✿Chapter 14✿

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It happened way too quickly that I wasn't able to react in time. Levi roughly pins my wrists to the floor with steel grey eyes piercing right through me. His breathing was ragged like he just ran through an entire desert and even though he's very short and a little small, he probably had the strength of a pro wrestler which scares me.

"You promised," he starts and leans in closer so that his warm breath flutters against my cheeks, "that you wouldn't call me short if I agreed to come out of my room."

"I didn't know you would actually take it that seriously," I laugh nervously. "And I can't remember if I promised or not."

"Well I can't remember either but I will assume you did anyway."

"Uhm," I say awkwardly, "can you please get off me? You're hurting my wrists."

"You should've thought of that before you called me short."

"I'm sorry, alright? You don't have to make such a big deal out of it. Besides aren't you labeled as short and small all the time?"

"Yes, that's very true but," he pauses, "I'm pretty sure you did promise and I don't like having my promises broken, Jaeger," he says and wrinkles his nose a little.

"Okay alright I'm sorry. Could you please get off me now?"

"Fine but call me short one more time and I will rip off your eyes and make them watch as I throw your body into a chasm."

"That sounds pretty cruel"



What the hell am I doing? The longer I stay with that idiot brat the more out of control I get. What is happening to me? Why must I act different around him? And why the fuck does my stupid ass heart beat louder and harder when we're near each other? Could this mean that...

I like Eren?

No! It can't possible mean that at all! I've been straight my whole life so why at this time am I developing this stupid thing called feelings? I really need to get a hold of myself before I end up fucking things up for sure. I also really want to hate him but how could I? Seriously look at him; he's an attractive eighteen year old German boy with the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen and it's like the World stops spinning for a moment when he fucking smiles.

I slap myself, not mentally but legit.

"Levi, are you okay?" Eren asks when we get back from Hanji's place.

"Yes of course what makes you say that?" I ask nervously and rub at my cheek.

"Just five seconds ago you slapped yourself..." he trails off and gives me a weird look.

"My face so happened to have an itch," I lie, "so I slapped myself.

"You're so weird," he says and grins. "Anyways do you want to start number six on the list tonight or not?"

I steal a glance up at the clock which reads 8:24 so we still have a lot of time.

"Sure. Get ready to have your ass pounded."

Before we start this pillow war, I have to pay up twenty cents. We both deck the living room with all the pillows I possibly have and we arm our self with body-sized pillows that would probably knock an innocent kitten cold. We both stand at the apposite side from each other and we haven't started yet but I can taste the competition in the air.

"There's just one simple rule which is the following: first one to fall three times loses and if you break anything I will not hesitate to punch you at least one billion times. Got it?"

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