Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter nineteen

(My new laptop is officially on its way!!! That means longer chapters with less spelling mistakes and weird autocorrects. I'll let you all know when I begin editing them! Now onto the story, like usual, wrote on my phone haha. And sorry I went on a Long hike and it's almost midnight. So its short )

The noise was echoing in my ears, when I opened my eyes I looked like somebody else, almost like I was looking through a boys eyes, his liquid silver eyes blinked at me through the mirror, blue threads laced through his fear filled eyes, he had silver hair to match his eyes, but with claws and wolf paws instead of hands, he looked sadly at me, like he knew I was there.

'What the...' I tried to speak, the words echoed in my head but no audible noise was apparent. The boy shook his head.

'Watch carefully Nici. Learn.' The boy continued staring but his lips didn't move, the voice echoing through my head. He looked away and my eyes followed, his face was done and I saw the infant I had dreamed about before, only now the child had multiple hands and bumps around its eyes, like a mutant spider. I tried to shut my eyes, tried to turn away, but I couldn't. It was like I was stuck inside this boy's body and I had no control.  The baby laid there, not moving, not crying, just staring at Nick and darren with its sad blue eyes.

Then they sliced into its scalp, behind its ear.

'Remember Nici. These aren't just dreams.' The boys voice spoke again. I was frozen, the baby Condi yes to stare at the men without making a sound, even when they were slicing into its skin. The boy looked down, and my eyes followed also, 'the young ones... Get the ear. The old ones...' His eyes rested onto his arm and she squeezed an area of skin, 'get the arm." A large bump became apart. Nick looked over at him.

"What are you doing Logan. Go back down!" Nick's arms raises and the boy flinched. 'Goodnight Nici. Don't forget to come back for us. Your our only hope...' With those last words echoing in my head nick's hand came smashing down, and everything went black.

I jumped awake from my nightmares, sweat  poured down my body and shakes ran through me. it was almost like I was back in those cages, those training centers, those torched chambers. I threw the blanket off of me and slowly got up, stepping outside where I just began to cry and cry. I heard someone shift in their bed and get up, the bed strings scrame at them. When I looked back I saw Necco and he walked out and sat next to me.

"Nightmare?" He asked, and without saying anything he held his arms out and let my cry until my body couldn't make any more tears. We talked about if and I rambled on and on to him. After the story was spilled out and i had begun crying again he pulled me close and hugged me. He got up And almost carried me back inside, I felt the bed springs pop as we got back into the bed and realized that I wasn't in my bed anymore. I didn't argue. I needed someone. So instead I just cuddled close, and cried myself to sleep. Enjoying having someone hold me like they care.


I woke up with Necco gone, empty Bed sheets laid crumpled next to me, I yawned and got up, still shaken from last nights dream, and before I even had time to think about it I had a million woman in my room in under a second. they all began getting me and Angel ready, they had made her get up and were now smearing red lipstick on her lips and teeth.

"You go on in ten." The one woman that was fastening me up in my dress nodded to me. I looked at her funny.

"Show?" Before they even answered my question they had shoved me outside where another woman grabbed my wrist  anything to me after,  angel follows a little confused .  They pushed us both into attend  and without a warning shoved us outside of the tent, and i was standing In the spotlight. In the middle of the stage.

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