❁Chapter 17❁

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It's awfully warm despite being showered in fucking freezing cold water and accidentally leaving the window open over night for some stupid reason but curiosity won't stop me from getting some sleep because ever since that shitty little brat came into my life I've been sleeping like a fucking otaku and to be honest; those kind of kids don't get a lot of sleep. I can feel warm air tickling the nape of my neck as I open my eyes slowly and I realize I almost completely forgot that Eren is with me right now. No wonder it's as warm as a rain forest because he's asleep and has his arm wrapped around me as he drools.

Fucking disgusting but cute.

It's like my hand has a mind of its own because my finger tips drift forward in front of me to gently caress his lower lip without getting any saliva on myself. I leave my finger there for a while, appreciating his calm expression for a while until he begins to stir. I expect him to just stay asleep but I'm surprised when he pulls me closer and nuzzles his face into my hair.

"Hi," he greets me and sniffs. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah. We should do this more often," I answer with a nod.

"As long as you don't do anything dirty then I'm okay with it."

"What? You don't trust me and think I'm going to do something nasty?" I say with a tired grin as I skillfully slide my hand to the small of his back and moving it down ward.

"Exactly and you just demonstrated it," he replies nervously.

"This isn't even close to nasty," I sneer, "but I could give another example if you want."

"No thanks," he says a little too quickly.

"Ah you're no fun," I whisper. "Do I get no morning kiss?"

"I d-don't remember signing up for any of that," he stutters.

"Then I guess you don't really have a choice," I murmur before delicately placing my mouth on his. His breathing hitched in his throat before I pull back.

"See? Just a small one," I say with raised eyebrows. "Honestly what do you think I would do to you? Sex?"

"I NEVER SAID THAT," Eren screeched and got up in a sitting position.

"Lies," I whisper in his ear and placing a kiss on his ear lobe.

"Ew don't kiss me there," he complains.

"Where then?" I ask. "Here?" I demand as I swiftly move my mouth to his over-exposed collar bone.


"Hmm...how about here?" I say and kiss his nose, his eyelids, his flushed cheeks and basically everything else on his face but I leave an extra long one on his mouth.

"Stop it or you'll make me dizzy," he whines and playfully pushes me away.

Cute little shit.


After a small breakfast and a quick change of clothes, we both decide to leave the house early and drive to the hospital so that no one would notice us getting in Erwin's office. Eren was in charge of the music the moment we entered the car but he always listened to a radio station for only three seconds before switching again and again.

"Make up your mind. It's getting annoying."

"I don't like any of these songs though," he says with a small pout.

"Then turn it off."

"But then it would be silent in here."

"Talk to me then," I say and take his hand with his free hand, making him jump a little.

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