✿Chapter 28✿

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"So what kind of secrets and people do you know?" Levi demanded in a hushed whisper despite them being the only ones in the room. Levi was awfully curious and it didn't surprise him that she knew a lot of people; she would probably have a new boyfriend every week.

She gave out a low whistle and tapped her foot against the ground as if trying to remember something important.

"I know people you can hire to do the dirty work for you," she whispered with a small grin playing on her mouth. "They're very skilled and talented and I think they would definitely find that person and exterminate them for you."

"Why are you telling me this information?" the male asked curiously as he raised an eyebrow. "You want something in exchange. right?"

"Levi, I want your trust. Honestly I admire you and you're a very great guy and I miss you. I don't want you to look at me like some kind of whore-"

"But you are one."

"That isn't the point," Petra snapped as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. "I don't want you to look at me like I'm the bad guy in this situation. I want you back."

"I am happily taken," Levi grumbled.

"Not that way, you idiot. I meant as friends. I miss being your friend and I hate that you talk to me as if I'm some kind of...enemy. I want to help you so you can be happy. I want you to be happy," she explained.

"I have Eren therefor I am happy."

"Yes but like you said, there is someone you're trying to find and you seem a little bothered by it. I can really help you out," she said quickly and offered a small smile. "I have lots of people who can help."

"Petra, are you talking about hit men?" Levi asked finally. It's been so long since her name casually rolled off his tongue in a non-angry way.


"You do know that's fucking illegal."

"I know, but you do want him dead, right?"

"Listen, Petra, sounds like a splendid plan but I do not intend to be the reason for a matter and end up in jail, okay? Now leave, you have said enough."

"Okay, okay. Maybe we don't have to kill them. We can catch them and throw them in jail for hurting your precious, little Eren. You want justice, right? Then justice we shall have."

Levi tapped his chin and thought about her offer for a while but she was patient. She was ready to get any answer out of him. He walked around the small room for a while as he thought about it for a little longer. It was true what she said. He wanted justice. There was no way that some jerk would waltz in and hurt Eren then get away with it. He wanted that old fart to be punished and punished he shall.

"Alright. I'm interested."


Eren ducked behind the counter as he violently sneezed. Sasha and Connie looked over at him with some mild concern on their faces.

"Hey, bro, if you're sick you didn't have to arrive to work," Connie said.

"I'm not sick," Eren said with a small sniff. "I sneezed which means someone is talking about me..."

"Probably your super scary boyfriend, huh?" Sasha teased as she placed cookies inside the display shelf.

It was a cool, spring day but it was extremely busy in the bakery. There were massive orders for cupcakes and cake pops and the whole crew was working passed their limit. Mikasa even joined and she didn't even work here. There was flour flying all over the air in the kitchen and cracked eggs all over the floor but they had no time to clean anything. It was complete chaos. Marco was decked out in an apron stained with icing and flour as he fought with Jean for the white icing.

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