★Chapter 21★

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(AN: switching to past tense bc im too used to it ugh)

-3rd person

Eren and Levi don't have much in common but they had a few things that they both hated and one of them are parties. Sure any guy would find a party an excellent way to hook up with some pretty girl and maybe even flirt if they were lucky but this isn't the case.

People getting drunk annoy them both and they just didn't want to deal with anything weird while people were turnt as fuck.

It's now late evening and the majority of the people at the party are indeed drunk but this is only the beginning.
The air smells of sweat and tequila and possibly even vomit which disgusts Levi on a very high level. They were all at Hanji and Erwin's new house and the lights have went down so it was very dim. The house was a little too big for just a newly wed couple and people were easily lost in here.

Everyone was dancing- well...not really but basically just swaying their hips from side to side and jumping up and down like school children would at pre-teen dances. The house wasn't filled with much furniture besides couches and alcohol battles so it very much resembled an exclusive night club.

Loud and heavy dubstep filled with violent drops and beats were playing but even so, Hanji and Erwin were both slow dancing in the middle of the room as if they couldn't hear anything at all. Eren was sitting on a black, leather couch with his head resting on the arm.

He didn't do much besides chat a little to Hanji and a few other people like Christa and Armin but that was about it. He wasn't bored but just tired and he hasn't seen Levi much during the party because he was probably making sure that no one would make a mess.

He really hoped Mikasa wouldn't find him and talk to him because she didn't know yet despite Levi being all touchy and close with Eren. He sighed and closed his eyes for a while. His life has gotten better since he started living with Levi but it still felt like such a mess.

There were a lot of reports on the news about Grisha and possibilities saying that he might me out there, alive and breathing. It scared Eren but his father couldn't find him if he no longer lived at his old house because of course it was burnt down to the ground in ashes.

Everything was perfect the way it was so why was he worrying so much?

After a while of deciding weather he should fall asleep or stay awake, he felt someone plop onto the couch beside him. He instantly scooted away a little to make some room but he felt hands wrap around his waist so he immediately opened his eyes.

"Hey," Levi said sheepishly with a bored expression...if that was even possible.

"Can we go home?" Eren complained. "I want to sleep."


"Why not?" he demanded.

"Because who's supposed to make sure that no one starts a riot when the alcohol is all gone? I can't just leave them here when they're all dead drunk, Eren, and it is their wedding night after all," Levi told him in a quiet voice.

Eren frowned but nodded.

"Hey, I'll make it up to you, okay? Tomorrow can just be you and I and wherever you want no matter how expensive it is," Levi declared.

Eren grinned a little; he couldn't stay mad at Levi because all the older male wanted was for Eren to be happy.

"Okay," he replied.

"Besides, if I weren't here everything would be fucked up," Levi told him. "Just hope and pray no one vomits on you."

"Please don't jinx it," Eren said tiredly.

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