Chapter Twelve

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Chapter twelve

(Unedited wrote on my phone. I know it's short sorry guys, when I get my new laptop I'm going to edit these and they will be longer promise.)

I awoke and rubbed my sore eyes. It felt like I had been sleeping for ages, I my no matter how much I rubbed my eyes and how much I attempted to wake up there still lingered the fog of sleep. I sighed and got all the way up, the cardboard box we had slept on shifting underneath me, you never know how comfortable a cardboard box could be until you have spent multiple nights on a cave floor. I looked up looking for Angel, she was gone again.

"God Dammit." I cursed to myself. The fog making it hard to think or move quickly. I looked over and saw that mark was gone to all that was left in his place was the cat. I tried to get up, the sleeping bag that engulfed me falling from my body. 'Angel..." I weakly muttered to myself. I barely got to my feet and a few steps before they gave out on me, I crashed to the ground and skidded my palms against the unfriendly concrete. Not even the small pain of a cut was making itself through the thick fog of sleep. I laid there in a heaping pile of defeat.

Not even Tyler could defeat me how was a little sleepiness forcing me down. As I layed on the cold ground I realized how much I was itching. Everything on my body was itching like mad. I tried to sit up to keep walking but my legs wouldn't move. 'Why am I so itchy?' I asked myself, forcing Just enough energy to crawl back to the cardboard. I tried not to scratch, but as I laid there hoping mark was keeping Angel safe my skin began spasming even more. Finally I reached towards my arm and scratched it as hard as I could, my skin flaked off like baby feathers shedding from a young birds wing. I was shedding my thick layer of skin.


After non stop scratching my body finally gave into the side effects. 'Angel...' Was my last thought before I fell back into the nightmares I've been having since the escape.


Tyler was sitting in a chair, Monica rubbing his hands. There was a less insane look to her and her wings didn't seem to be shedding as much, Tyler's one wing was wrapped up tightly.

"So explain to me how this last experiment works..." He muttered watching Monica.

"They believe their free... But they don't know that we really know their every move..." Nick laughed looking over darren's shoulder.

"How?" Tyler questioned.

"Why the tracker of course..."


I snapped awake, with the feeling of a cat rubbing against me, it's tickly fur rubbing my fresh soft skin. I jumped up, the nasty side effects of shedding now cleared, the fog of sleep no more. But Angel was still gone.

I hissed curse words to myself and got up pushing the cat as nicely as I could away. I looked down at the ground to see my tennis shoes had made it back to me, a few berries sitting next to them. I looked down confused, did Angel bring them to me? Then one of our birds landed next to the pile, laying another berry down and squawking at me. I looked up and smiled.

"Thanks guys. Is she with Mark?" I asked. One bobbed its head up and down and then I heard her voice echo down the alleyway. I crossed my arms and began tapping my foot.

"Hi mommy! Looks like you're up!" And squeaked and smiled at me, all I returned was a glad at her.

"Angel. Why did you once again leave without me!" I shouted at her, she jumped back, obviously scared. "Last time you did that you got lost and gave me a damn heart attack looking for you!" I shouted throwing my hands into the air.

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