to pull away, he leaned down and sniffed my neck.

"But you had to be a bitch and cheat on me!" He sunk his teeth into my neck, I shouted in pain and yanked him off, yanking off a chunk of my neck too. I lunged at him and wrapped my fingers around his neck.

"Its not cheating if we weren't ever going out!" I scram and smashed his head against the glass that Nick and Darren were standing in, cracking it.

"Oh you're going to regret that!" He grabbed my hair and spun me around, Necco jumped up and wrapped his clawed hands around Tyler's feet, drawing blood. Tyler let go of me and I went flying down, hitting the side of Angels table. Angel shrieked and ran to the boy that was transmitting the messages to me. As I hit the table I heard something crack, my ribs, and my previous bullet wound opened up and began bleeding again, then the floor sunk down again, and Monica stood there, throwing her blonde hair over her shoulders and walking slowly towards Angel. I got up, a ringing in my ears and ran towards her. I smacked into her with such force it would have killed a normal human, I threw us into a wall, my broken body smacking it, Monica shouted in shock and tried to sink her teeth into my bleeding neck, but instead I took a chunk out of the side of her cheek, she shouted in pain and grabbed it, bleeding very bad, she shoved me down to the ground and began trying to stomp on my head. I dodged every kick, then I saw Necco and Tyler. Tyler had him in the air and was trying to choke him out, I grabbed Monica's foot and threw her into the window again, this time trying to hit her head.

As her head connected to the window it cracked even more, but Nick and Darren didn't seem worried about it. And Monica still got up. I flew up to Tyler and grabbed his leg, just as I felt Monica sink her claws into my wing, I shouted and yanked Tyler down, grabbing his ankle so hard it broke. Necco fell to the ground, gasping for air and I threw Tyler into Monica and tried to walk towards my Necco.

Then Nick clicked another button. There was the screaming sound, I fell to the ground and held my ears, screaming along with the sound. The boy that had transmitted the messages freaked out. He began throwing himself at the windows, cracking the windows and dying them with his blood, even Necco was effected this time. Monica and Tyler got up and grasped both sides of my wings, I tried to crawl away without any luck and they lifted me into the air, pinning my wings into the hooks onto the ceiling. I felt my wings begin to ooze blood, I tried to scream but nothing came out. I opened my eyes to only see blurry silhouettes of them, Monica kissed Tyler and flew towards me. Saying something I couldn't make out. Then she began beating me. Her first hit the sides of my face, I could already feel my cheek beginning to swell. She punched and bruised me, taking all her anger out on my body.

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