♡Chapter 20♡

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AN: i swear this is not a joke; this is an actual chapter. why, you ask? bc i felt like this fic was rushed and still somehow unfinished so i want to add to what happens later since here was a lot of unanswered mysteries. id make a sequal but every time i do i always give up on it for some reason :/ anyways i hope you guys dont mind! i mean, chp 18 did say TO BE CONTINUED yall shoudve seen it coming. i miss writing this fic c:
I hate wearing these fucking suits. It's like being trapped in a jail cell but in suit form and I'm not even kidding. It's been ten minutes that I've been in this damn thing and I'm already sweating a river.

Trust me, I would never wear a suit but because I'm an amazing friend of Hanji's, I just couldn't let her down and had to wear a suit because it was her special day.

By 'special day' it's pretty obvious that I mean wedding because most of them are inevitable. I don't mind looking like an animal in a suit if it means it's for Hanji's sake.

Levi didn't want to wear one either but he was forced to wear one by Erwin. Compared to me he looks like an angel who descended from the heavens... a very grumpy angel that is.

Of course Hanji and Erwin tried forcing him to wear a bow with his suit but he refused and used a cravat as a substitute of fucking course.

Besides our wardrobe malfunction, everything seemed to be perfect as planned. The sun was a beautiful, glistening ball of gold and the air smelled of happiness and excitement. They were going to have their wedding in a garden because Hanji grew quite fond of them while she and Eyebrows were in Germany.

There is so many delphiniums, morning glory's, primrose, hollyhock and other flowers I couldn't recognize that sprouted out gracefully from the ground.

The garden was decked out with white, wooden chair aisles and a huge podium where the bride, groom and priest would stand when saying vows or whatever the heck they were called.

Some people started to arrive and surprisingly Levi's ex is here too. What was her name? Petra? It didn't really matter now because she seemed to be with a weird guy named Oluo who always bit his tongue by accident.

Petra's presence bothered Levi of course because he tried his hardest to avoid her when she looked at him if she wanted to talk to him.

"Be friendly," I hiss quietly as I shove him a little.

"I don't know why this bitch is even here. Hanji and Erwin don't even like her," he growls and grits his teeth.

"Just keep your mood in check for today. I'm sure she won't bother you later, okay?" I tell him.

"If she talks to me or even looks at me for more than half a second I swear there will be a dead body at the bachelor party."

"Levi," I warn in a low voice.

"I'm just kidding, Jaeger," he says with a smirk. "If your friend Mikasa tries to make a move on you I can guarantee that I will beat her ass to a pulp."

"Levi," I repeat again.

"I'm just joking but you see the point, right?"

"Hmm mm," I say uncertainly because he does seem like the kind of person who would beat any person up any day.

"Good. I'm going to check on Captain America and Shitty glasses now. I'll see you later," he says and leans closely to plant a small kiss on the corner of my mouth which leaves me feeling awfully warm.

I swear for a split second that maybe I might faint but fortunately Armin walks towards my direction with a small wave.

"Your boyfriend looks scary," he teases with a small grin. "Long time no see, Eren."

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